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Chapter 1996 1996. Born In Flames

Chapter 1996 1996. Born In Flames

This was something that had started a while ago. When Remey and Ignus had begun to share the information about the dominator dragon\'s flames, and even before that.

It was the fact that Remey had relied on Ignus for some of his fire control. He was a fire dragon, a royal fire dragon. Naturally, Ignus had an exceptional control of flames.

Therefore, whenRemey was learning more about fire and alchemy, it made sense that she would look to him. But because of that, the two had developed more than just what anyone would call a working relationship.

Remmey had shown interest in the way that fire existed. she had not ignored his words. She had been able to ask and understand the way that Ignus thought. The two were hot heads which helped out in that matter.l plus, he had learned to respect her since she did not just fear hum.

At first, everyone had shown fear to the dragons. It was only natural when someone met something or someone much more powerful than them that they would show fear. This was evident in the youngest of children when they met the adults of the world. It was just instincts to be wary at the very least of someone more powerful than them.

But Remey had not been that way with Ignus. She had even been willing to butt heads with him when he was stubborn. That went both ways though. Instead of treating her like the rest of the party, or like his fellow royal dragons, Ignus had quickly treated Remey as an equal.

This was the best way for the two to relate. For the fire dragons. The control of flames and strength was very evident. In The elder dragons that came, they had the same hot temper. The only thing that forced them to hold that together was the fact that Ignus could easily snuff their flames out in an instant. Therefore, they kept themselves very controlled.

This was evident in the way that they had mostly remained within their territories. Some had even requested to return to their own villages after helping fight the war that they were now part of. Unfortunately, that would not be how the future developed. Just like Ignus, they would take a lot of time to get used to the new things within Genesis.

But the history of the harsh nature of the fire dragons was longer. It had already been shown in the way that they treated their young. If they were not born powerful enough, they were kicked out and became rogue dragons. Something that they had learned was wrong the hard way. Not Ignus actively worked to change that.

It was why there was such a stark contrast between how Remey treated Ignus. He had taken the time to learn from her and about her. He had heard the story of losing parents. Of Remey being an orphan. How she had spent years trying to learn something that was not even her system so that she could help them.

All that had built up and she had become a hero with a?unique first of its kind system. Something that was already recorded within the history books and would be passed down for generations. It was even more evident that she was willing to go that extra mile.

It had all been the last bit tio push Ignus over the line. So much so that he was now able to widen his view. This had created a bond unlike others. He had allowed her to learn and listened to what her thoughts were about her own strength.

The bond they had now, shared between them a unique understanding of pure flames that no others had. It was a bond that came from a ritual that only dragons would undertake. He knew that he could easily manipulate the fire mana within her body. He had adapted to the mana faster. He had already gone through the process and managed to adjust himself. He had just taken longer to manage that princess because he had less of the pure fire mana he needed.

Yet, if he did this, Remey would not be Remey. He could not only harm her, but he could ruin the entire growth process and leave her without the ability to manipulate fire mana ever again. Ket alone her own mana. It would be crushing every dream she had already achieved and wished to achieve.

The day that the grand fire affinity potion was completed, he had witnessed that she was not accepting the fire mana entirely. Now, she was allowing it to run through her body. It was the same way that he had managed the fire mana as a dragon. As a dragon becoming a dominator dragon.

While he could sense the changes and knew the pain that Remey felt, he could do nothing. This made his mind and heart fill with undeterred rage. Yet he was calm. Yet he remained watching.

The skin burning off and Remey\'s form became a white hot flame that seemed impossible made Ignus understand that this was why the path could not be the exact same for the both of them. She was human. He was a dragon. Yet they had been able to walk the same path. One not walked by a human and one that had been walked by a dragon.

However, as the mana thrummed within his heart, he understood that having the unique bond with a grand fire spirit was why Remey could do this. She had already developed the inner match to flames that was within him the entire time since birth. She had matched this with her soul when the spirit marks were formed.

While the grand fire spirit was not acting now, the mana had allowed Remey to become closer to flames in a unique manner that now played a part. The draconic method that left Remey with slight signs of scales or marks on her body were still there from that method. She had a bond with Ignus now, regardless of anything, it would show through.

As the sudden heat that had begun to make Walker work even harder to keep his resistance, Ignus closed his eyes softly. He had felt an intense calm come through him. One that he knew was not his whatsoever. one that was somehow shared with him regardless of his thoughts and mind.

"She is done now. It was a hard process, but now she has created a new path that brings dragon history, spirit bonds, and a hero title in to play. I am always impressed." Ignus had sounded like he was praising something invaluable. To be fair, Remey was invaluable to many people. Especially to family.

When the heat suddenly ended, there was a space where Remey had stood. A single burned and molten spot of ground surrounded by a?wide ring of ashes and then burned plants. The spot that everything had just happened in was more than what was expected. However, Walker was shocked not to see Remey standing there any longer.

The blinding light of the hottest flames had been enough to keep him from easily seeing things. But his mind had gone to the worst first thing. That Was how many caring family members would be.

"Stop looking there. I am here."

Remey\'s voice was a little hoarse. An understandable thing due to her large effort. But when Walker looked over, she was using Ignus to hold herself up. Brilliant red hair that appeared to be flames themselves cascaded lower than it had before.

Burning red irises with the slightest of a slit shape. Spirit patterns that moved around her arms and to her hands showed off the way that the spirit marks had become one with her. No longer?a bond between grand fire spirit and human, but part of who Remey was. The bind she had now was the flames she had within her body.

She also appeared more slender. Along with being taller. It was like a growth spurt of sorts, but not enough that she would be unrecognizable. What really struck Walker, was that the fire mana all around them could not at all listen to him. It seemed innately drawn to Remey in all forms.

"You look as if you were born in a volcano and created the lands we walk." Ignus\'s complement would have sounded odd to anyone. However, it made Remey softly hit his shoulder in embarrassment. Walker could only furrowed his eyebrows in wonder since this was an odd atmosphere in general.

"You look so great!" Su chimed in as she was able to rush closer. Remey just smiled softly. It semed that her exhaustion would be making her sleep for the next few days at least. However, everyone had one question, what were the results of her battle with the fire mana just now. Walker was waiting calmly, he refused to use the all around appraisal to peak at her private stats right now.


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