
Chapter 181 - Battle at the Haunted House (Part 3)

Chapter 181: Chapter 181: Battle at the Haunted House (Part 3)

Hyunmin and Sihoo stared at me in shock. They clearly did not believe what they had just witnessed. Even then, Hyunmin’s shocked face was so pretty.

“One more to go.”

I pulled the string again. As soon as I did that, the ghost in the other window, that was taunting me, moved away real fast.

“Does he think that it will make it harder to find him?”

I aimed at the wall. I’ll put a hole through that instead.

“W-wait!” Sihoo shouted at me. I turned to aim at him instead.

“H-hey! Don’t point that at me!” Sihoo said, taking a step back. With a smirk, I lowered it until it pointed to his private area.

“I should just make it fall off.”

I really should. You think I’m joking? I’m 100% serious. Unfortunately, that’s when it happened. Sihoo suddenly transformed into goblin fire and began to run. As he did, he called out over his shoulder.

“Catch me if you can!”

So I aimed and shot, the arrow hitting its mark.


The fire began to dwindle. I couldn’t tell if he was dying or not.

“Oh my god,” Hyunmin gasped next to me. I smirked at her.

“Is he dead?” she asked.

“I’m not sure. If he’s weak, he could have.”

“Hmm,” Hyunmin began to think, tapping her chin.

“Wait, but now that Sihoo is gone, what do we do?” I asked the VJs. Wouldn’t it be weird if one of the trios suddenly disappeared? Would this be considered a filming accident?

“Don’t worry about it,” one of the VJs snapped. He looked like a brute while his tone matched his face. Seeing that he had transformed into a goblin himself, he looked like he was about to attack. Not that it would matter for me if he did.

“Should we keep going?” I asked Hyunmin. She nodded in response.

“Let’s go.”

And so, we headed into the haunted house. As we headed for the door, we spotted Sihoo spread out on the ground. Luckily, he was still alive.

“He’s alive.”

“Yeah,” Hyunmin said with a nod. Then, she continued for the door, stepping on Hyunmin’s back as she walked. As for me, I stepped on his butt. The VJs all followed suit, stepping on Sihoo as they followed us. Weren’t they all supposed to be on the same team? These goblins sure are weird.


We were now directly in front of the haunted house. The murderous ghostly energies surrounded my body, but I just shrugged it off. I wasn’t scared.

“You don’t look scared,” Hyunmin observed.

“Not at all,” I answered with a smile. I’m really not.

“Hey, mister.”

“I told you not to call me that.”

“Okay, Mister.”

“Seriously. Stop.”

Does she not have ears? Why doesn’t she listen to me?

“Shouldn’t you still act scared? There are all these cameras. If you act like this, the viewers won’t enjoy the show,” she said, ignoring my request.

“Then you can act scared. It doesn’t suit my image.”

It really doesn’t. My concept is a girl crush. Not just any old girl crush, but an alien at that. That’s how unbelievable I was to the public.

“Then should I try to act scared, Mister?” Hyunmin said, giving me a weird look. I automatically took a step back. I couldn’t tell what this girl was thinking. This has never happened before.

“Can I run into your arms?”


“What was that?”

“You can,” I said. Why did I give her permission…well, it’s obvious. If a girl with a body like that asked you to hug her, would you refuse? Not to mention, she was so beautiful. Am I not a girl? Sorry, but only on the outside. Mentally, I’m a guy. Quit trying to turn me into a girl.

“Can I kiss you as well?”


What the hell?

“No kiss?”

“If this goes on TV, we’re both goners.”

Korea still isn’t very gay-friendly. If a shot of two girls kissing were released on TV, I’d be kicked out for sure. All my contracts would be suspended. There’s a lot of companies that want to book me. I can’t disappoint them.

“What does that matter?”

“It matters to me.”

It really does. I’m a member of Lovely Girlz. They could get hurt because of me.

“I’m going to kiss you.”

“Are you a lesbian?” I asked directly. Why else would she keep insisting on kissing me?


“Then why do you want to kiss me so badly?”

“I like you.”

“I’m a girl.”

Physically, anyway. Don’t misunderstand.

“That’s why I like you.”

“Didn’t you hear me? I said I’m a girl.”


“But on the inside, you’re a guy.”


“When you die, I’m going to date your soul.”

‘Is she crazy?’ I asked myself.

“I’m not going to die.”

“You’re human. You’ll die someday.”


Seriously, what is wrong with her?

“Well, even if I die, I wouldn’t date you. Sorry.”

“Even now?” And as she asked, she pushed out her chest to the fullest. I gulped. More proof that I am a man.


I mean, I guess it won’t be that bad.

“Well, either way, quit pushing it out so much.”

“Okay, Mister. But I will hug you though.”

With that, Hyunmin rang into my arms and plastered herself to me, pressing her chest into me…

‘Sigh…Lord save me…’

I started to pray. Hyunmin. What was going on in this girl’s head?

“Let’s go inside, Mister.”

“Quit calling me that.”

“Let’s go, Mister.”

We soon walked into the haunted house. I could hear the VJs laughing behind us. I was so tempted to turn around and punch them in the face.


