
Chapter 93

"I am Seiji Amamami, a sixth grader . As you have heard I am from the Amamami family . So you must know how influential my family is here in Berdonia . " The little guy smiled confidently .

It is true the Amamami family is indeed one or two levels above the Kain family and they too are an old influential family in Berdonia, but Lilitth doesn’t know or care about that kind of details .

"Umm, sorry I don’t know any Amamami . . . " Hearing Lilitth’s reply most of the students in the classroom were shocked . The students here ,though they were around eight to nine year old kids, they understood who the Amamami family was, since they were children of influential people in the city . They were even told that if they have a chance they should get close to Seiji . That’s why they were shocked when they heard what Lilitth said .

Even Seiji was confused, since this was the first time he had heard such a response . Yet he didn’t care at this point, he might as well explain to her how great his family is . "My family the Amamami family is one of the oldest aristocratic family of Berdonia . My family has a lot of people in major positions in the government . My father is even an associate Judge in supreme court . "

Hearing all these things didn’t really impress Lilitth . She could only nod a bit as he heard Seiji bragging about his family . Seiji being kind of an idiot thought Lilitth was impressed .

"So without further ado, I need to tell you something Lilitth . " After bragging about how great his family was, Seiji returned his focus on Lilitth .

"What is it?" Lilitth was still a bit confused by Seiji’s weirdness .

Seiji then proceeded to say the words, his aniue told him to say in front of a girl he likes . "Lilitth become my woman, become a part of the Amamami family . " Seiji didn’t really understand the true implications of what he said, and simply followed what his aniue told him .

Niki and the others who witness the whole thing, were very confused as to the meaning of what Seiji just said, all they understood was basically Seiji wanted Lilitth to be his girlfriend .

"Sorry I don’t want to be your woman, or part of the Amamami family . " Lilitth was the only one who truly understood what Seiji just said . She understood that it was a proposal, so she quickly denied him, for three major reasons .

First off she was too young to be proposed to . Second she didn’t know anything about Seiji, except for the facts he so graciously brag about . Third and final reason she didn’t like the idea of changing her last name .

When Seiji heard Lilitth’s response he couldn’t comprehend what was said immediately . Did someone actually reject him, and even rejected to being a part of the Amamami family?

"Did you just say no?" Seiji asked just to be sure .

"Well I did say more than that, but yes, basically I said no . " Lilitth calmly replied, in which the stunned Seiji just stared dumbly at Lilitth . This was the first time in his whole life, that someone had rejected him .

For some unknown reason he was suddenly boiling in anger . In his mind he kept on asking, who was this person to actually reject an Amamami . How dare she! Those were the only things going through his mind at the moment .

"I wasn’t asking for permission, I was stating a fact!" Seiji then held Lilitth’s right arm . Lilitth was about to do something, but Niki responded first .

"Seiji stop! You’re hurting her!" Niki tried to hold Seiji’s hand, but he flung Niki away .

"Get out of my way! How dare someone like you touch me! Someone lowborn like you!" The moment Lilitth saw Seiji pushed Niki aside, she was already irritated, but when she heard what Seiji said she got angrier .

Using her superhuman strength Lilitth lifted Seiji using the arm he was holding . Seiji wanted to let go of Lilitth, but she held onto him tightly . Then everyone heard a loud crunching sound, Seiji’s right arm broke .

"AAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!" Lilitth finally let go of Seiji .

He started crying and screaming hard . The pain was unbearable, hearing the noise a teacher finally came . Upon seeing the situation and hearing about it from the students, the teacher couldn’t make any judgement, since the two students involved were beyond him .

The teacher could only bring Seiji to the clinic, and after which call the Principal and inform him of the events that transpired .

. . .

After awhile Seiji who had finally calmed down, after being given first aid medication and some pain relievers, called his dad .

"Dad! Somebody broke my arm!"

"WHO THE HELL DARES! WHO DID IT, TELL ME!" Seiji’s father was screaming angrily .

Seiji hesitated to tell his father who did it . Since for one he was scared of his father, and secondly he didn’t want to tell his father that the one who broke his arm was a little girl . Yet as he hesitated his father got even angrier .

"WHY ARE NOT SAYING ANYTHING!" Hearing his father’s angry scream, Seiji decided to just tell the whole truth .

After explaining the whole sequence of event to his father, it just made his father even angrier, at Lilitth, Niki, and his own son Seiji .

"WHAT THE HELL! You got your arm broken by a eight year old girl! Just wait for me, after this meeting I’ll go directly to that school of yours . I will make the family of Niki, and Lilitth suffer until they’ll beg me, on their knees, crying to just kill them . "

Seiji hearing what his dad said, had mixed feelings . He really wanted to get back on those girls, and he rejoiced in hearing their doomed fate . . . But at the same time he was scared of the punishment waiting for him .

Little did the father and son duo know, that while they were planning what to do . Someone was actually planning something much more horrible .

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