
Chapter 10 Trodars Troubles

Chapter 10 Trodar“s Troubles

"What happened to Trodar?"

The degree of seriousness in Jack’s voice sent chills down Jezelle’s spine. There was a twenty-six level gap between them, but at that moment she felt that Jack could be far more frightening than anyone she had ever met before.

She stammered, "Um... I’m not too sure... I know they’ve been at war for the past century and they went from being the largest nation in the continent to the smallest. We think it’s only a matter of time before it disappears like some of the other ancient countries."

Jack was taking long deep breaths, trying his best to stay calm. He waited a few seconds before responding. "Who is at war with them?"

"Almost everyone." Jezelle’s words stabbed into Jack’s heart. "Over the past century or more, they’ve faced threats from every border and some other nations would send support to neighboring countries to spite Trodar."


Jack’s one-word reply brought Jezelle a sense of caution. She knew he couldn’t do anything to her now, but she had the premonition to pick her words carefully as she continued, "Many were jealous of Trodar’s power and influence. In the past, Trodar was strong enough to even support the Zuran Empire during some critical times as a powerful ally. But when Trodar became the biggest target in Kartonia, the Zuran Empire offered no help to their former ally."

Suddenly the mug in front Jack and Jezelle exploded. Jezelle noticed Jack’s clenched fist that had slammed into the table. It showed tense, white knuckles and a trace of blood from where his fingernails began to cut his skin. She froze but was stunned to hear him say, "Continue."

"Five countries broke off from Trodar with the help of Trodar’s neighbors. Those rising factions offered some of Trodar’s best pieces of land in exchange for their support. The current Trodar has shrunken from a powerful political giant into a cower turtle that slowly grows smaller as more threats come after them," she summed the war’s history and sighed that it was over until she heard another one-word reply.


"Which what?" she asked.

"Which countries sent reinforcements?" Jack clarified. Jezelle swallowed all the saliva in her throat, leaving her mouth temporarily dry. She hesitated and Jack suddenly yelled loud enough for everyone to hear, "Which countries!?"

The pub went quiet. Everyone eagerly turned and saw the two stars from the earlier challenge giving off a deathly serious vibe. Even Zariff put down his mug and sobered up a little after hearing Jack’s shouting.

"Only three did, two were neighbors of Trodar who had formed an alliance and sent reinforcements to each other during different parts of the war. The only other one was..." Jezelle’s throat chocked on her final words, not letting them escape her mouth.

"Let me guess, the Reinolt Empire?" said Jack casually yet coldly. Jezelle only nodded slowly in response, not wanting to say anything else. Seeing that she didn’t want to talk anymore, Jack grabbed the map and rose to his feet to walk out. The beautiful women remained there, untouched and seemingly forgotten by the exiting figure. She had no clue what was so strange about Jack or what his relation to Trodar was, but she didn’t have any energy left to speak the rest of the night.

While on his way out, Jack passed by Zariff and quickly stated, "Chief, meet me in the main hall." He never slowed down or looked at the giant man; just kept walking towards the exit.

Everyone was baffled. The atmosphere of the entire place had made a complete turn, from cheers and laughter to grimaces and seriousness. Zariff glanced at the stiff Jezelle before he finished his drink and followed after the newest member of his branch.

He made his way through the association building and entered the largest room on the second floor, the main conference hall. Jack was seated at the head where Zariff usually sat. Without hesitation, Zariff grabbed a chair, placed himself at the head of the table beside Jack and said, "What’s up?"

"How strong do I need to be to safely travel?" asked Jack.

"Most travelers are around lv. 20, but that’s why I recommend traveling after lv. 25 just in case," said Zariff calmly. He could understand the vibe of seriousness from Jack and answered frankly, "Where you going?"

"Trodar, as soon as I can."

