
Chapter 139: The Verdict (1)

Chapter 139: The Verdict (1)

I felt as refreshed as if I had gotten rid of a 10-year indigestion.

Seeing him already surrounded by Heretic Inquisitors, I felt that all the hardships I had to do had been rewarded. I felt happy.

Of course, Cardinal Basel, a warrior who felt like he had received a revelation from the Goddess, showed more joy than I did. Since he could change the dark future he saw, he may be thinking that he had accomplished his assigned mission.

“Good job! Well done!”

Of course, this was not the end.

“No. It’s too early to celebrate! I have to send the Holy Knights and Heretic Inquisitors to the Free City of Celia right now. Archbishop Jessica, take the lead on the Holy Knight’s official dispatch.”

“Yes, Cardinal.”

“It is a Holy War. A Holy War.”

What I said earlier was also a fact, but what Cardinal Basel wanted was not just the death of Ito Souta. He wanted to find the other ‘demons’ rooted in the Free City and eradicate them.

Of course, I didn’t want to miss out on such a big event.

As I subtly glanced at Yuno Kasugano, I saw her nodding as if she knew what I was thinking.

“Cardinal Basel, if it’s okay, can we, the Yozora Guild, join in?”


“It’s a situation where we don’t know when the demon’s trumps will escape the Free City of Celia. It will surely be helpful as time is urgent.”

“Oh… thank you. Yuno Kasugano-nim. Thanks for the help. The Goddess will never forget about this.”

If I were the Guild Master, I would have participated in the heresy judgment parade, but our Hyunsung and Deokgu both had many things to do.

I didn’t know about Kim Hyunsung, but Deokgu, who was soft, may have a hard time doing this.

“We, the Black Swans, shall help too.”

“The same goes for the Red Mercenary. Of course, since it is a Free City, we will require permission from the Yozora Guild, but if it is okay, I would also like to send troops.”

“Of course, everyone.”


Of course, the Black Swan and Red Mercenaries were also going to participate in this big event.

It was time for a whole large guild to disappear from the map.

I can tell that I, the number one contributor, would get a big share out of this entire event.

Anyway, most of what Yuno Kasugano would get was supposed to come to


Lee Jihye would also have something to give me, and the Red Mercenary was sure to give me some of their bounty, too.

Actually, various businesses in Blue were on hold due to capital issues.

I thought that if I combined all the gold from the fantasy potion and the ones from the Yamato Guild, I would still have some leftover gold if I were to screw up a few times.

“The future of the Holy Empire is bright because of all of you.”

“Of course, Cardinal Basel. This is a great opportunity to pull out the cancerous roots in the Holy Empire. I am very glad to be able to lend a hand.”


“I will send a letter to the Yozora Guild.”

“Thank you very much. It’s not a situation where you can afford to be at ease, but thanks to you, I think I can calm down a little bit…”

It would also be good for me to stay on the down-low.

Ito Souta, who had been alternating between groaning, screaming, and resisting the Inquisitors’ arrest, was already out of my sight.

I wanted to talk with him at least once, but this came first.

I have to take care of my achievements.’

It felt right to calculate what I can receive rather than indulge in a brief satisfaction. Everyone’s gazes eventually focused on me as I began to move.

In particular, Cardinal Basel greeted me with a very happy expression.

“Ah. Lee Kiyoung!”

“I think you have relieved the burden on your heart a little, Cardinal.”

“Ahem… Ahem…”

“For the last few days, you didn’t look so well. I am a little relieved to see you are doing better.”

“There is still a lot of work to do, but at first, I have eased my biggest burden. This is all thanks to Lee Kiyoung. Hohoho.”

“Haha. All I did was move according to the will of the Goddess. Wouldn’t all of this be the will of Benigore’s Goddess? In fact, it would have been nice if our Blue Guild could also participate in this Holy War… But we still aren’t in a position to move, I’m sorry.”

“No.You’re sorry? Lee Kiyoung is the biggest contributor to this event. If it weren’t for Lee Kiyoung, we wouldn’t have been able to find out about those demons. Haha.”

I had done a lot, indeed. Not only did I cure a city that was about to be contaminated by demons, but also helped uncover Ito Souta’s real identity.

I presented the revelation of the Goddess to Cardinal Basel with sacred wine, and at this trial, I also provided good pieces of evidence.

To exaggerate a little, everything had gone as smoothly as I had expected.

“I’m really embarrassed.”

“No. You have accomplished an achievement that deserves much praise. Besides, isn’t it because of the Yamato Guild that the Blue Guild’s power has been reduced? Governing internally comes first. I understand Lee Kiyoung better than anyone else.”

What I wanted were not just words of praise.

“Give me a reward” lingered around my throat, but it appeared that I had no need to speak up.

“There will be a reward from the Pope’s side.”


“No, it’s not just the Pope’s side. You’ve done a great job for the Holy Empire, so you’ll be rewarded by the royal city itself. It would be nice to talk to everyone else. Ah! If you have any questions, you can tell me.”

“I wasn’t hoping for compensation, Cardinal Basel.”

“Hoho. Lee Kiyoung, don’t you think that I know that? However, you are right to receive a decent reward for what you have done. Only then will my mind feel at ease.”


“You have gone through a lot of trouble, Lee Kiyoung.”

“No. Hahaha. Cardinal Basel faced a lot more struggle than I did.”


This situation was progressing beautifully.

If it is enough for the Cardinal-Priest to make a rant like that, I think I can tell what I can receive.

It’s hard to predict exactly, but maybe…

‘Ministerial-level treatment?’

I can be sure that I can receive such a reward. Of course, I’ll know only after opening the gift box, but at least I’ll be treated as a guild master of a large


I still do not know exactly about the privileges they receive, but I might get my own room in the palace and a Griffon payment for now.

Of course, it is undeniable that other options will come with it.

‘This is sweet.

It was worth it to risk my life.

I had to smile comfortably in a situation where a smile was on my lips even when I was still.

Looking aside, Ito Souta was being trapped by other Heretic Inquisitors, including Helena, the Director of Inquisition.

The surroundings are very agitated.


I could see those cleaning the hall due to a sudden fight, and the Holy Knights were busy running around to arrest the remaining Yamato Guild members in the castle.

There’s nothing to do, but it’s okay to pretend to also be busy in the current situation.

“Let go of me! I am innocent! Let me go! Cough. Cough.”

“This filthy demon worshiper. If you make fun of your tongue anymore, I will crush your mouth.”

“Sh*t… Sh*t!”

In the meantime, Ito Souta’s voice continues to be heard.

He looks miserable.

It doesn’t look like a guild master who once was loved by everyone and wielded

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