We walked in through the battered front door and stood on the first floor. There were all kinds of medical equipment scattered around. Did this place use to be a hospital?

“This used to be a mental asylum,” Hyunmin said.


I was surprised. So that’s why the beds were shaped that way. I wondered why there were restraints.

“There used to be a murder here,” the main VJ said with a smirk. I nodded. Oh, okay. The VJ’s face fell at the nonchalant look on my face.

“Aren’t you scared?”

“Nope. Not at all.”

“This bitch…”


“Oh, nothing.”

The main VJ soon went back to filming. He better watch it. Anyways, I walked further in until we were in front of an elevator.

“There’s an elevator? But it’s only three floors,” I muttered, staring at the elevator doors.

“There’s a basement as well,” the main VJ said. Just then…


With a look of immense fear, Hyunmin jumped into my arms. She’s such a good actress. And wow…her curves felt amazing. Jia couldn’t compare. Is it really okay for a goblin to be this sexy? This is why they can lure people in so easily. But wait, she was way too close to me. Any more and the public would definitely get the wrong idea.

“Can you let go?” I said, pushing Hyunmin back. Unfortunately, she simply jumped into my arms again.


“Heehee,” Hyunmin suddenly giggled. Still in my arms, she started to whisper.

“Hey, Mister, I really like you. I have a goal.”

“A goal?”

“Yeah. I’m going to make you a lesbian. And then I’ll bury you.”

Suddenly, she rose to kiss me as I immediately turned my head to dodge it. Unfortunately for her, she ended up kissing me in the cheek.


That was close.

“Hmph. Too bad,” Hyunmin said with a pout.

She really was something else.

“You’re a thorn on the goblins’ side, so we have to get rid of you. But we can’t kill you, so the only way is to out you as a lesbian.”

“Is that why you’re being all clingy towards me?”

“Yeah. I really do like you. I told you before. When you die, I’m going to date your soul. I’m going to make you live in my pouch.”

“Oh, really?”

I guess I can’t die then. All of a sudden, all the windows around us crashed as a terrifying wail traveled throughout the house.

“Aaah~!” Hyunmin screamed, trying to run towards me again. I held out both hands to block her. And that’s when it happened.



I didn’t mean to do that, I swear. I just wanted to block her and I ended up touching her chest. They really were amazing. But as soon as I hesitated, Hyunmin took advantage of my distracted stage and ran into my arms again.

“How did it feel, Mister?” she whispered.

“Your chest?”


“Nice,” I answered honestly. There’s no point in lying.

“Do you want to go to a motel with me? It’s okay if you’re a girl. I’ll show you a good time.”

“You want to film me secretly, don’t you?”

“Oh! How did you know?”

“And put it up on the internet.”

“Oh, wow! You’re really smart!”


This girl is really dangerous.


I pushed Hyunmin aside and began to run in a specific direction. I turned the corner, running out of the range of the camera. Then using my powers, I sped up. Finally, I was in front of the bathroom. A female one.

“Here it is.”

The reason I came here is that this was where the cry had originated. Listen. I could hear the girl still crying in there. If it had been anyone else, they probably would’ve passed out from fright. Anyways, I walked in to see who was crying. Half of the bathroom was demolished and it was really dark in there, but it didn’t matter to me.

Tip toe…tip toe…should I crawl?

I soon got on all fours and looked under the first stall. Nothing there. Then, I moved to the second stall. And that’s when I saw a pair of legs. Yeah, that’s right. Ghosts have legs. The whole thing about them not having legs is just a choice. Most of them have legs.

‘Found you.’

With a smirk, I slowly got up and slammed the door open. The ghost jumped back in fright.

“Oh my!”

“Was it you?”


The ghost let out a cry of shock as I walked into the stall. But wait, this ghost was a guy. So it was a male ghost crying like a woman.

“Wait, you’re a guy.”

“H-how did you know?”

“How could I not? Idiot.” I reached out to grab him by the hair and shove him towards the bowl…at least, I planned to. But I stopped myself. There was no water in the bowl.

“Hey, you. Why are you crying like that? If you do that, you’ll scare everyone!”

Oh, wow. Yelling really does help relieve stress.

“S-sorry!...” he apologized, bowing his head. He looked so defeated.

“Where are your friends?”

“They’re…they’re on the second floor...!”

“Yeah? And the third?”


“Oh, really?”

“Y-yes!...B-but it’s dangerous so…maybe you shouldn’t…”


“They’re very powerful…”


“R-really! I used to be an exorcist. I came here after hearing about the supernatural beings here. But when I saw the goblins, I had a heart attack and…”


How sad.

“I’ll let this go since I feel bad for you. Go away.”

“T-the third floor is really dangerous s-so don’t go up there!”

“Yeah, yeah. Fuck off.”

“Okay. B-be careful…”


He was surprisingly really polite. Anyways, I turned around to go back to the goblins. Just then, I heard Hyunmin’s voice.


I sped away again in response. I couldn’t be caught on camera. If I was, then I wouldn’t be able to hit the goblins.

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