
Chapter 1332

"I I have something else to do. I didn\'t want to say it to worry you. " Shen Qing deliberately said that half hidden half, suddenly stopped.

Sure enough, the next moment I heard Lu Qichen\'s slightly anxious concern.

"Mom, what happened? Are you okay? What\'s the trouble? " Lu Qichen thought that he had just been downstairs, but Shen Qing\'s shoulder pain had not been relieved.

"I\'m not feeling well at the moment, my head is aching, and I\'m in a daze." Speaking, Shen Qing\'s hand deliberately pressed to the position of the temple.

"Mom, I\'ll call the family doctor to see you." Lu Qichen said that he would return to his room to get his mobile phone.

Shen Qing quickly grabbed him. If he really called the family doctor, he would not find out that he was pretending to be ill? That\'ll expose everything.

Absolutely not.

"Qi Chen, I don\'t think it\'s necessary to call a family doctor specially. I\'ll take a rest and get better."

Lu Qichen took Shen Qing\'s hand away and continued to go to the room to get the mobile phone. "Mom, don\'t be afraid of trouble. If you are not feeling well, you should let the doctor have a good look. Otherwise, what if it is more serious?"

Lu Qichen found the mobile phone and was about to go out. After thinking about it, Lu Qichen went to the bathroom door of the bedroom and said to Xia\'an, "Mom, she\'s not feeling well. Let\'s go down to take care of her. I\'m going to contact the family doctor first."

Shen Qing has always had a bad impression on An\'an. Lu Qichen thinks that this time, he and An\'an take good care of her. I believe that Shen Qing\'s dedication to An\'an can always change her outlook.

Xia an calmed down in the bathroom for a while, and now she has calmed down, "ah? Mom, is she sick? I\'ll clean up and get down right away

"Well, I\'ll take mom back to her room and have a rest." Lu Qichen returned to Shen Qing and helped her to her room to lie down.

"Qi Chen, I was dizzy just downstairs. Song Ma gave me a cup of hot tea on purpose. She didn\'t remind me that my hands were scalded. Fortunately, Lulu smeared me with medicine. Now it\'s better." Shen Qinggang lying on the bed, before the hot hand to Lu Qichen in front of him to see, can\'t wait to complain with him.

"Mom, I don\'t think Song Ma did it on purpose, and I didn\'t expect that you were so accidentally scalded."

Lu Qichen was really tired at the moment. He couldn\'t figure out why Shen Qing had so many things to do. He took her back from the hospital until now. He had no rest. He had no place to vent his worries about Shen Qing.

"She did it on purpose. Lulu and I could see it clearly. After I was scalded by hot tea, I saw Song Ma. She looked at me triumphantly."

"Mom, maybe you are wrong. Song Ma is a good person. You may have misunderstood her."

"Qi Chen, don\'t be partial to Song Ma. I think there is something wrong with Song Ma\'s character. You\'d better fire her as soon as possible."

"Mom, you have a rest, and the rest will be later. OK, I\'ll call the family doctor." Lu Qichen impatiently interrupts Shen Qing. In fact, he thinks that it is impossible for Song Ma to do what Shen Qing said with her honest and honest manner.

Shen Qing also wanted to say something, but seeing Lu Qichen had already gone to one side to make a phone call, he was unwilling to shut his mouth.

Lu Qichen didn\'t want to hear Shen Qing say these words any more, so he went to the window to dial the phone.

"Hello, is that Dr. Wang?"

"Yes, what can I do for you, Mr. Lu?" The family doctor said respectfully on the phone.

"Dr. Wang, please come to Jingyuan now. My mother is not feeling well and seems to have a headache. Please come and have a look at it."

"Well, I\'ll be right here."

Lu Qichen hung up the phone, Xia an just carrying a cup of warm water to push the door.

"Ma, have some water first." Xia\'an goes to the head of the bed, puts the water cup on the bedside table, and says gently to Shen Qing.

Shen Qing turned her head and ignored Xia\'an, let alone drink the water she poured.

Xia\'an seemed to have guessed her reaction. She approached Shen Qing helplessly, pulled up her pillow and raised it. Then she said, "Mom, it\'s more comfortable to sit on the bed like this, and it\'s not easy to get dizzy."

Finish all this, Xia an just silent retreat, walk to the side of Lu Qichen.

Three people in the same room did not speak, Xia\'an did not know what to say, Lu Qichen was too tired to speak at all, and Shen Qing was bored to see that Xia\'an was also in the room.

Not long after, Zhang Lu heard about Shen Qing\'s illness and rushed to Shen Qing\'s room.

"Aunt Qing, what\'s wrong with you? What\'s wrong with you? " Zhang Lu rushed to Shen Qing\'s bed and asked anxiously."Don\'t worry, Lulu. Qichen has already called the doctor. The doctor will be here soon." Shen Qing also told Zhang Lu to sit down. The warm feelings towards Zhang Lu were quite different from the cold attitude towards Xia\'an, which immediately formed a sharp contrast.

Although Xia an is used to it, she is still a little sad when she looks at this scene. She thinks that she has been busy in the kitchen for Shen Qing all morning, and now she is still hot face and cold buttocks.

Lu Qichen saw Xia\'an\'s lost shoulders and patted her on the shoulder comfortingly. A hand gently hugged her.

The room soon fell into silence again.

Shen Qing began to think about what to do when the family doctor arrived. She didn\'t really feel uncomfortable. She just pretended to Lu Qichen. If the doctor didn\'t find any problems and questioned her condition, what should she do?

Forget it, the matter has come to an end, and it has been difficult for her to get rid of the tiger. She insists that she is uncomfortable. If the examination fails, it only shows that the doctor\'s level is not high. Shen Qing has learned to disguise and lie, which is not very difficult for her.

As soon as Zhang Lu heard that Shen Qingsheng was ill, she guessed that she must be pretending to be sick. Now it seems that she is. She did not expect that Shen Qing would perform so hard. She is really a qualified teammate.

Only when Zhang Lu\'s Yu Guang saw Lu Qichen\'s care for Xia\'an, he couldn\'t help being jealous. He wished that the woman Lu Qichen held in his arms was himself, and Xia\'an disappeared in front of them.

The four people in the room were thinking of their thoughts in silence.

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