
Chapter 328: Remodeled Monster

Chapter 328: Remodeled Monster

Translator: Reflet

Editor: ryunakama


“Yeah, a date.”


She tilted her head, making a pensive face.

“Like…what we’re doing?”

“This is your idea of a date!?”

Taiyou’s voice cracked at this shocking revelation.

“Well…that was why you came.”

“…Well that’s true, but…”

“That’s what I…intended, you know?”


Taiyou’s voice cracked again. This was even more shocking than earlier. Why was the truth always so unbelievable?

“Mhm…that’s right.”

“Yeah? This was a date, huh.”

“Dis, satisfied?”

“…No, not at all.”

He slowly shook his head. He had been surprised, but if asked if he was disappointed, he would certainly deny that.

“Remember, I said that everything about you makes me crazy with happiness and excitement.”


As soon as she said that, she fell silent.

They had started running up to the peak again, so Taiyou followed after her. For some reason, he couldn’t catch up. He attempted to catch up to her side like earlier, but there was no sign of him getting any closer. Every time he came that close, she would accelerate and move ahead of him. If he were to relax his speed, then she would also relax hers, but if he were to accelerate, so would she.

From beginning to end, she was always one step ahead…taking a position in which Taiyou couldn’t see her face. Even so, Taiyou desperately wanted to see her face and tried to catch up to her, but had still not managed to do so even by the time they reached the summit.



Taiyou was a little bit vexed. He was convinced that he would have been able to see something interesting and that something would have changed if he had only caught up. But he hadn’t been able to. It must have been because of his lack of power. The end result was thus the same: just as he could not defeat her, he also could not catch up to her. That was why he was frustrated.

However, he didn’t have the time to indulge in that.


A gun rang out with a bang, and right afterward, a lead bullet plopped onto his brow. The bullet that should have shot through his temporal region was stopped by “Nullify Long-Distance”, effectively losing its power.

“Who is it!?”

He turned in the direction from which the bullets had probably flown in through. Standing there were two oriental-looking people: a boy and a girl. The boy had a pleasant face, albeit a bit strained, whereas the girl had silky, half-up hair and tremendous proportions, cocking the gun to the side in a unique pose.

He had seen both of them before.

“That you, Natsuno?”

The boy said with a surprised face. That very instant, Taiyou remembered both of them.

“Oh, you’re that siscon guy—-I mean, Mikuriya.”

“What? Who’s the siscon?”

“He’s clearly talking about you, Big Brother!”

For whatever reason, the beauty next to him firmly insisted.

The Mikuriya siblings. The older brother was called Kyousuke, and the younger sister’s name was Rin. Both of them were famous at Oritachi Academy, and they had first met at the Sports Festival from the other day as they were neck-and-neck for the top.

“Why are you in a place like this?”

“That’s what I’d like to know. And besides…why are you with her?”

“Her? You mean Shirokiyami?”


He turned to Shirokiyami, questioning if they knew her, only to see her practicing baseball swings with her beloved sword ‘Heaven Reversal’. You couldn’t get more obvious than this.

“Well, we’ve encountered her…various times.”

“Is that right?”

“Big Brother, who cares about that? Did you forget that we have something far more important we need to do?”

“Very true. So first—-”

“Okay, let’s get to some impregnation, Big Brother!”

“That’s not what it is! And don’t say ‘impregnation’ in front of other people!”

Kyousuke gave Rin’s forehead a chop with a thud, and Rin made a momentary expression of ecstasy.

“…Yeah, pretty sure you’re a siscon.”

“Am not! Jeez, now they have the wrong idea!”

“Lies become truth if you say them a hundred times, Big Brother.”

“Do you seriously believe that!?”

“You simply don’t want to tell the truth, I’d say.”

“There is no ‘truth’ to be told!”


Taiyou was at a serious loss for what he was supposed to say.

These siblings were exceedingly famous, having caused numerous incidents at the academy.

There was also the Bloomer Kneesocks incident that they had gotten the whole school wrapped up in last year, and Taiyou happened to know about it one-sidedly.

However, that was only looking in from the outside. He had never anticipated that their personalities would be this fierce in person.

“Yeesh…well, looks like we have to get inside now. Gotta have a chat with the owner of this place.”

Kyousuke said with a serious face.

“Chat, huh?”

“You can’t…do that.”


“For work…I must hit the owner.”

Taiyou was pretty sure that she was going to do more than just hit him, but he couldn’t say that.

This was because Shirokiyami and Kyousuke had an ominous tension drifting between them. Taiyou could tell that just one touch could set off an explosion.

“What do you say, Distant Wanderer? Are you my big brother’s enemy?”

“Anyone who gets…in the way of my mission.”

“All right.”

Rin readied her gun, pulling the trigger without hesitation.

Bang! Bang! Two shots of gunfire reverberated in succession.

Shirokiyami readied her katana. She probably intended to either slice or reflect the bullets.

Taiyou did nothing. He thought it would be rude to worry about her over mere bullets.

However, he was deathly mistaken the next second. Miraculously, the two launched bullets had begun to curve in midair. They formed a parabolic shape after curving to the left and to the right, attacking Shirokiyami from either side like a boomerang.

“What kind of gun is that!?”


Taiyou was astonished as he heard Shirokiyami groan.

Shirokiyami had unsheathed her sword in time to reflect the bullets away from her, but her face had an unusually surprised expression on it.


Rin laughed cynically, pulling the trigger again.

Bang bang bang!

The bullet sounds echoed one after the other, and the fired bullets made an irregular parabola orbit around Shirokiyami to attack her.

“Uu…this is against the rules.”

“Rin! Don’t hurt her.”

“Hitting on another girl? Three strikes with adultery and you’re out, Big Brother.”

“Who the hell is committing adultery!?”

“Sure you wanna…keep commenting!?”

Taiyou kicked off the ground, immediately closing in under Rin’s chest. He then launched one of his deadly hooks to move her. This punch was at its full power, enough to even break through steel plates. He had not hesitated to go in with all his might as soon as he saw Rin fire the bullets. However…



Rin was fine as ever, cackling after receiving the body blow. Actually, she hadn’t even moved an inch.

It resembled Taiyou’s ‘Nullify Long-Range’, ignoring the laws of physics.

Taiyou was astonished at how useless his attack had been.

“That sort of thing doesn’t work on me.”

“Well it…*cough*, is certainly working on me.”

Kyousuke was for some reason holding down his flank in anguish.

“Doesn’t work on me.”

Rin said again, and Taiyou found himself even more surprised.


Shirokiyami murmured.

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