
Chapter 135 At 12 Midnigh

Chapter 135 At 12 Midnigh

Money laundering. This was a game with the government. No comprehensive plan and various countermeasures; it was easy to fail.

But Chen Fan looked at the things written by these people online, and their way was clear and specific, as if by just doing what they wrote, a huge amount of property would be cleaned up right away. But he knew that if he did this, the difficulties would not be little.

In 1920, a Chicago Mafia financial expert bought a coin-operated washing machine, calculated the laundry revenue each night when, combined the money with the illegal income, and then reported and paid taxes.

After deducting the taxes, the illegally obtained money became his legal income, which was the earliest history of "money laundering."

Now the money laundering method has been developed into a variety of methods. It could be called money laundering even if a roadside kiosk could do the job!

But 500 million dollars...

Chen Fan scratched his head. It would be easy if it were RMB, but 500 million dollars... he had to find a way to convert it to RMB.

"More headaches with more money." Chen Fan shook his head and stood up from his chair after watching the time at the bottom of the screen.

Walking to Yun Meng’s bedroom, Chen Fan found that the door was not locked. Then he gently knocked twice and with a creaking sound opened the door.

"Yun Meng, there’s only a half hour before the class begins. I’ll take you to school!"

"Okay." With a soft reply, Yun Meng rose from her desk and loaded the book into the rabbit-pattern satchel.

The electronic odometer of the car showed the distance from the Bolan Garden to Yucai High School was three kilometers.

When they were about to reach the school gate, Chen Fan turned to Yun Meng and said, "I’ll take you a few times and after you are familiar with the route, I’ll buy you an electromobile. Then you can take it to and from school every day."

School started at 7 o’clock every morning and ended at 9:30 p.m. If Chen Fan had to pick her up all the time, he would immediately ask Yun Meng to quit.

"Just buy a bike. I don’t know how to use an electromobile," Yun Meng said with her slender fingers twisted.

"A bike is too difficult for a three-kilometer journey, and high school classes are demanding. Your schedule will be tight."

Chen Fan pointed to an electromobile on the sidewalk to the right and said, "It’s very simple. It will drive automatically if you don’t loosen the right handle. I’ll get it for you, and you can practice."

After he had dropped off Yun Meng, Chen Fan made a u-turn with his car and went back to his house to continue studying about "money laundering."

To tell the truth, it was a bit early for Chen Fan to study these things. It was like buying baby supplies before he even had a wife.

But Chen Fan did not worry that Abadi would dare to be bold because Chen Fan is slyer than he!

It was about four o’clock in the afternoon, and the sky outside was getting dark, and the dark clouds seemed to be enveloping the whole earth.

"Looks like a storm is coming." Chen Fan went to the window and looked at the view. The depressed sky was overwhelming.

Living near a coastal city, Chen Fan has long been accustomed to this kind of weather. If there were anything to destroy humanity and cause destruction to social stability and prosperity, the government would surely give a warning.


As he just finished his thought, in the distant dark cloud, suddenly a flash of lightning struck. Five seconds later, a roar of thunder reached Chen Fan ears.

"Pour, just pour," said Chen Fan, standing in front of the window. "Let the storm come more violently!"

Men, especially heartless, savage men, love to see these frightening natural wonders.


A ringing interrupted Chen Fan’s cheers and pulled his gaze back from the distance.

"Hey, Dad, what’s up?" Chen Fan looked at the number and pressed the answer key.

"Son, I can’t go home with your mother tonight. I just sat in your little uncle’s car. It was raining cats and dogs outside, and I couldn’t see the roads most of the time. So tonight we’re going to stay at his house and wait for the rain to stop."

"It’s going to rain here, but it doesn’t look like it’s going to be as heavy as where you are." Chen Fan looked out the window and predicted.

"Then you take good care of Meng Er at home!"

"Okay!" Chen Fan agreed.

Hanging up the phone, Chen Fan looked at the time. Yun Meng should be having her lunchtime now. He dialed her number.

It was about 20 seconds before she answered.

