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Chapter 1989 1989. One Large Ceremony

Chapter 1989 1989. One Large Ceremony

As Dawn broke, things were already moving.

The entire party had woken up early. More than that, so had their parents and siblings. Specifically, they were changing in to formal attire that had been made by the elves and handed down for generations.

The reasons that they had to change in to such clothing was simple, it was part of the ceremony. The rune patterns had been carved years and years ago by specific elves that had done so in belief that the runes, which did not work, were able to promote natural mana to some degree.

While all races had their own false beliefs, it felt foolish to the elves now that they knew so much about how to access true natural mana. But when they saw some of the other races\' fairy tales, they believed that they were just the same as others. It was an odd way to relate amongst the races.

Walker was wearing a very unique robe that showed off every elemental symbol. It felt right to him and he was glad to what that this was worn by an elder that made his life balancing the rights of each elemental mage within the forest elves.

But things were just starting here. They had all bathed to clean themselves of anything that could possibly contaminate the ceremony. Another thing that was just proper. Be clean when going to important events. However, the elven beliefs and superstitions were respected since that was just the right thing to do.

While they all walked to the coliseum which was the venue for this event, they had to drop wild flower seeds. It had been chosen by Alma since she knew some of the wildflowers were at risk to go extinct. This was because of many world events and the harvesting of them by people who value their appearance.

This one thing was a sign that the elves would be able to take a great handle on important things known like this. Some plants and even been discovered within the Sigil continent thought to be extinct by the leaves since they could not find when there are within their home forest any longer.

Alma valued this species of wild flower mix and knew that it would mean a lot to Genesis to return something nearly lost. She had also spent a full day adding her mana to the seeds along with having some farmers, Gil\'s mother included, assist her. Now it was a near guarantee that this would bring back many flowers to the surrounding wilderness.

The coliseum had many people outside. They were there to hear the words spoken. The outreach of respect and learning was also well above. Many people had gone out of their way to learn the proper methods to respect this ceremony. especially the higher ranked beings from other kingdoms.

Walking within the coliseum, Gil and Alma took the lead. They saw the dew beginning to fall or evaporate from the unique garden created there. As they stopped at the tallest point, the party knew of what they should do. They had studied the steps they were to perform.

"As family and as witnesses to this event, we offer the strongest fruit for you two. Consume it and use the seeds to grow a source of sustenance for your family in the future." Walker spoke his lines and the rest did the same. They all offered different foods harvested from the wild. This was one thing Walker did on how way home with Gil the day before.

The elves and others in attendance repeated this while holding out empty hands. It was a show that they were willing to offer themselves and their time to the growth of new life as well. A symbolic gesture of support.

"What of death and decay!" the roar of a single vice shook through the air threatening to ruin the peace.

"Then it is welcome too. All things live and die. As one being perishes, it give way to another\'s birth." Alma spoke out against this voice. It was a show that the two were willing to remain united even in the darker times of nature. In the worst cases of life.

"When we stand alongside every aspect of the world, nature will stand beside us!" The two spoke out together as the elves responded with the same words. To Walker, it felt that the manas around and stopped for a moment.

While everyone had doubted some ceremonial aspects of their elven heritage, the elves realized with Gil, that they should be looking in to their history more. That they might have lost their true paths. Now more than ever with the echidna race beginning to show themselves more often. Beginning to teach other races more often about natural mana and the flow of nature at its core. The balance of nature.

As multiple elves and elders showed their own words of bond and respect, the manas surged around the entire coliseum. The mages had begun their own work. Some of them were using their mana to burn certain herbs and others were using their to create a show. However, Alice had taken on an important role.

Every single elven marriage had one elemental mana that was chosen by the couple in question. They chose it to represent what they believed their union brought.

Gil and Alma had chosen light. Not just because they hoped to bring a new future to light. But because they felt that every instance between them had been a bright and new discovery. Of either their heritages or of themselves. They believed that light would represent this very well.

Alice began singing. Words that were soft, almost dark. Her song held lyrics relating the isolation and walled off mentality of the forest elves. But her pitch rose along with the light growing around the coliseum. It shows shattering walls that opened to floating orbs.

The words changed again to show an open and a curious explorations. But soon it changed to a fast paced run. High and lower pitches to represent adventures full of risk and rewards. Sad points when terrible events happened or were learned. Happy points where they grew together to overcome these events.

The images of various different places were made of light. The song had created so many places that the party had gone or that Alice had seen Alma and Gil in. it was enough to make many stare in awe with their jaws dropped. They had not imagined that Alcie had been able to develop her skills to such a mystical level.

It was clear that at this moment, Alma and Gil struggled to even keep their own eyes dry. However, as the song ended and it left a halo of light around the pair, the entire coliseum went silent.

Before anything else could happen, a ring of flowers bloomed around them. The current forest elf queen was signaling the new life beginning here along with the end of the ceremony.

The coliseum finally erupted in to cheers and conversations. This was a major day for more than just Gil and Alma. the day was to also celebrate the official joining of the elves and the humans, but more importantly, the Elves\' roles within Genesis overall.

"I still wouldn\'t have expected that Gil would make the move to marry Alma so soon. I thought he would get all caught up and chicken out." Remey was holding herself away from the others. Clearly she was a little tired still from her alchemy work. Yet, Su definitely saw Remey hiding a tear from them, so, she wasn\'t so sure Remey was really tired.

"I could have told you they would. Gil was stuck on Alma the moment he met her. Even though he was a little afraid of the poison vines she controls. But those two have a lot in common." Walker knew that Alma had her own views about the future. However, she and Gil shared a strong care for the nature around them. They also shared a view that all people should be together to explore that nature. That no area was off limits or isolated from these adventurers.

"I just wonder what will happen next. Those two are going to be way too much to be around." Reey kept talking to herself but it was clear that she was very happy to be around. Her eyes also were drifting off to some of the setting set aside for the representatives of the other races. But Walker pretended not to see that.

"We have a party to get to. This entire space will be for representatives and for families come the next hour. Midnight and I will be hunting for new snacks." Su and Midnight changed the topic and looked excited. Alice rejoined them and was roped in. Walker didn\'t see a single thing wrong with that. It would be fun.


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