
Chapter 129 All Headed for Ponlinne

Chapter 129 All Headed for Ponlinne

"Flame Burst!"

Jack yelled and sent a ball of fire toward the guards. It wasn’t like a common fireball, though, it felt like it would explode and disintegrate whatever it came in contact with.

Both guards jumped back, almost stumbling over each other. The cold face on the young man’s face paled, realizing that he had angered someone very powerful.

Not only did Jack show skills while dual-wielding swords, easily countering the guards, Jack also displayed a fire spell that none of them had seen before. With skills in both swords and magic, the middle-aged man was a terrifying person that most wouldn’t dare antagonize. And since his level was hidden, that only made things worse.

As the guards waited for their death by fire, the fierce firey orb plummeted to the ground and exploded in front of them. The force generated from the impact knocked them both over, as well as the young man and many people in the crowd.

Flames ravaged that spot for a couple of seconds before they finally dispersed. There in the ground was a two-meter wide charred crater from the explosion, proving to everyone how strong that attack was.

Everyone finally looked away from the now absent flames, looking for the man who caused them. But he was nowhere to be found.

While everyone was trembling at the sight of Jack’s spell, Jack fled the scene and removed his mask. After a minute or two, Jack returned to the same shop to finish his shopping with his hood up to hind his young face. He laughed when he noticed that people were still gathering around the charred crater he left behind.

It wasn’t much that Jack needed, just some food and rations for the trip. As Jack exited the shop, there was a new crowd around the charred crater and all of them were wearing the same light armor.

The Treall Family? What are they up to now? Jack couldn’t help but wonder about them.

"Father, you know I’m not lying! Look, he’s the one who caused this and stole my map!" That young man was there too, arguing with an aging soldier.

"Glen, shut up! That man’s already vanished and there’s no trace of him, so stop barking at me," stated the man. "You’re the heir to the Treall Family, you should act more responsibly."

"But Father, we need that map and it’s the last one in town!"

"A map is simple to acquire after we cross the border. For now, get home and get ready. Tomorrow, we leave for Ponlinne." The man had the air of a nobleman, staying true to his title as head of the Treall Family. He turned and led the many guards deeper into town toward the Treall Manor.

"They’re crossing the border? I wonder why?"

"Didn’t you hear, an ancient catacomb was found near Ponlinne!"

Jack overheard a conversation between a couple of locals on the street. He acted like the rest, in awe of the Treall Family as they left, that way he could continue listening to the interesting conversation.

"Well, yeah, but that’s always been there, hasn’t it?"

"True, but now the owners of the catacombs are opening it to a few select groups. Apparently, there might still be treasures hidden inside and the owners want help retrieving them."

"But why the Treall Family?"

"They may be from Reinolt, but they’re still closer than most others. Besides, haven’t you heard the rumors?"

"Really?! The Treall Family might join the Zuran Empire?"

"SHHH! Don’t shout, or the Treall Family might hear you! It’s not official, but if they do then it’s more then likely that the town joins the Zuran Empire to expand its borders."


Everything the two locals said beyond that was unimportant, and Jack saw it fit to hurry back to Rydel with the surprising news.

It was already dark when Jack reached camp and found Rydel. "Hey, you’ll never guess what happened?"

"What? Did you change your mind?" joked Rydel. He was amused to see Jack so hyped up about something in the middle of nowhere.

"No! Of course not!" Jack scoffed and continued, "Do you know the Treall Family?"

Rydel squinted his eyes in thought before he asked, "Why, did they cause you trouble?"

From Rydel’s reaction, Jack already knew that the Treall Family was known for causing trouble. Shaking his head, Jack replied, "A little, but that’s not important. Their young master tried to steal my map and tried to kill me for it after I bought it. Apparently, the Treall Family needs it because they’re about to travel to Ponlinne, possibly to help explore a famous catacomb."

"Oh..." sighed Rydel. He didn’t bother asking how Jack had gotten out of trouble, it didn’t matter as long as he was fine now. However, the hunter felt uneasy after learning more about the situation. "Jack, this trip may be harder than we think."

"And why’s that?"

"Because if the Treall Family was invited, then other powerful families and groups will be there too, and those will be from the Zuran Empire. If I’m not mistaken..." Rydel stepped to Jack and snatched the map. He unfurled it and pointed to a small city. "Isn’t this where you said the life spring was?"

Jack nodded, but waited for Rydel to continue. "This is Ponlinne, the same city that the Treall Family is headed to. And if involves the Pon Family Catacombs just outside the city, it seems like this is the worst time to try and sneak in."

With a long face, Jack stared at the map. He wanted yell to the heavens. Thinking to himself, Jack wondered, ’Did Daruun do this on purpose? I thought fate was supposed to be on my side as his champion?’

"Jack, are you sure you want to do this? So many powerful people together will make the journey dangerous. I can’t guarantee your safety in such a situation." Both of them were very capable, but Rydel didn’t dare to underestimate the strength of noble families, at least not their leaders.

Nodding without hesitation, Jack looked toward the border. "First, we need to get to Ponlinne. Who knows? Maybe, if we’re lucky, the life spring isn’t in those catacombs. After learning more about Ponlinne and its surrounding areas, then we can reevaluate our plan."

Rydel smiled and held out his hand. "Did you get all the meat I asked for? Ayden needs all the strength she can get for tomorrow’s flight. If we hurry, we’ll cross the border before noon and can reach Ponlinne by sunset."

"Here’s everything and more! I got extras, just in case," said Jack, as a large sack appeared in his hands.

"Good! Ayden, eat up girl!" Rydel took the sack and placed it in front of his new roc companion. It was opened wide, making it very easy for the hungry roc to eat her fill.

Not patient in the least, the roc dove its head into the bag. Bits and pieces of meat were scattered as the huge bird gobbled up more and more meat.

"Wow, what an appetite," commented Jack.

"Who are you to talk?" Rydel laughed and pointed at Bowzer, who was near the roc and eating everything it dropped. The sly fox would even steal a large hunk every now and then, completely unafraid of the roc.

Jack laughed, "Yeah, I guess you’re right." That light tone quickly faded as Jack looked back toward the border yet again.

"Kid, I hope you realize that we might not succeed at this, especially if noble families are involved."

"Yeah... I know..."

"Come on, cheer up! You know this is what she wanted, right" Rydel sat beside the gloomy Jack and nudged the young hero with his elbow. "Right?"

"Right..." Jack’s frown disappeared but a smile didn’t take its place. No emotion was shown by Jack as he put his brain to work. He understood that this trip got a lot more complicated now that some noble families weren’t involved. And he wasn’t stupid enough to reject the idea of the life spring being inside the same ancient catacomb that the noble families were after. If anything, it made sense and proved that something so valuable as a life spring really might be there.

After a quick rub on Jack’s back, Rydel stood up and went to his tent. "Don’t stay up too late! We’re leaving before sunrise."

Laying across the grass and looking up to the starry sky, Jack sighed and thought out loud in a low voice, "This is harder than I thought. No wonder Daruun said the other option would be easier... Well, I can either blame fate or I can fight it..."

Eventually, Jack was unable to fight his tiredness and he dozed off with the warm Bowzer sleeping on his chest.

Both adventurers woke up at the crack of dawn and were gone before the sun passed the treetops. Soon, they were beyond the Reinolt Kingdom and flying over the Zuran Empire, an empire that, though it had shrunken, had survived since Ancient Kartonia.

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