"Hey, Yun Meng, after school, go down to the shop and have something to eat. I’m picking you up tonight."

"Okay," Yun Meng answered softly.

On the first floor of every Yucai High School, there is a shop that sells snacks and food, that way no one would be afraid of being caught in the rain.

After shutting all the windows upstairs and down, Chen Fan continued to sit in front of the computer and search for the information he wanted.

Many people would immediately turn off and unplug the TV, computer, and other appliances when it was thundering, afraid that the lightning would strike close enough to burn up anything plugged in.

But Chen Fan didn’t think it was necessary. The speed of the sound in air was about 340 meters away. When you see lightning, then hear the thunder, as long as there is a three-second delay between them, there’s no problem.

After about half an hour, the whole sky was fading into the darkness, and even a single ray of sunlight could not penetrate the clouds.

And the lightning, as thick as a water bucket, struck over and over in the sky above the city of Zhongyun.


Chen Fan looked out of the window without moving his eyes.

If the electric eel could unleash the fury of nature, how wonderful would it be?

Lightning’s temperature can reach 17,000 to 28,000 degrees. The temperature is three to five times that of the sun’s surface and at the moment it released voltage, it could reach 100 million to one billion volts, and its current would be 20,000 to 40,000 amperes. And some lightning can be dozens of times more powerful than that.

What is the concept?

If the electric eel could continue to release the equivalent voltage as the lightning energy intensity, not to mention the submarine that was made of steel, even if the Ultraman came into a five-meter range of the electric eel, he would be dead.

"Huh." With a sigh, Chen Fan shook his head and shook off his fantasy in his head. Then he ied down and shifted his mind to the electric eel and continued to strengthen its watermelon-sized pituitary.


At about six o’clock, a shrill ringtone from the mobile phone rang, jolting Chen Fan from the electric eel thousands of miles away.

When his mind was back, the sky outside the window was completely dark, and crackling raindrops were hitting the window.

"Hey, Yun Meng, what’s the matter?"

"Brother Chen Fan, because of the heavy rain today, the school is not planning to let us study late. Could... Could you come and pick me up? "

"Okay, stay in the classroom. I’ll be there in 20 minutes."

Hanging up the phone, Chen Fan got up from his bed and looked around for an umbrella.

After searching for a long time, Chen Fan found a sunblock umbrella in a corner downstairs that had been brought back with his mother from her travels.

The rain outside was not very thrilling, but the lightning was a little frightening, and there was no sign of it stopping.

Three kilometers... Chen Fan twisted the car’s rain blower into the fast gear, and it took 15 minutes to drive to the gate of Yucai High School.

It was crowded and there was no sign of space.

Looking at the door that was filled with people with umbrellas, Chen Fan was frustrated. There was no place for him to park, and he would have to walk in the heavy rain.

After looking for space for a long time, Chen Fan finally parked his car in front of a store dozens of meters away.

With the silver umbrella, he cursed the rain god and quickly ran to the school.

Holding his umbrella high, he finally managed to get through the crowd to the building. Near the stairs, Chen Fan could see Yun Meng standing on the landing trembling in fear, her rabbit bag slung over her shoulder, her hands holding a stack of unopened school uniforms.

When Yun Meng saw Chen Fan coming from the stairs, the butterflies in her heart faded!

A free umbrella!

It was too small to cover two people, and the distance from the building to the car was more than 400 meters.

Chen Fan was a little heartless, but when it came to being a man, he was never hesitant.

The raindrops, which were the size of the beans, hit half of Chen Fan’s body from time to time, and he got a lot of rainwater on his face.

Yun Meng felt sorry, whenever she saw Chen Fan’s appearance, her body could not help but move outside of the umbrella.

"Don’t move and stay under it!" Chen Fan frowned and said something unkind.

The sun umbrella could not hold two people, and if there must be a person caught in the rain, Chen Fan was definitely a more suitable choice.

Of course, if it was Wang Bing who was with him, Chen Fan would take the umbrella all for himself.

