
Chapter 1461 Calamity Hunting

Chapter 1461 Calamity Hunting

Tang Shaoyang realized where the misunderstanding was coming from, "I have a dragon bloodline, but I am not a Dragon descendant…." He furrowed his brows, stopping midway.

He looked deep into the female worker as well. The words came out naturally from his mouth, and he was confused as to why he was willing to tell this girl about his bloodline.

Tang Shaoyang realized it would be better to keep the misunderstanding to hide his ability. That was for the better since he did not know the whole situation in this trial.

His eyes turned cold the moment he realized what happened. He did not know when, but he was too comfortable around this \'female worker\'. That was what made him tell her his bloodline.

Taking a deep breath, he calmed down and cleared his mind. That was when he realized that this woman\'s aura was around her. He had been surrounded by her calming aura, making him feel safe around her. That was what led him to say about his bloodline.

The female worker was surprised and took a few steps back. She looked surprised while maintaining the distance.

They were not that far from the building. He turned around and looked at the building. There was a signboard with \'Administrator Office\'. At least, the woman was telling the truth about the administrator.

Tang Shaoyang then looked at the token in his hand. There was a strong energy in the token. Not something that came from this female worker or the Administrator. The token looked legit as well.

"So what are you trying to get from me?" He muttered in a low voice, slowly raising his head, squinting at the female worker, "Are you part of the Nirvana Alliance?"

The female worker just shrugged off, "I am just a player like you. Assisting the Administrator for the trial is a quest from the System. I am an Administrator Candidate."

The Dragon Sense probed her, and she was telling the truth. It seemed like this woman also knew about the Dragon Sense to tell him the truth instead of lying.

"And I have no relation with The Nirvana Alliance. I just want to probe how strong you are because I have a bet with my co-worker who will top out the trial this time."

Tang Shaoyang relaxed a bit after finding out the woman was telling the truth. Fortunately, he had not told her what kind of dragon bloodline he had. Based on Baccara\'s story, his bloodline is hated by many in the God Realm. It would be better to keep it secret until he got a clear understanding of this place and the people.

"Administrator Amos regards everyone with a dragon bloodline as a dragon descendant. So of course, he hates whether you are born from a dragon or even a human. As long as you are related to a dragon, he will hate you and might kill you if you meet him outside of this trial."

Tang Shaoyang lost interest in that information after what she tried before. No longer probed about Administrator Amos as he did not know whether she was telling the truth or not. He could only tell if it was a lie or not. There was a chance that she might mislead him.

"Tell me about the trial instead."

"Right to the business," She nodded, "The trial is quite simple, it\'s Calamity Hunting. You hunt Calamity. You will get a point for Calamity you kill, and that point will determine whether you will go to the next phase or not.

You will be given one month to get the point. Half of the participants with fewer points would be disqualified, and the top half would advance to the next phase."

"You will also get a reward directly from the System if you top out the trial. There\'s also a participant reward, but I suggest you aim for the first-position reward. Not that I can tell you the reward because the reward is different for each individual."

Tang Shaoyang furrowed his brow. Another surprise that he would meet another Calamity this sooner. He thought he would not meet them until he got to the God Realm.

"Don\'t worry, you are allowed to form a party with the other participants to hunt The Calamity. However, you will get fewer points with an equal distribution. If you form a party of four, then the points would be divided equally by four, and you will get fewer points if your party is too big."

She misunderstood the frown on Tang Shaoyang\'s face.

"While you are encouraged to form a party. It would be better if you form the party with minimal numbers."

It was the same thing again all over. Hunting the monster and gaining points, then he proceeded to the next floor. But this time, it was a phase of trial. Similar format to The Dimensional Tower.

"Can I kill the other participants? Are there any rules about killing the other participants?"

It was the female worker\'s turn to frown. She still answered as it was her duty to help the participants.

"There\'s no rule about it. You can kill them. It\'s another way to get to the next stage, but I advise you not to do that. You don\'t know these players\' backgrounds. If you kill the wrong person, then their faction might hunt you once you reach the God Realm. Devious strategy, but the risk is too high unless…"

She stopped halfway, but Tang Shaoyang could guess what she was about to say. Unless he had a big faction behind that could protect him on The God Realm.

"Are there any more rules that I should know?"

"There\'s really no rule for the trial. You can use any means to gain the point. The only rule is you can\'t attack the trial\'s assistant, The Administrator, and the trial worker like me. You will be disqualified without getting any benefit from participating in this trial."

"What happens to me if I get disqualified? Will the System kill me? Or maybe banish me?"

That question caused the female worker to chuckle, and she also got new information about Tang Shaoyang. Even though he managed to dispel her aura, she realized that Tang Shaoyang did not have a big background. If Tang Shaoyang had a big background, he would not ask this question. Tang Shaoyang entered the Trial of God without knowing anything about this trial.

"Don\'t worry about it. The system will send you back to your world along with the participating reward. There\'s no punishment for failing to advance to the next phase."

She was about to say that he did not worry because he would not fail in the first phase. Having seen more than half of the participants, she believed Tang Shaoyang was part of the top half.

Tang Shaoyang asked more questions, including about where they were. He was surprised to hear there was a meaning other than just a trial this time.

This was an abandoned world infested by The Calamity. The reason for the calamity? It was because there were more than two fools summoned to Calamity. Those fools were the rulers of this world which led to the destruction of their kingdom.

These rulers tried to win the war by summoning Calamity which ended up with no one winning. Everyone died and all kingdoms were destroyed. There was no winner.

The trial was to kill The Calamity with the purpose of taking over this abandoned world. Why did the System want to reclaim this world? It was to expand The God Realm. That was right, taking over the abandoned world and merging this world with the God Realm.

That was why the God Realm could accommodate so many God Ranks over time. The System expanded The God Realm by reclaiming the abandoned worlds. That was the first time he heard about that.

Without him asking, The female worker explained about the rank of the Calamity. It seemed like The Calamity had their own ranks instead of using the normal rank.

The Calamity was ranked based on the level of their danger level. The most dangerous Calamity was ranked as Rank 9 Calamity, and the least dangerous was Rank 1 Calamity.

How many points they would get was based on the rank of The Calamity they hunted. Rank 1 Calamity was a hundred points, Rank 2 Calamity was three hundred points, Rank 3 Calamity was worth a thousand points, and Rank 4 Calamity was worth five thousand points.

Maybe she was guilty of what she did earlier. She gave him fair advice, telling him not to be tempted by the points. The power difference between Rank 1 Calamity and Rank 2 Calamity was too big. She told him to start with Rank 1 Calamity to measure his calamity-hunting capability before trying the higher rank.

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