
Chapter 184 Wedding ring

"Oh my gosh! That man is too sweet it’s killing me. How could he said those words so freely like that?"

"Right, right. And look at that figure of him... ahh, too bad he’s married."

"Married? I don’t think so."

"No, he just said the words ’my wife’ just now."

"But look at his finger, there’s no wedding ring or anything."

"Maybe he just forgot to wear it at some point. And besides, even if he’s not married don’t even think about it, look at him, even though he’s such an eye candy, his aura is just too intimidating that we can’t even stare at him for long."

"Yeah, that’s right. Just by looking at him just now, I suddenly felt like we instantly turned into servants from the ancient world while he is the young emperor passing by and that we needed to bow our heads to his presence. ahh... so cool."

Due to Sei’s sharp senses, he of course heard the people’s whispers but as usual, to him, they’re just the same as the noise of falling rain, something completely unnecessary and meaningless. However, strangely, a certain statement caught his attention, causing him to quietly and slowly raised his hand as those words echoed inside his brain like a broken tape.

’Married? I don’t think so... look at his finger, there no wedding ring... no wedding ring... no wedding ring... no wedding ring...’

That moment, Sei’s eyes just remained glued unto his fingers for a long while before he finally raised his head again and turned towards Zaki.

"Zaki... now that I think about it, why my wife and I don’t have wedding rings?" he suddenly asked with his usual composed expression, causing Zaki to reflexively glanced at everyone who just started whispering again because of what Sei said.

"Oi, did you forget that were in a public place?" Zaki whispered as he sidled towards him. But Sei just frowned as he looked at him.

"So what?" Sei replied blankly so Zaki sidled towards him again.

"Er... well, look, they’re all now saying nonsense about you." Zaki said when Sei just deepened his frown again.

"When did other people’s words matters to me? You, stop whispering and just answer me." Sei then said with serious voice, causing Zaki to have series of sweat drops on his forehead again before he just scolded himself for forgetting just what kind of person Sei is. He even remembered that time back when they were young when Zaki asked Sei why he seemed to just doesn’t care about almost everything, and Sei just looked at him with blank face saying the words ’I don’t know, I didn’t teach myself to become like this or anything, I simply just don’t care’.

Sigh... don’t blame me, you’re quite evolving lately so I almost forgot! But well, it seems like his evolution is all for his wife alone... he’s still the same wooden statue towards everyone else...

"Oi, do you really want me to say it out loud here?" Zaki then asked, this time, he’s not whispering anymore, so everyone around them focused their eyes and ears towards the two strange men as they waited for what they’ll say next with great anticipation.

"Don’t make repeat myself."

"Sigh... fine... you don’t have a wedding ring because you didn’t care about it at all that time and I’d like to remind you that you didn’t even appear on your very own wedding day. All you did was sign the marriage certificate, remember?" Zaki then replied and as expected, everyone gasped wildly before they turned into noisy bees.

That moment, however, Sei felt like he was suddenly struck with a deadly countless lightning and huge waves upon hearing what Zaki said.

"I... it’s my fault?" he uttered softly as he lowered his head again and stared at his fingers for another long while before he clenched his fist tight and the next second, he began to blaze with rage. Well, it’s a rage pointed towards himself, but enough to drive away all the gossiping bees around to immediately ran away.

"Well, what happened that time was inevitable. You both were strangers that time so..." Zaki said trying to console him but before he could finish his statement, Sei cut through him.

"Zaki... tell me. What should I do to make up with my mistake?" Sei asked with his child-like sincere and seemingly devoid with any impurities way of talking. Causing Zaki to fell speechless that he couldn’t answer him immediately.

"I want a wedding ring for me and my wife." Sei continued as he stared back to his finger again when finally, the most awaited mischievous smile carved on Zaki’s face before he went and put his hand on his shoulder.

"Easy Sei... just redo the wedding again."

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