
Chapter 11 - A Special Relationship With The Witch (Part I)

Chapter 11: A Special Relationship With The Witch (Part I)

“Ding! You can do it, you’ve ran 1 kilometers, elapsed time 12 minutes 05 seconds.”

The running app’s broadcasted data was within three meters of the projected information from his shoes, but there was more detailed data associated with the running shoes.

This time, Meng Fan did not open the ‘gait correcting forced intervention’ feature. Instead, he adjusted himself little by little based on the smart voice feature. The result was alright. The ratio of his foot varus and valgus had been controlled to be within 10%. As for the track, because of Meng Fan’s current physical state, it was not realistic for him to be always pressing on his toes. It was only possible to reduce the proportion of his heel that touched the ground, increasing the normal landing ration.

This time around, it took Meng Fan way less time to run one kilometer. He had gone from 15 minutes to 12 minutes; reducing his time by 3 minutes. This was a great leap!

What amazed him was that his second 500 meters was actually faster than the first!

What amazed him even more, was that he could still run!

“Ding! You’ve ran 1.5 kilometers, elapsed time 18 minutes 9 seconds!”

The third half kilometer was consistently shorter than the first.

2000 meters!

When the 2 km alert rang, Meng Fan abruptly stopped in his steps, slowing his pace into a walk.

The elapsed time no longer mattered to Meng Fan.

“I actually ran 2 kilometers in one go!”

Meng Fan heaved as he walked, sweating profusely and grinning like an id*ot. This was his first time experiencing the joy of sweating.

He took off his head band and wrung it out, placing the dry band back on his head.

“Holy crap, it’s another black magic device!”

Anyone who runs would know that the most annoying thing about sweat on your forehead is that it will drip into your eyes, so bad that you can’t even wipe it when you run. The sweat will just add the feeling of erosion and discomfort to your eyes.

Hence, people who run often prepare a sweat-wicking headband that effectively absorbs sweat and prevents it from entering the eyes.

Meng Fan’s head band, which was exchanged using 10 points also had this same effect. What was ridiculous is that it absorbed so much sweat! It seemed that the sweat just got evaporated. The craziest thing, however, was that it continued to bring a cooling feeling to Meng Fan, effectively adjusting his forehead temperature and even part of his body temperature.

In addition, the sweat band also provided Meng Fan with a list of data, such as changes in body temperature, blood circulation speed, etc. Although Meng Fan didn’t know what the data meant, he still felt it was a mysterious technology.

Oh, one thing was very useful, though. That is the head band’s function of “weather forecast”. At any given time, it could tell Meng Fan the temperature changes, including the UV intensity and other factors.

Of course, this didn’t mean it was a good thing.

For example, Meng Fan wouldn’t get to experience the satisfying feeling of wringing out a soaked headband.

“You’re actually running!”

Zhang Zhou Wei appeared out of nowhere, handing Meng Fan a bottle of water.

“Of course, what else would I be doing?” Meng Fan took the water and gave Zhang Zhou Wei a look. “Did you think I was b*llshi*ng, so you came over to see for yourself?”

Zhang Zhou Wei nodded his head intensely. He had been watching for a long time on the side. “I still can’t imagine it now, you really can run.”

“To be honest, running feels really good. I think you should try it too.” Meng Fan slowly took a small mouthful of water.

Zhang Zhou Wei shrugged. “With a figure like mine, I don’t need to run. Besides, I already have a girlfriend.”

“Running isn’t necessarily just for losing weight, it can also keep you fit! I’m just worried about your noodle arms and legs, even if you have a girlfriend, you have no strength to satisfy her.”

Meng Fan tossed the water bottle back to Zhang Zhou Wei, flipped his head and continued his run.

“You fat a*s will never understand what it means to be skinny by circumstance!”

Zhang Zhou Wei resisted the urge to throw the bottle at Meng Fan. After a small sneeze, he rubbed his chin. “Guess it wouldn’t hurt to try running.”

Of course, this idea was left in the dirt once he received Wang Ya Nan’s text, compliantly going off to watch a movie with her.

After running another kilometer, Meng Fan slowed down to a walk. He walked two laps around the track to regain his strength and ran another kilometer. Then he dragged his collapsed body back to the dormitory, and after showering—passed out once his head hit the pillow.

“My god, sleeping this early again?”

Zhang Zhou Wei, who had just returned from the movie knew Meng Fan was asleep as soon as he asked his other roommates.

“My god, you’re awake this early again?”

The next day, Zhang Zhou Wei woke to scattered noises. He turned his head to the other side of the wall, trying to ignore the clamor.

After about 8 minutes, Zhan Zhou Wei begrudgingly rolled out of bed.

It wasn’t to run, but to bring breakfast for Wang Ya Nan, stopping by to check on Meng Fan on the way before returning to his dorm to go back to sleep.


Wu Tong appeared on the track field again. Seeing Meng Fan, she smiled and waved.

Running 5 kilometers with an approximate speed of 5:30—that is, each kilometer only taking five minutes and a half—Wu Tong was fast for a girl, even faster than most guys. So when she saw Meng Fan still running, she was pleasantly shocked.

“It seems like you’re a lot faster than yesterday, but if you keep going at this speed you won’t be able to finish 2 kilometers.”

“Your posture looks pretty professional.”

“Are you the same guy from yesterday?”

Wu Tong lapped Meng Fan again, turning to give him a thumbs up. Then she began to speed up, increasing her pace to about 5:10 per kilometer. After running a few laps, she finally saw Meng Fan walking.

Continuing her pace, she speedily finished her 20 laps and joined Meng Fan in walking.

“Your condition seems a lot better than yesterday.” Wu Tong eccentrically asked Meng Fan. “How many kilometers did you just run for?”


Still huffing, Meng Fan exposed a smile that was uglier than crying. He was pretty satisfied with himself.

“Come on, the important thing is to persevere.”

Wu Tong gave him another thumbs up, then left to go stretch.

There were a lot of people running on the track, but Meng Fan was by far the heaviest person Wu Tong had seen running for two days in a row. Meng Fan went to stretch after running one more lap, then instead of running more, left for the dormitory to shower and wake his snoozing roommates.

“Time for class, don’t be late.”

“My god, the sun’s rising from the west.”

“Fatty, what happened to you?!”

“Meng Fan, Zhou Wei told me you’re trying to run to lose weight, is it true? Your features are attractive, if you lost the weight, you’d be a handsome guy for sure.”

“Low key, keep it low key.”

There were two classes in the morning and the witch Qin Jiao’s professional class in the afternoon.

“It’s raining.”

Meng Fan stared out the window. He was so out of it that he missed the praise Qing Jiao had given him after she received his teaching material.

Originally, he wanted to run the remaining two kilometers tonight to complete the first task and receive the endurance +1 reward, but now it seems like it would have to wait.

“Meng Fan.”

Class had ended. Qing Jiao called for Meng Fan who was on his way out. “Come, I’ll buy you dinner.”

Under the jealous gaze of all his classmates, Meng Fan was conflicted. “I’m trying to lose weight, I think I’ll pass on this one.”

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