
Chapter 72.2 - Fishing Net

Editors: apricot & juurensha

While the Giant Tiger Tribe wanted to understand exactly what was going on with the Big Bear Tribe, the people of the Big Bear Tribe had finally finished smoking all the meat.

Zhou Ji and Xiong Ye also finally had some food stored up in their cave––the leftover terror bird meat had been cured, and they had also been given quite a lot of smoked meat.

However, Xiong He had only divided up the smoked meat among the hunters and hadn’t given any to anyone else, in particular those who lived in the collective cave.

Even if the people in the collective were given smoked meat, they would have no place to store it, so he simply didn’t give them a share and placed the leftovers in the warehouse and prepared to take it out in winter to improve the quality of their food then.

By the time everything had been arranged, another few days had passed. At this time, the weather had changed, and it was raining on and off.

When Xiong Ye led the hunting team out to hunt, he discovered that the pond they had dug before was now filled up. There were even animals who had come over to the pond to drink.

“After today’s hunt, there will be no need to hunt tomorrow. Are you guys interested in going to catch fish that we can raise tomorrow?” Xiong Ye asked the people of the hunting team.

Although this pond had acted as a trap for a while, after the Barosaurus had stomped all over it, and the people of the tribe had deepened it further, it had already become a very deep, impressive pond.

“Yes!” The people of the hunting team all agreed, but someone was worried, “Xiong Ye, fish aren’t so easy to catch, and I’m not good at it...”

“Don’t worry. I have a way to catch fish!” After saying this, he led the team to go hunting.

They caught a relatively small horned dinosaur that day as well as a few smaller dinosaurs. If it was divided equally amongst everyone in the tribe, everyone should be able to get a few kilograms of meat.

If this had been before, this harvest would be considered very good. If it was mixed with some wild vegetables, given that the elderly and weak ate a little less, everyone would be full from the meal.

But now...

Presumably because they had experienced two huge harvests, Xiong Ye felt that the meat they had caught this time was a little limited.

“If only we could catch those two Barosauruses...” Xiong Ye felt that his confidence had puffed up; he even dared to come up with the idea of making a move against the two Barosauruses.

His animal form was only as big as the thickness of one of their legs!

However, it also wasn’t a very good idea to leave these two giant beasts here without dealing with them.

They ate way too much! If they were allowed to stay near the tribe and eat, all the trees around the tribe would soon be bare.

Even if the Barosauruses didn’t eat all the leaves, and they regrew this season after rainfall, it still wasn’t good for things to go on like this...

That night, Xiong Ye told Zhou Ji that he planned to go catch fish tomorrow, and also mentioned that he wanted to catch a Barosaurus.

“Zhou Ji, do you think that I can catch that Barosaurus?” Xiong Ye asked.

“Yes.” Zhou Ji said.

“Do you have a way?” Xiong Ye immediately asked.

There was indeed a way. If they wanted to deal with a Barosaurus, they could use poison.

The people of the Giant Tiger Tribe had used herbs to lure the dinosaurs to their tribe, and they could also use herbs to poison the dinosaurs to death.

“This matter has to be slowly planned out. Aren’t you going to catch fish tomorrow? I have a way to catch fish.” Zhou Ji said.

Xiong Ye’s face was full of curiosity, “What method?”

“You can make a fishing net to catch fish.” Zhou Ji explained, “You can’t always use your mouth to catch them. If you catch fish that way, how will they be able to live?”

Zhou Ji had long ago thought about things like fish nets, but he hadn’t had time to bring it up.

After all, Xiong Ye’s fishing skills were excellent.

When Xiong Ye stood in the water, as long as there were fish nearby, he would easily be able to catch them, making him feel that fishing nets were completely unnecessary.

There weren’t that many fish in the river nearby, and there was no need to catch them all in a net.

But if Xiong Ye wanted to catch fish to raise them, a net would be needed.

Zhou Ji told Xiong Ye to find some relatively soft vines and began to weave a fishing net.

He had recently made some clothing and had also used bear fur to make a mat, so his weaving skills had grown better and better. This fishing net was soon finished, and he even took the chance to teach Xiong Ye how to make it.

After hearing Zhou Ji talk about how to use the fishing net, Xiong Ye exclaimed excitedly, “Zhou Ji, you’re so smart!”

When they used to catch fish before, they always had to stand in the water. It was fine in the summer, but it was particularly painful to do so in the winter.

He had broken apart the ice over the river to try and catch fish in the winter before when he was starving and had almost frozen to death!

But, he wouldn’t have to do that anymore now that he had this fishing net! Of course, as Zhou Ji said, fishing nets made from vines weren’t very good, and it would be better if they could find some better materials to make them with.

Xiong Ye looked at Zhou Ji and felt that he liked him more and more. How could his mate be so good?

“Go and catch them. After catching them, you can leave the small fish to be raised and bring back the larger ones. I’ll make sauerkraut fish for you to eat.” Zhou Ji said.

Xiong Ye didn’t hesitate to agree. The next day, he rushed out with the fishing net to go and catch fish.

When Xiong Ye arrived outside, the hunting team was already waiting. Seeing Xiong Ye, Xiong Qi spoke up, “Xiong Ye, about the fish... I’m very good at catching fish, but if you want live ones, it’s not possible! Exactly what kind of plan are you thinking of?”

His animal form was very good at swimming, and it wasn’t a big deal for him to catch some fish!

