
Chapter 490 - Moon Jumps Out From Clouds in Miaoyin Spell Conference (I)

Chapter 490 Moon Jumps Out From Clouds in Miaoyin Spell Conference (I)

In the Mid-Autumn Festival, people gather together under the full moon.

Ancient emperors practiced the ritual which offered sacrifices to the sun in spring and to the moon in autumn. It’s very early when the “Mid-Autumn Festival” was recorded in the “Rites of Zhou”. Later on, nobles and bookmen also performed this ritual. They offered sacrifices and watched the full moon in the sky during the Mid-Autumn Festival to express their feelings. This custom then popularizes in folks. In the Tang Dynasty, the Mid-Autumn Festival became a regular festival. It prevailed in the Song Dynasty. In Ming and Qing Dynasty, it has become one of the most important festivals in Huaxia.

Parted by distance, people can express their nostalgia under the bright moon... Of course, this is definitely the story of Huaxia before the New Era.

After the battle which almost destroyed the civilization of the earth, the sky has always been filled with floating small dust particles. Survivors on the earth have never seen the bright moon again. The Mid-Autumn Festival is gradually forgotten as time goes by.

However, the Mid-Autumn Festival in 306 of the New Calendar is different. This day has been recorded by the booksmen of the Earth Federation and in the legendary unofficial history. No matter how different their records are, there is one thing in common, Miaoyin Spell Conference.

Twelve o’clock of the 14th of August has arrived but now it is still not the 15th on the eighth lunar month. Many people who set up tents on the side of Dongting Lake before are still awake now. Because there are too many people coming for the spell conference, the accommodation in Dongting City is not enough. Although some people have lived in homestay, there are still a few people who choose to set up tents on the edge of Dongting Lake. The lake is clear with green willows. Living by the lake is no worse than living in a big hotel!

Until August 14, there are more than 400,000 people who come to Dongting because of the Miaoyin Spell Conference, half of which are from various planets of the Alpha Alliance. These people live so leisurely that they decide to go to Dongting to watch a big show. There is a cultivator on the earth who can get a glimpse of genetic secrets of the human body and can extend life span through self-cultivation. This truth has been confirmed by the Alliance but can absurd legends of the earth also come true?

Many people come with such kind of curiosity and inquiring. They are expecting the scam to be uncovered.

There are tons of people on Mount Jun Island. It has already been surrounded by people who come here early and there is no space left. People who come here later use crystal coins to buy their place. If they can’t get a near place, it is still a good choice to rent a boat from the Dongting government to get closer to the island. Anyhow, they can occupy a highland which is enough to watch Mount Jun Island with a telescope.

Several interstellar TV stations of the Alpha Alliance condescend to install countless cameras here and strive to shoot live broadcasts from all perspectives. They have advanced equipment and the Earth Federation TV stations are totally outshone! This is clearly a huge event of the Earth Federation. Why does condescending Alpha Alliance come here?

The legend of Mount Jun Island has also spread again. Hosts of each station are saying some ridiculous things about it. The only thing matters is to catch the audience’s attention.

There people tell stories one after another. This place is filled with noise when the evening arrives.

As the sky gradually gets dark, everyone knows that tonight’s big show may be coming soon.

Liu Qingdai is sitting in front of the painted sculpture before Liu Yi Well in a dress as white as lotus. Behind her, there are some people from the Alpha Alliance, most of which believe in “Mortal Heart Fairy”.

Sitting in the middle of believers, the rich and unprecedented power of faith makes Liu Qingdai feel very comfortable.

She controls her urge to use “listening spell” in front of the god statue. Although she wants to know how sincere these believers are, such kind of behavior is always disrespectful.


In an office of the eighth district of moonstar, there are countless TVs which broadcast the so-called “exclusive news” of each interstellar station in turn.

It is kind of noisy here. However, elegant Mr. Pang is standing there respectfully and he doesn’t hide it at all.

The Huaxia man leaning on the sofa stares at TVs on the wall for a whole day. He doesn’t seem to feel tired at all.

Mr. Pang is a little speechless, “You know, you can just go to Dongting.”

Mr. Pang can’t figure this out. This Huaxia man can occupy the most advantageous position on Mount Jun Island with his power. Why bother to watch this in such a difficult way?

The Huaxia man stares at the wall and doesn’t turn his head. He lowers his voice for a while. It’s hard to tell whether he is answering Mr. Pang or saying to himself.

