
Chapter 266

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Eight years ago, in Alex’s fake memories his childhood was happy and normal, one you could see anywhere in the world, but the truth was of course different . Alex who was known at the time as Dalvir Greyhound was part of a family that ruled over the legendary Shadow Mercenaries . In truth they were the true Shadow Mercenaries, while the current Shadow Mercenaries were simply a facade . The Greyhound family simply gathered people who they considered usable and trained them, to be adequate servants . The Shadow Mercenaries was in truth what their family was called when the Granado Empire was beginning to expand its borders .

They weren’t part of the Empire or any existing nation at the time, but they rendered their services to the highest bidder . Following their example, a lot of other people decided to that as well . In a world where fighting and killing was normal, they thought how about gaining money as they offer their skills . That was when the mercenary system was created . The people took the name Mercenaries from the legendary family called the Shadow Mercenaries .

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Alex at a young age was groomed to become the next leader of the Greyhound family that controlled the Shadow Mercenaries . He was trained not to show any emotions, even though deep inside he wanted to play outside and be like every other kid out there . He wanted friends, he wanted to go to school normally, and he didn’t like training, since it hurts so much .

Everyday he would get battered and bruised . He would almost always cry in front of his father, yet his father was unperturbed and kept on training him .

The only reason that he was able to endure such training was because of his mother . After practice his mother would always help him sneak out and play . It was the mother and child’s little secret and it always made Alex happy . Of course Alex’s father Richard Greyhound already knew about these secret outings of the two . Yet he allowed it, since he too didn’t really like doing this to his own son .

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There was a time Alex dreaded more than training, and it was a visit from his grandfather . Every time his grandfather visited he would beat Alex up . He did this to see Alex’s improvements, but every time he did so he would always leave disappointed .

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Then one day his grandfather came to the house and did the usual spar, but this time something different happen . Alex’s grandfather Richter, didn’t stop even though he already won . It was obvious to his parents that Richter was planning to kill Alex .

Of course the two blocked the old man’s path .

"Father why are you doing this?" Alex’s father screamed at the old man .

"This thing is a failure . You were already mediocre, but you still had uses to make the next generation so I allowed you to live, but this thing isn’t worthy to be a Greyhound, so he must die . I hope you and your wife will create a better offspring next time . "

Alex’s mother who was hugging Alex trembled in fear . Everyone in the Greyhound family knew that Richter Greyhound was the strongest monster that the family has ever produced . He was even stronger than the first Greyhound, who was told in fairy tales .

Alex’s mother and father knew they were no match, but still they protected their child . Richter unable to control himself accidentally killed his son and daughter-in-law . Old man Richter looked at his blood soaked hands, and as if it was just a minor problem sighed . He was only able to hit Alex with one shot and wasn’t able to hit any vitals . The two protected their son until the end .

Richter then looked at his useless grandson, and saw that his expression changed . It turned into something emotionless, there was neither rage nor sorrow in those eyes, there was only nothingness . Seeing this Richter couldn’t help but smile .

"I see! . . . So that’s what needed to happen to prove your true worth as a Greyhound! A Greyhound needs to throw its young down the mountain and whoever climbs back up will be worthy . "

Richter then approached Alex, and whispered in his ear .

"Dalvir I’m sure you understand now, your parents died because you were weak . You need to become strong for this to never happen again . You must remember useless human emotions aren’t needed to become strong . You must discard what it means to be human, and focus solely on becoming strong . Once you reached the limit on your own . . . Once you reach the height that would allow you to become a Greyhound, I will appear before you . Dalvir, prove to me that you are a true Greyhound!"

After saying that Richter left, and moments later Carlo Samarita a friend of Alex’s mother appeared . Carlo at this time didn’t know the relationship of the Greyhounds and the Shadow Mercenaries . Actually on the surface the Greyhounds were a normal average family . So Carlo thought all this time, his friend was doing well in a normal easy going family life .

Yet today as he was going to visit, he saw the family dead . Well not all of them were dead as he saw that Alex was barely alive . It was then he heard Alex muttering something .

"I want to be strong . "

Even in the face of death, the young boy showcased his determination .

"Heh, nice answer kid . If you want to live and be strong . First you must die . " Carlo then manually pulled out the bullet inside of Alex . It was this very moment he thought .

’I guess I will be taking care of your son now . . . Clara . ’ Carlo thought of that name for the last time, as he remembered that girl in his orphanage who always kept on smiling with that bright smile of hers . He then whispered in the barely conscious boy’s ear .

"From this day forth you’re my son, Alexander Samarita"

. . .

Alex who suddenly remembered this, screamed in rage as he glared at his grandfather who simply smiled at him .

"Do you finally remember who I am?"

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