
Chapter 1164 Good Luck Has Its Storm - Part 1

The group spent the night following one direction. Lu An took care of any monster and beast they encountered on the way. Before the sun rose, the group decided to split up when Wrath found a settlement.

Zowen and Zaneos\'s objective was to find the resource or the native deemed as a dangerous place. That was the way for them to find the resource or maybe Bloodline just like back then. They parted ways, and Zowen and Rosalie hugged for farewell, exchanging the farewell message. They would separate for the first time after the resurrection.

"I will miss you," They separated after saying the same words. Then they hugged once more, and that was the last hug before they truly separated.

*** ***

Meanwhile, Tang Shaoyang let out a relieved sigh after defeating the twin demon. Even though the twin demon was just Myth Rank, they could not be killed so easily. He killed one, then by the time he fought the last, the other one revived again. He killed one the other one, and the other revived again.

It took him hours to figure out how to kill them. He needed to kill them at the same time or else one of them would be revived again. It was quite tricky since both of them were Myth Rank. He tried to cripple both of them, but they had a high regeneration. Before he could cripple the second, the first one would join the fight again.

It was quite frustrating, but then he managed to kill them both after multiple attempts. The twin demon was not a threat, but a tricky one for sure.

[Congratulations! You have finished the Trial of Myth!]

[You have advanced to Myth Rank!]

[Please choose the following rewards!]

[(Bloodline) (Class) (Artifact)]

Tang Shaoyang narrowed his eyes, checking the three options, "Should I choose another Artifact?" He considered taking the artifact once more as he wanted to save the Bloodline and Class for Primordial and Demi-God\'s trial. He could evolve his bloodline, but he wanted a much better evolution than the reward offered in Myth Rank\'s trial.

"What do you think, Karoen?" Tang Shaoyang asked the Void Knight. Asking for the experience would never go wrong, and giving advice was not a restriction since it was a personal opinion.

[Does your Dragon Bloodline give you True Dragon skill?] The Mythical Spirit answered with a question.

"Yes, it does. Does it really matter?" He did not know why Karoen asked about that, but he answered honestly.

[You obtained a high-rank dragon bloodline, and that was not a reward from the trial?] The Void Knight sounded surprised.I think you should take a look at

"We have time. Do you want to hear the story of how I obtained the bloodline?" Tang Shaoyang did not mind sharing some stories with his newly contracted spirit. "Also, what about the high rank dragon? Is there a low-rank dragon?"

[Of course. Just like God Rank which has several ranks, and it is the same for the Dragon. Not all dragons are equal in their strength. A low-rank dragon bloodline does not give you True Dragon Skill. That\'s the easy way to identify if you get a high-rank bloodline or not.]

[We can save your story for later. If you have a high-rank bloodline, then you can pick Artifact.]

"Does that mean I should pick Bloodline if my bloodline is low-rank dragon bloodline? But why? It was still a dragon, even a low-rank dragon," Tang Shaoyang was curious. He wanted to know more about the bloodline, and Karoen might help him in this regard.

[Yes, of course. Even though you summoned me after the God Ranks leave, I can feel their aura in that lake. That means you are meeting the God Rank in this tower, and if a fight breaks out, an upgrade of bloodline will give you a higher chance of survival than Artifact. Don\'t underestimate an Artifact, especially if it is rewarded by the System. You might get something better in Artifact if you are lucky.]

Tang Shaoyang nodded, taking a note in his head that he should not underestimate Artifact. The drawback was the lucky part. If he was lucky, that was a gamble. It was different from Bloodline and Class. Those options would provide him something better than the one he had, especially for the bloodline.

He followed his choice, and Karoen\'s advice, Artifact. Five options appeared in front of him, which was a surprise that system gave him five options which were usually only four options. He was not going to complain, it was better with more choices, especially with Karoen with him. He had a guide that would explain which was the better Artifact.

[Abyssal Scythe] [Calamity, the Demonic Sword] [Izoldor] [Nine Demon Gates Scripture] [Nine Heavenly Gates Scripture]

Tang Shaoyang gave a quick check on all five options. At the word Scripture, he automatically excluded the two choices. What came to his mind about Artifact was a tool like a weapon or armor, and he did not need a weapon in the form of scripture. Scythe was not on his lists, leaving the Demonic Swords and Izoldor.

He knew nothing about this Izoldor, whether it was a bow or spear or even battle-ax. He hesitated to make a decision with such a weird name.

"What should I choose, Karoen? Which one is better for me? Demonic Sword or Izoldor?"

[WHAT!? Why are you considering those trash? You have better choices, those two scriptures] The Void Knight screamed in his head, [You are so lucky the System offered you those two Scriptures! You don\'t know how lucky you are, aren\'t you?]

"Alright, calm down. Calm down. That\'s why I am asking you, what is this scripture about? Can you explain to me?" Tang Shaoyang was surprised the Void Knight would yell like that. From the voice, he could tell that the scripture was rare among the rare items for sure.

What followed after the question was silent. The Void Knight went silent for a while. Tang Shaoyang thought Karoen tried to think of a simple way to explain what the scripture was. However, a minute passed, and he heard no answer from the Void Knight.

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