“I want to see her immediately but I’m afraid she doesn’t want to see me... Xianzhong, do you know the reason why I choose you among so many people in the school?

When the man mentions their history, Pang Xianzhong becomes more respectful. He is from humble roots. His parents have been dead so he and his only sister can only take care of each other. They were so poor that they couldn’t even pay the federal tuition fees which is extremely low. It was the man in front of him who chose him and sent him to the best official cradle school. He then secretly helped him to get enrolled by the federal government.

Pang Xianzhong only knows a little about the power of this Huaxia man. The man actually has a lot of relationships. It’s said that he even has some connections besides the Alpha Alliance in the Galaxy. Pang is also not the only one who gets his help.

But this doesn’t matter and it does not affect how grateful he feels.

“That is my lucky day.” It is rare for Pang Xianzhong to abandon the hypocrisy as a politician. He sounds very sincere.

The Huaxia man chuckles gently, “Because you have a temperament similar to a person.”

Pang Xianzhong is stunned. The Huaxia man’s voice becomes lower and lower. Even Pang Xianzhong who is very close to him can’t hear what he then says.

“The person who was so annoying for me in the past. But now, maybe it doesn’t seem to be so annoying... Anyway, even though you are similar to that person, it’s better if you are a dead man.”

The mouth of the Huaxia man moves and he is like to be smiling. However, he now looks like a murder, which makes people feel so restless.


“Hello everyone, welcome to Cabo II. Now I am in Dongting City, the Rank One member star of the Earth... ”

“Now it’s eight o’clock in the evening, Earth time. Nothing about the so-called spell conference has happened.”

Similar to the live broadcast reporters, the pseudo-believers are restless. Those alliance members who sneak in Mount Jun Island laugh in the crowd.

These people will keep quiet when Liu Qingdai glances at them. However, Mount Jun is big and there are too many people. There are always corners that she can’t take care of.

Liu Qingdai now also feels very gloomy, not because she doesn’t trust Lin Luoran, but because she is angry that these people do not respect Mortal Heart Fairy.

“Qingdai, don’t bother to waste your energy on others’ opinions.”

A clear female voice rings in Liu Qingdai’s ears. Liu Qingdai soon reacts. She stands up and kowtows for three times at the painted sculpture.

“Believer Liu Qingdai welcomes fairy.”

She takes the lead and believers on Mount Jun Island all follow. The sound spreads and there are lots of sounds not only from the lake at this moment. This is actually the response from the bank of the lake.

Some people from the alliance jeer with a sneaky smile. Seeing that after three rounds, there is still nothing happens to Mount Jun, they cannot help but sneers.

“Is Mortal Heart Fairy too shy to show up?”

“This is totally a lie and it makes me run for nothing!”

“Haha, I heard that the hairy crabs in Dongting Lake are good. It’s not totally a waste of time. Let’s ask the Mayor of Dongting for some special products.”

Liu Qingdai clenches her hands. Her nails are almost in her flesh.

These people make her have the urge to cast the “thunder punishment spell” to kill them all.

The hour hand has just pointed to nine o’clock. If it were August 15 before the New Era, this would have been the fullest and brightest moment for the moon. At this moment, Mount Jun is only covered in the dim light from the lake surface. It makes the atmosphere more solemn.

At this moment, moonlight breaks through numerous black clouds and projects on Mount Jun Island. It even illuminates the whole lake nearby.

The moonlight tonight is really good. Many people sigh secretly. However, they suddenly realize that the moon has long been invisible on the earth. Where does the bright moonlight come from?

Everyone looks up and finds that the moonlight they are bathing in seems to be pouring down from a crack of polluted gas which covered the earth, but now someone has split it. It casts down fiercely and separates the darkness, which can disperse the haze in people’s hearts.

In the blink of an eye, light drifts and becomes brighter and brighter.

A little bright light comes from the direction of moonstar. The wonderful sounds of the Huaxia instrumentals purify people’s hearts from far to near.

Gradually, people can see that this is because of some fairies flying over Mount Jun Island. They are playing the piano, blowing the sheng, or holding the pipa. The wonderful sound is moving and the immortal posture is ethereal. This dreamlike scene makes believers kowtow again and again. It also makes people watching the show shut up subconsciously. In this situation, even the breathing sounds heavy like blasphemy.

Who says that there is no immortal in this world! Even some major radio stations of the Alliance can’t find these excellent actors!

Many people dodge and sometimes look boldly at them. Which one of them is the Mortal Heart Fairy of Dongting?

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