But even a small cat like Mao Jin would accidentally bite a bat to death when trying to catch it. There was no need to mention a big polar bear of his size.

He had caught many fish before, but he had never managed to catch them alive. He always ended up biting them to death by accident....

“I was originally going to make two dams out of mud in the river to cut off a section of the river, then scoop out all the water in the middle to catch all the fish stuck inside.” Xiong Ye began.

“Great idea!” Xiong Qi immediately agreed. This was indeed a good idea. If they did that, there would be no need to worry that the fish would be bitten to death.

“But doing it that way is too troublesome.” Xiong Ye continued.

Xiong Qi’s face was full of confusion.

Xiong Ye: “If we use mud to cut off such a big section of river, everyone will probably have to be busy for a long time... Fortunately, Zhou Ji gave me a simpler method.”

“What method?” Xiong Qi asked.

“Do you see this?” Xiong Ye showed Xiong Qi the fishing net he was carrying over his shoulder.

“I see it. There are holes in this clothing... Isn’t it a little big?”

“It’s not clothing, it’s a fishing net.” Xiong Ye explained the usage of the fishing net.

Xiong Qi was shocked.

Xiong Qi used to praise Xiong Ye all day long, but now he said, “Zhou Ji’s too smart. You’re so lucky to have actually been able to find a mate like that.”

Xiong Ye’s expression was full of pride, “Yes!”

When the people of the hunting team arrived by the river, they opened up the big net. Xiong Qi and Xiong Ye each grabbed two corners of the net and ran down a section of the river, sweeping everything up!

They caught a lot of fish in one go!

The water in the river near their tribe had swelled up after the rain. The water level was higher, and there were more fish.

Before long, they had caught a lot of fish. The rest of the hunting team that waited by the edge of the river had nothing to do and could only watch.

“Xiong Ye, let me give it a try.”

“I want to catch fish too!”

“Me too.”

“This fishing net is so easy to use! Let me try it!”


Finally, everyone in the hunting team had a chance to use the fishing net. They took turns sorting through the fish, placing the smaller ones that could still be raised into buckets and carrying them to the pond to raise them.

As for those who didn’t have anything to do... They were learning how to make fishing nets with Xiong Ye.

Not everyone was able to learn how to weave well. Some people spent an entire day learning but were still unable to accomplish much, and only managed to make a small section of a ‘fishing net’.

Such a small piece of net certainly couldn’t be used as a fishing net. They put it on their heads instead, treating it as decoration.

Seeing this, those who had woven larger ‘fishing nets’ used it to cover their bodies.

In fact, everyone in the tribe was envious of Zhou Ji’s and Xiong Ye’s clothing. However, only Zhou Ji could make this clothing, and he wouldn’t make it for everyone, so they had no way to get some even if they wanted to wear it.

It was different now; they had learned how to make fishing nets.

Even if they didn’t have beautiful clothing to wear, they could also use fishing nets to amuse themselves...

The group returned to the tribe with all sorts of fishing nets. Very soon, everyone soon developed various ways to use the nets.

For example, they could hang up the fishing net and use it to store meat.

Or, they could take it outside and use it to pack up prey, fruit, and so on to bring back––of course, the holes in the net would need to be smaller for that.

They could even...

“This fishing net can also be used to hunt! Just throw it over the head of a smaller dinosaur, and it won’t be able to shake it off!” Someone suggested.

That was indeed possible... Someone immediately wanted to go and give it a try.

They all remembered to give Zhou Ji a word of praise before they went out to test this method, “Zhou Ji’s so amazing!”

“This must be a gift from the Beast God!”

“We won’t have to worry about letting our prey slip away with this net!”

“The Beast God is really omnipotent!”


Zhou Ji: There’s really no Beast God in this world...

Forget it, he might as well go and eat fish!

The people of the tribe had given all the big fish they had caught that day to Xiong Ye. It was enough for them to eat for a long time!

Zhou Ji fried together the chili he had already pre-fried with oil as well as some pickled vegetables he had made according to his own taste. After a rich fragrance began to emerge, he added some water and made a pot of pickled vegetable soup into which he added the fish fillets; the pot of sauerkraut fish was now ready.

This fish smelled amazing!

Additionally, Zhou Ji had also prepared two stir-fried vegetable dishes as well as a cold salad. He intended to encourage Xiong Ye to eat more vegetables––he believed that Xiong Ye would definitely end up finishing these dishes.

Zhou Ji was right. Xiong Ye indeed ate a lot of vegetables.

This sauerkraut fish was very spicy! Xiong Ye who was suffering from the spicy taste could only eat the vegetables to relieve the burning sensation in his mouth. Eating like this, he really ate quite a lot of vegetables.

After eating everything, he still felt unsatisfied and even suggested, “Zhou Ji, let’s put earth eggs into the soup and boil it? I feel that cooking earth eggs with this soup will definitely be delicious!”

“Alright.” Zhou Ji agreed. It was a blessing to be able to eat; if Xiong Ye liked it, then let him eat as much as he wanted.

Speaking of which, sauerkraut fish was really appetizing when paired with rice. Unfortunately, he hadn’t found rice yet.

Xiong Ye showed a toothy grin and then ate a lot of sauerkraut fish soup boiled earth eggs.

After becoming stronger, it seemed that he had become more powerful in all aspects...

Juurensha: Hahahaha, such a realistic take on eating spicy food....

xiin: i really love how resourceful/creative the Big Bear Tribe is about all these new ‘inventions’...

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