"Oh, in that case, don’t leave until your lv. 30. The borders there are regulated by the surrounding nations. Typically, only traders and merchants can enter, and that’s if they’re willing to pay the extreme entrance fees. Trodar’s economy has taken a massive hit due to this and is waning on the verge of collapse. If you’re under lv. 30 and try to sneak in, you’ll be caught for sure."

Jack nodded, remembering how Rydel said something similar. "Why was the Reinolt Kingdom involved in all this?"

"Because the Reinolt family has a deep grudge against Trodar," answered Zariff. "The Reinolt family came from Trodar but settled in the Zuran Empire as part of the alliance agreement between the two countries a few centuries ago. The citizens here don’t know that, but I grew up in the Polt Federation hearing about politics from across Kartonia. According to rumors, there was a falling out between Trodar and the Reinolt family soon after the alliance formed and ended in the Reinolt family being accepted as the strongest noble faction of the Zuran Empire."

Surprised, Jack shook his head and said, "That explains everything." Zariff was about to ask why when Jack began his long explanation.

"I won’t explain exactly how this happened, but while in my previous world I was able to interact with ancient Kartonia. In the past, I had heard of the rising Reinolt family in the streets of Trodar but never would have put the two together. That alone explains the king’s haughty attitude. I have a long history with Trodar and the southeast regions of ancient Kartonia. That’s why I must get stronger faster than humanly possible and travel to Trodar. If I can’t do that much, based on what you and Jezelle say, the nation is likely to fall very soon."

Zariff looked deeply into Jack’s eyes, trying his best to find fault or doubt. Seeing Jack’s clear conscience, he nodded and said, "Great, then we’ll do everything we can to help you."

"You believe me? You aren’t gonna ask how?" questioned Jack.

"Nope, I can see it in your eyes. Just like how a beast can vaguely sense people’s character, I can recognize that this means more to you than I can imagine," answered Zariff. "Besides, this will help that skinny fella get out and make me money. You’d better learn all you can from him. He may not be one of the highest level guys we have, but he’s the most useful and dependable member of the entire branch."

Jack was taken aback by Zariff’s high praise and internally vowed to do whatever Rydel said to gain EXP. He was certain that whatever Rydel had planned, it couldn’t be any crazier than what he had done himself in the past.

"Is there anything else you want to ask me? Sure I’m an old fart, but this old fart has seen most of the continent with his own eyes," said Zariff.

"Who’s currently in charge of Trodar?" asked Jack.

Zariff smiled and answered, "The only country in all Kartonia to keep their original structure of authority for over a millennium is Trodar. I’d imagine you’ve heard of the Trodan Council, right?"

"Of course I have," said Jack. Thinking back, he remembered helping set up the Trodan Council alongside his former guild members and occupying one of its seats personally. Jack calmed down slightly after hearing that the council was still in charge.

"The political structure of Trodar is amazing, one of the best in the world. Though they have shrunken a lot over the past century the people there remain loyal to the council and the nation; they fully support them in all decisions and military action. If it weren’t for such deep loyalty, Trodar would have long fallen alongside some of the other ancient nations," praised Zariff.

"Trodar is one of the few nations that can run on trust; their sense of justice was the greatest of all Kartonia. That’s why the Adventurers Association was originally founded within Trodar. Nowadays, the association still tries to help Trodar and stall the decline but due to the adventurers having free will, it’s almost impossible to amass an army willing to challenge so many different nations."

Jack chuckled, "Really? Sounds like lady fate likes me, seeing that she brought me here. Thanks for all the help chief. I’ll grow stronger thanks to your efforts." He turned and started to walk away when something was thrown harshly against his back and knocked him over. "Hey, what was that for!?"

"Just checkin’ if you were the same weak brat I met earlier." Zariff laughed as stepped over Jack, probably on his way back to the Jezelle’s pub.

Jack glanced up at the giant when he noticed the fallen item that had knocked him over. It was a coin purse. It wasn’t very big, but it was full of gold and silver, nonetheless. With a smirk, Jack snatched the purse and made a mental note to take better care of that old fart in the future.

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