
Chapter 126

It feels like there is a pair of large hands holding her neck and a sharp knife pressing against her heart .

Wrapped in endless cold, Xue Qilin’s body turned rigid . Even so, she turned around without hesitation .

“I have a fierce older sister at home, I have to go back . ”

Xue Qilin restrained the instinctive fear in her heart, and tried to get away by talking irrelevantly .

“Really? You have it rough . ”

Jia Lan smiled gently, noncommittal .

“Yeah, it’s awful! She’s often resulting to violence, isn’t that terrible?”

In order to make it seem more realistic, Xue Qilin even shivered deliberately while speaking .

... No, maybe she wanted to shiver since earlier .

In the other party’s sweetness, elegance, and words, hidden deep inside lies something scary .

“I see...”

Jia Lan sighed, perplexed . However, there is still a faint smile on her face – a smile that gives off shivers .

Even though she is sighing, but her expression has a certain radiance .

However, behind the radiance is not necessarily goodwill, but perhaps a veiled muddy dark .

“That’s troublesome . ”

The wonderful timbre is wrapped by mystery, vaguely revealing some dark emotion .

“Say, if I kill your older sister, you won’t have to go back, right?”

Jia Lan tilted her head, a pure and innocent smile on her face, which gives off the misconception of her asking “what’s for dinner tonight?” on a whim .

Even though she may have expected something along these lines, but when the lass uttered this sentence casually, Xue Qilin still felt a chill go down her spine .

In Jia Lan’s eyes, life doesn’t seem to carry any weight .

The lives of strangers may be far less important than those of the people you care about, but they must still hold a certain weight . To regard the lives of others as nothing is a twisted thing .

Apparently also feeling this twisted thing, Little Jade distanced herself from Jia Lan in fear . Puppy guards her imperceptibly behind him .

“What do you want?”

Xue Qilin narrowed her eyes and took Phecda’s hand . If she wishes so, Phecda will show her original form in an instant and become a fierce weapon .

“Please don’t look at me like that . I just want you to teach me the trick from just now . ”

For some trivial desire . Just because her request wasn’t answered, it triggered her killing intent . Following you heart’s desires gives off some sense of purity .

There are no values, no good or evil, no morality . There is nothing inside her except for pure emotions .

She is pure, dreadfully pure .

She is real, there is no trace of falsehood about her .

“This is not something you can learn in a short time . ”

Is reason useful against her? Xue Qilin doesn’t know, but she made an attempt – an attempt to avoid a fight to the death .

There are people waiting for her to return, she has responsibilities to fulfill, she has people important to her .

So she doesn’t want to die .

“Is that so? Then how long does it take?”

“I don’t know, it depends on the person . ”

Since Jia Lan is a Grandmaster, her spiritual talent must be shocking . However, magic and martial arts are two concepts with fundamentally different directions for the use of true qi, or spiritual qi . This difference in theories and methods is not something that talent can make up for . Qi Qiqi is a good example .

“Say, why are there so many things in the world that don’t go your way?”

Jia Lan has a distressed look on her face, as if she’s troubled by love .

“Would you like to go back with me? Go back to the Western Regions . ”


Does she really think that I’ll agree? Xue Qilin thinks this is ridiculous . If the one in front of her wasn’t a Grandmaster, she would have laughed already .

“Why aren’t you answering? Is it that difficult to make a choice?”

“Can I refuse?”

“You can . ”

Jia Lan nodded .

But Xue Qilin knows that things aren’t that simple .

As if to confirm her thoughts...

“But then I will be forced to severe your hands and feet and bring you back . ”

There is no reason to speak of .

It appears that this battle cannot be avoided .

For a long time Xue Qilin’s motto has been “fight if you can fight, run if you can’t fight” . But when the fight is unavoidable, even if it is a fight to the death, she won’t beg for mercy, but instead fight with all her might .

Xue Qilin has her pride . She won’t yield before a strong enemy, and will instead persevere in her determination to fight to the death .

If you have to die, you can only die standing!

Feeling this determination, Phecda held Xue Qilin’s hand firmly . The two looked at each other resolutely .

Then Xue Qilin faced the martial demon lad .

“You are called Puppy?”

Even though his whole body is shaking, but Puppy still nodded heavily .

“Take your little girlfriend and tell the villagers to leave at once . ” Xue Qilin took a deep breath, “Martial practitioners are going to fight here . ”

“I, I got it!”

Puppy glanced at Jia Lan timidly . Her expression is still radiant and sweet, and she even smiled back at him .

“That won’t do, or else I’ll be troubled . ”

Troubled? Xue Qilin really wanted to ask . But she knows that even if she asks, she won’t get a satisfactory reply .


The moment she heard Xue Qilin’s call, Phecda closed her eyes .

“As my Lord wishes . ”

A short announcement sounded softly .

Phecda radiated intense light, and then lost her shape and turned into countless specks of light .

The specks of light intertwined with each other, formed a vortex that converged on Xue Qilin’s right hand, contracted, and gradually depicted the shape of a sword .

“I am a sword, a sword of enlightenment that refutes evil and reveals the truth . ”

The light began to recede from the tip to the hilt as if it were being stripped away, revealing a dark sword body engraved with duplicate patterns .

In the next moment, a sword with cold currents of air winding around it finally appeared in front of everyone .

Empyrean Universe .

The mechanical sword guarded by Phecda .

“Don’t mind her, go!”

True qi swiftly circulated inside her, and Xue Qilin breathed out burning hot breath . Strands of white true qi rose like hot air and entangled the flame tong breathed out . There are even blue and white flashes of light .

Tattoo-like blue and white patterns appeared on Xue Qilin’s body, and shiny lines extended into the magic array engraved on Empyrean Universe’s sword body . This means that the lass’s qi passageways have been connected with the magic array engraved on Empyrean Universe’s sword body and expanded into a larger true qi circuit .

“This is not a wise decision . ”

“Really? The way I see it, no matter what decision I make, the outcome won’t change . ”

Xue Qilin sneered .

Her eyes are dyed gold . Flames and lightning are coiling around the sword in her hand . Xue Qilin pressed her body down and put two fingers of her left hand together, ready to draw a magic array in the air at any time .


Jia Lan sighed in disappointment .

“Why do you always point your swords at me?”

At this time, Puppy pulling Little Jade has already ran far away .


An impact spread out .

At the moment when the ground suddenly cracked and caved in, Xue Qilin saw a gold afterimage .

Even her Discerning Eyes cannot catch up to this speed .

This speed that is akin to teleportation is generated by pure power .

In just in a blink of an eye, Jia Lan appeared in front of Puppy . Frightened, Puppy backed up again and again, and then finally plopped on his buttocks .

“Why don’t you listen to me?”

As if her confession had been rejected, she looks aggrieved, disconsolate, and pitiable .

“Disobedient children must...”

She raised her hand gently .

Shit! Xue Qilin feels that things are bad .

“Atone with death . ”

All emotion disappeared from Jia Lan’s face in a flash . At the same time, she waved her hand down . The small hand fell lightly . But Xue Qilin knows that when the hand touches Puppy, he’ll die .

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