
Chapter 894 - Yeah, Right...

                            When Thor tried to use his massive lightning bolt again, Ryan suddenly summoned Gungnir, and that made him flinch for a moment. Using that opportunity, Ryan looking at him and then swung the spear… it was hard to believe that Thor could react so fast. Still, he actually dodged an instantaneous strike that Ryan had aimed at his right eye. The damage was minimal since Ryan had to upgrade the Magic Lord class, but it still ignored Thor\'s defense and slightly made the right side of his bleed.

"Now that is more like it," Ryan said and then showed a tired smile.

                            Thor\'s face grew red with anger, and then he proceeded to attack Ryan with his hammer. It seemed that the only way to cope with his anger was by using physical attacks… what a dumbass. Zeus sighed when he watched that. As expected, Thor had no notion of teamwork, and he was quick to let the blood rush to his head.

                            Death Sense warned Ryan, and he summoned Draconic Bow toward that direction and fired it. He couldn\'t see Thor during that attack, but he still hit him. The impact happened before Thor could get too close to Ryan, so he was completely unscathed.. The direct impact made Thor\'s body sustained considerable damage. It had been a counterattack, after all. So, he was a bit dizzy. Before Ryan could try to finish him off, Zeus bombarded him with his bolts again… forcing him to stop. However, Zeus frowned when he realized that Ryan\'s spells didn\'t deactivate. Thanks to that, he had the chance to summon his hammer and block some of the bolts.

"I thought he had used all his mana in that attack, was I wrong?" Zeus furrowed his eyebrows.

                            Zeus was certain that Ryan didn\'t have time to use potions or summon Soul Eater, so that didn\'t have any explanation. It had, actually, but Zeus won\'t be able to realize it… Ryan just stored Soul Eater inside him. That way, his weapon will drain and restore his mana whenever necessary.

                            Zeus realized that Ryan finally had the chance to counterattack, and until he learns how Ryan is recovering his mana, they should change their strategy. Otherwise, even they will sustain a lot of damage with those counterattacks. When Thor finally recovered, Zeus touched him on his shoulders. He was about to charge recklessly again.

"Calm down, Thor," Zeus said. "If you don\'t want to be hit again by that attack, you will have to change your strategy… we can\'t give him the chance to counterattack, do you understand me?"

                            It seemed those two were planning to raise the bar… even though Ryan could barely keep up with their attacks. In any case, he couldn\'t help but wonder… what are they going to do? Attack at long distance? That seemed the easiest method, but…

                            In the end, Thor nodded. He did that pretty fast, considering how hot-blooded he was supposed to be. That wasn\'t a good sign, and Ryan soon learned away… the next moment, both of them disappeared, and then Ryan got hit on his sides at the same time. It was the same speed that Zeus had used before… Thor could be that fast, too… they were moving at light speed. That was why Ryan didn\'t have the chance to react.

                            Both attacks made Ryan\'s expression change to one of pain and agony, but that hadn\'t been enough for Zeus and Thor. They kept attacking the same spot over and over again until Ryan\'s health almost dropped to zero, and he lost his consciousness. However, at the last moment, they were forced to retreat when Ryan activated Vengeful Explosion. That granted him a few seconds of rest, but he only felt agony after he fell on his knees… to be attacked that fast by those two elder gods in particular. It was like experiencing a hell of pain and nothing more.

"They used their lightning magic to enhance their movement speed…" Ryan thought. "… and then only attacked me with physical attacks… is it because they can\'t use magic while moving that fast?"

                            Or maybe it was due to the fact that they might kill Ryan, and they would lose the spirits of the elder gods. That would explain why they wouldn\'t use magic while moving that fast… In any case, that speed was no good. Not even Ryan\'s teleporting speed could keep up with that. Not to mention, it was probably much more efficient.

                            Ryan got used to their magical attacks because he had prepared himself for them before the battle. Still, against attacks at lightning speed that could decrease his health in an instant… that wasn\'t something he was prepared for. With that in mind, Ryan began to teleport around once the Vengeful Explosion ended. Even if he were to reflect some of the damage, it wouldn\'t prevent his defeat. So, he had no other option but to teleport around the area and see for how long they could keep that speed.

"My apologies, Ryan," Loki said via Telepathy. "If I weren\'t so busy, I would help you."

"Yeah, right…" Ryan said while he clenched his teeth and saw that the army of Fenrir was actually winning the fight somehow.

                            Ryan didn\'t come to fight those two, hoping to receive his help, after all. Suddenly, Thor and Odin caught up with Ryan and then attacked his sides again, make his ribcage shatter into many pieces. Since it has come down to this… Ryan will have to take some risks.

                            Before Thor and Zeus could continue the attack, Ryan used Teleport, but those two quickly followed him. However, Ryan had a surprise waiting for them. When they tried to attack, Ryan used Shapeshifting to become a two-headed ice dragon. The two heads opened their mouths and used Dark Ice Breath. However, much to Ryan\'s annoyance, they retreated.

"Even their reaction speed is insane… damn it," Ryan muttered while biting his lips. 

                            Ryan missed, and thanks to the fact that he used such an attack, the corruption spread around his body once again. That wasn\'t good. Even if by some miracle he wins the fight by relying on that power, in the end, he will become an enemy to the entire world with his rage, and considering his recent power-ups, stopping him will be impossible… without killing him.

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