
Chapter 55

Alex couldn’t help but think, if this was going to happen to him as well? Is this the result of merc when he’s in a peaceful setting?

Unaware of Alex’s worries Lyner started scratching his barely shaven facial hair . "So Sir . Lyner can you please explain to us, what this is?" Oliver showed the poster that was being distributed . Lyner looked at the poster, and yawned .

"Oh that . . . That’s a poster I made this morning . " Lyner shrugged his shoulders and was about to go back to sleep .

"We already know that! What we want to ask, is why did you make this poster?" Rachel tried to stop Lyner from sleeping, by asking the question everyone was thinking .

"Huh? Didn’t I write it clearly in the poster? I’m looking for two new members . " Lyner answered in matter of fact manner .

Rachel couldn’t help but facepalm, Saya and Niel on the other hand couldn’t stop themselves from smiling . Alex didn’t bother with the topic, since no matter how many are added, they wouldn’t be able to disturb him from completing the mission . As long as they don’t disrupt the mission, Alex was alright to whoever joins . Oliver found Lyner’s style interesting, and didn’t want to ask further, but Rachel’s glare felt threatening .

It’s not like he was scared . . . No it’s totally not because he was scared, it was simply because it was his duty as the club president .

"No Sir . Lyner we just wanted to ask . . . Why we needed to add two more members? Isn’t our current members enough?" When Lyner heard Oliver’s words his eyes opened wide, and his sleepy look disappeared .

"Your sh*tting me right? You guys don’t understand why we needed two more members?" Lyner looked at the people in the club . Alex had his usual poker face, Saya was simply enjoying the situation, Niel had his angelic smile on and seem like he would simply allow any new members to join, Oliver had a serious look, and like Alex no one could discern what he was thinking, Rachel was the only one who looked displease at the whole situation .

Lyner sighed at the bunch gathered in the clubroom . "You guys . . . Do you think that your current members are enough to handle the ideal you set for this club?"

This time all of them reacted to what Lyner said, all the members suddenly looked confused . ’Ideal?’ What was the ideal of this club?

Seeing everyones confusion, Lyner started doubting if it was really alright to be the adviser of this club . On paper the members of this club were the best of the best in this school . The ones with the highest academic scores where in this club, they were also the one with the best physical abilities . Yet it seems like they created this club haphazardly . It was obvious they just went with the flow .

"Fine then, it seems like all of you are clueless . First let me ask you this, didn’t you guys created this club to help other clubs?" Lyner acting like a teacher for once, asked the members of the club a question .

The members of the club nodded their heads, answering Lyner’s question . "Then that means the ideal of this club, is to be able to help other clubs in their problem areas, correct?" When the members heard Lyner, they finally understood what ideal he was talking about .

"Yes" Oliver was the one to answer for all of them . When he wanted to create this club that ideal of helping other club, was what the thing that inspired to make the club, also he wanted to create a club, named Mercenary Club, but that was secondary .

"To help other clubs do you think the current members are enough?"

The members of the Mercenary club, where the most egotistical in the whole school, they are also the best the school had to offer . It was just by extreme circumstances that this group who are way above the standards of this school, have gathered here . So to answer Lyner’s question they wanted to answer yes, but before any of them could do so, Lyner spoke first .

"The answer is a resounding NO! The current members aren’t enough . You might think, you guys are the best, but that doesn’t mean you could do everything . Who here knows every club in this school?" When Lyner asked this question no one answered nor raised their hands .

"Then who among you can gather data in regards to the clubs we are going to help?" Alex was about to raise his hand, but was stopped by what Lyner said next . "That is gathering complex data without asking help from an outside source?" When Alex heard this he stopped himself from raising his hand . The only way Alex knew to gather data efficiently was to ask his dad .

"Then who among you can, organize the current club members and tell them what to do, and which club to help?" Once again no one raised their hand .

"See that? You guys aren’t prepared enough to start a club like this . . . Even the name sounds wrong, Mercenary club? A true merc wouldn’t even try to help others if there’s nothing in it for him . " When Lyner said those words, Oliver reacted .

"Sir . Lyner I don’t think that a mercenary, will simply do a job based solely on their interest, I think that they have their own principles, and their own justice to prove, as well as their own pride . "

"Heh, what do you know kid? Principles? Justice? Those are just meaningless words thrown around by the weak dregs who lost their fangs . . . Whatever, no use arguing with you about that . " When Lyner said those words, he remembered back in his youth, he too had those principles, and a sense of justice only he could understand . . . But that was a long time ago, he quickly discarded the thought and announced, some shocking news to the members of the club with a grin on his face .

"Just know that we need two more members, and I already found the two best candidates that can handle what we lack . "

When the club members heard Lyner’s announcement they were stunned once more . This guy works really fast, yet every time they saw him, he was always sleeping . When did he have time to think of this plan, make a poster and find the members?

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