
Chapter 1817 - The Rule

Chapter 1817: The Rule

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

After resting one night in the inn, Zhang Tie got up on the next early morning. After asking the waiter how to reach Tigerback Mountain, Zhang Tie left the inn for Tigerback Mountain.

Tigerback mountain was about 3 miles away from Zhang Tie’s inn. Therefore, it was just a few minutes of walk.

Tigerback Mountain was not high; however, it was full of reiki. It was said that Bian Heng the Yama was on the mountain. There was a stone path that could lead straight to the hillside from the foot of the mountain. There was a decorated archway at the beginning of the stone path which was higher than 30 m. On the top of the archway, there was a line of huge golden words, shining in the first ray of sunshine, “The Immortal Doctor in Motian Realm” inscribed by Emperor NvWa’s Palace.

This archway alone was awe-inspiring to everyone.

When Zhang Tie came to the front of that archway, there were already hundreds of people in front of him, male or female, old or young, immortal generals or ordinary people, rich or poor. All of them were queuing up quietly and orderly outside the decorated archway.

At the sight of them, Zhang Tie had known that they were here for medicines. According to the rule of Tigerback Mountain, all the patients should queue up here obediently.

In other places across Motian Realm, someone might jump the queues; however, it would never happen here; as all those who dared jump the queue here would be driven out of Tigerback Mountain forever. Someone might wonder whether there were trouble-makers here or not? Of course, there were. However, the premise was that they should defeat Bian Heng the Yama first. Forgot to tell you, Bian Heng the Yama was also a supreme-level immortal general or a sage-level knight besides being famous in the medical community.

Besides immortal emperors, who dared guarantee that he could defeat Bian Heng? If not being foolish, which human immortal emperor would treat Bian Heng by force?

Zhang Tie stood at the end of the line consciously as he saw Uncle Guan who was driving the uran carriage yesterday in front of him. After greeting each other, Zhang Tie and Uncle Guan continued to queue up.

‘It’s just like queuing up to register in the hospital!’ Zhang Tie muttered.

Many people arrived behind Zhang Tie. Not until over 1 hour later when the total population in the queue was over 500 did Zhang Tie see two people going downhill. When they came to the archway, they opened a small room beside the archway and entered it. Closely after that, one of them said, “The first one could come in...”

The first one looked like a butler. After hearing the words, the butler hurriedly smoothened his clothes and entered the small room before closing the door from inside.

Zhang Tie noticed that the small room was soundproof. Common talks inside the room could never be heard by people outside.

Only after 10 more seconds, the first one had left the room with a worried look. After taking a look at Tigerback Mountain behind him, he left there.

The second one also came out in 10 more seconds. Then the 3rd one, the 4th one... The team just moved forward. Most of them could only stay in the room for more than 10 seconds. Few of them could stay inside for half a minute. Only a couple of them could stay inside for 1 minute.

After about one hour later, Zhang Tie saw Uncle Guan entering the small room.

However, Uncle Guan came out in a bit more than 10 seconds too.

Zhang Tie immediately noticed that Uncle Guan looked a bit frustrated and indignant.

“Uncle Guan, how about it?” Zhang Tie asked him when Uncle Guan approached him.

After taking a look at Zhang Tie, Uncle Guan shook his head silently before leaving there with heavy steps.

Not only Uncle Guan, but most of the people leaving that small room also looked worried.

After Uncle Guan left there for about 20 minutes, it finally came to Zhang Tie.

After entering the small room frankly, Zhang Tie closed the door from inside.

There were a desk and a chair inside the small room. The elder one with pale hair was sitting on the chair with a distant look, eyes half-closed. He didn’t even take a look at Zhang Tie. The younger one at his 20’s standing beside him watching Zhang Tie in a domineering look.

It was like how a business group or trading company interviewed their employees.

When Zhang Tie saw them just now, he had known that they were both immortal generals. The elder one was a wind immortal general; the younger one was an earth immortal general. However, they all looked like servants.

“Do you know the rule here?” The youth opened his mouth with a distant look as if Zhang Tie had owed him hundreds of element crystals or he was interrogating Zhang Tie given the latter’s ordinary costume.

“I don’t know!” Zhang Tie replied as he pretended to be serious.

“Why did you join in the fun if you don’t know about it?” The youth changed his face at once as he started to scold Zhang Tie.

“That’s why I’m here!” Zhang Tie replied calmly as if he had not seen the youth’s face, “I don’t know where you publicize your rule. If there is, I don’t mind taking a look at it. If you’ve not publicized it, please explain it to me. Isn’t that your job?”

Zhang Tie actually had heard about the rule in Tigerback Mountain from Tang Mei in the uran carriage yesterday. However, he disliked the expression of the youth. Therefore, he just denied it.

At this moment, the old man who was sitting on the chair looked up at Zhang Tie. Closely after that, he lowered his head, eyes half-closed as if he was taking a nap.

The youth slightly turned furious as he wanted to lose his temper. However, after taking a look at that old man beside him, he took in a deep breath and controlled his fury.

“Well, now that you don’t know about the rule in Tigerback Mountain, I will explain it to you. Do you want my master to cure your disease?”


“What items could you present to enable my master to cure your disease?” the youth asked Zhang Tie with a bit ironical expression as if he wanted to lose his temper, “You know, ordinary items couldn’t move my master at all. If you take out a human-level immortal outfit or element crystals, save it. Some years ago, someone even wanted to present earth-level immortal outfits to my master; however, my master refused them all. Ordinary immortal outfits and element crystals are like nothing but sh*t in my master’s eyes!”

Zhang Tie replied with a smile, “My present is definitely unique in Motian Realm. I believe that your master will be interested in it the moment he sees it!”

“Young man, you’d better leave here as soon as possible. I will not put you on the spot here!” The old man suddenly opened his mouth as he raised his head and watched Zhang Tie, saying, “We meet dozens of people like you annually. You couldn’t suffer the outcome of cheating people in Tigerback Mountain!”

Zhang Tie smiled as he moved one step forward. Meanwhile, he reached out a fist, saying, “The item is in my hand. You will know it the moment you see it. However, the fewer people see it, the better...”

“You’re still pretending to be something...” The youth was already furious as he couldn’t wait to throw Zhang Tie out of there.

As Zhang Tie clenched his fist, the young man couldn’t see the item in his hand. Even if there was really something, as it could be held by one hand, it must be not precious.

The old man took a calm look at Zhang Tie as he reached out his hand. Zhang Tie then put the item onto the old man’s hand.

The old man slightly changed his face the moment he sensed the item in his hand.

“Do you think you could find this in Motian Realm?” Zhang Tie asked with a smile.

The old man’s expression kept changing for a short while before nodding and slowly picking himself up from the chair. Under the unbelievable gaze of the young man, the old man told Zhang Tie, “Come with me...”

After saying that, the old man told the young immortal general, “Let’s stop it today!”

Closely after that, the old man took Zhang Tie out of the small room beside the archway. Under the dumbfounded looks of all the others, he went uphill one step after another, followed by Zhang Tie, leaving many people discussing it behind them...

“Who’s that young man? Why did he go uphill?”

“Does he have any rarity...”


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