It was almost November, and the rain was still a bit cold. But he was feistier than a bull, and even if he spent half an hour in the sea during winter, he would be able to climb up again. The worst that could happen was that he would feel uncomfortable under the rain.

Yun Meng was also trying to be a gentleman? This made Chen Fan very uncomfortable.

Once Chen Fan spoke out, Yun Meng immediately obediently carried the backpack and school uniform and came close next to the side of Chen Fan’s body.

When they got home, Chen Fan walked to the second-floor bedroom, stroking his hair back with his hands, then quickly took off his clothes that were half wet, wearing only shorts. He then found a clean shirt to put on.

There was not only crackling rain outside, but the lightning was still striking. Chen Fan changed his mind on calling delivery. He let Yun Meng show her cooking skills instead.

Dinner was simple.

Master Kang’s instant noodles with mountain mushrooms and eggs!

It’s not that Yun Meng can’t cook. In fact, before her grandpa broke his leg, she was in charge of the three meals a day at home. Even stupid people could make something edible, and it would be no problem because she was not stupid.

It’s just that Chen Fan always settled his hunger with food delivery, and the fridge had little in it to eat.

Master Kang’s instant noodles with the mushroom really tasted good. Yun Meng ate the food and almost ate the plate too.

"Go to bed early this evening, but keep studying!" Chen Fan looked at Yun Meng carrying her bag into the bedroom, and hurriedly gave the advice. "I’m telling you, that is half the key to success, but I don’t want you to hurt your eyesight."

"I know. I’ll go to bed at 10!" Yun Meng was playing with the little bunny hanging from the bag.

In fact, she would like to say: "Brother Chen Fan, you are confused. It’s not half the key. It’s the whole key to success."

Of course, Chen Fan did not know that he had used the wrong idiom, and he went into his bedroom after he had told her to rest early.

At twelve o’clock midnight...

No long after he was playing the War of Lords and attacked his own kind, Chen Fan got a phone call from an unknown number.

"Hello. I’m Mr. Abadi’s translator. He asked me to convey to you that 500 million dollars has been raised and can be sent tomorrow." On the other end of the telephone came a fierce male voice.

"Hey!" Chen Fan giggled while pinching his nose, and said with a strange accent, "My dear pirate, Sir, why it’s one day before the appointed day, did you blackmail any big fat sheep again?"

"You will tell me the address tomorrow, and I will send the money at once." The translator suppressed his anger then snapped off the phone.

"Huh!" Chen Fan gave an annoyed look, then pressed the off button.

"Five hundred million... 500 million..." Chen Fan was lying on the bed with hands behind his head, looking at the white ceiling above and said to himself, "And it is god damn 500 million dollars."

The last time the electric eel took up to six days to rush to the Gulf of Aden. After he took the money, according to the normal speed, it would be here in about a week. That was to say, there in a week, he was going to be the richest man in Zhongyun City.

"One month to exceed the Zhongyun City, half a year out of the provincial capital, a year to rush out of the country, two years from Asia, and three years to be the world’s richest man."

Chen Fan calculated one by one with his fingers.

After fantasizing about his good life in the future, Chen Fan got out of bed and went to the bathroom, filled the tub with warm water, and then stripped naked and got into it. He was ready to take a bath and get good sleep, leaving his spirit to deal with the big deal tomorrow.

Washing his body, especially the lower part, he then squeezed some of the Head and Shoulders brand shampoo on his head, rinsed it out, and dried his body with a towel.

Chen Fan only wore a pair of boxer shorts since he was about to go to bed and went to his bedroom with a pile of clothes.

It was already twelve o’clock midnight. The rain outside was still going on, and from time to time the thunder and lightning made the whole sky shine like the day.

"Ah... "

Just as Chen Fan was about to close the bedroom door, all of a sudden, from the next room, there was a shrill scream from Yun Meng.

Chen Fan was shocked by the shrill scream that broke the silent night. After he regained his senses, he threw down the clothes he was holding, wearing only a pair of drawers, and opened her bedroom door.

Luckily, the door of Yun Meng’s room was not locked.

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