
Chapter 75 - -74<Grand Plan-4>

With that now Arvin had a weapon with him that he could use against those fools. That poison was deadly enough that them easily, if they enough of it. But the question was how should he use it? That egg was a very dangerous object. If Arvin takes it out of the vase, then the poison in the air will also be lethal for him. So throwing that egg, infront of Alman and the trio was not a plausible and not a safe idea.

To get poison resistance one has to inhale the trace qaunatity of the egg from time to time. And then they had to pray that their body would be able to handle the posion. Arvin had confidence that his body would be able to deal with the poison as Loki assured him that he would be able to. But this meant that Arvin cant use this egg in combat.


But that dosent meant that Arvin had no idea how he could use that egg. He had an idea. But it is just that the idea that he had was a tricky one. He had a idea from which he would use that egg to make poisonous bomb from them. And for the past few days, he had been working on that idea…


"How are the accounts of the Cullen city?" the old master asked the accountant of the Cullen family, Phyllis Cullen. Right in his office he was sitting on his desk and several people were surrounding him. Those people were all important personnel of the Cullen family. That also included Phyllis…

"According to the accounts we are at a loss of 35% from last year." Phyllis said…

"Hmm… Seeeing the trends I thought the losses would be more then that. But 35% is a good number… Now meeting is adjourned. You all can go now." Old master said.

With that all the personnels started leaving the office of the old master. But there was an indivisual who stayed behind. That indivisual was Phyllis Cullen. Last night after meeting with Park Go Gum, Arvin went to Phyllis. There he officially introduced himself and asked her do something for him…

"Phyllis, you have something to say to me?" the old master asked.

"Yes my lord." Phyllis said. Despite that old man being her father she was not allowed to call him father. She was only allowed to designate him with Lord.

"What is it?" the old master asked.

"Last night someone broke into my house." Phyllis said.

"And?" The old master asked nonchalantly.

"That man was wearing black color clothes and had a golden mask on his face." Phyllis said. Listening to her describing that indivisual, old master instantly recognised that person. It was non other then his old friend Han.

"What did that man do?" the old master asked.

"He told me that I need a message to old master, that means you." Phyllis said.

"What? What is the messge?" the old master asked.

"He said that three days from now, the skies would be coloured in red. And he would need heavy fire to paint the sky in red. So he would be coming to the big breated woman at noon. You should come to and we would ride the woman together." Phyllis said with her face becoming red.

"Ok I got it. You can go now." The old master said.

"Yes my lord." Phyllis said and then she got up and walked out of the old master\'s office.

As the old master heard the message he instantly relized what Han was trying to say. He was saying that in the next three days he would kill, members of the cross family like he had planned. And he would need fire for that, he was reffering to the mana stone bomb that the old master had prepared before hand. And more details of this plan would be talked in person with a big breated lady. Old master assumed that he must be talking about Terumi.

It was almost noon time, so old master got from his chair and walked towards the bar of his office. Behind the bar, there was trap doo whose switch lied under one of the bottles in the bar. He pressed the button and the trap door opened to reveal a stairs going down. The old master started walking down the stairs. Those stairs led to the underground tunnels under the Cullen estate. The ghost faction uses these tunnels as their base of action.

As the old master got down he started walking towards the office of the third elder office. As he reached the office, without knocking he swung opened the gate. In the office he saw that the third elder was sitting on eth sofa set and having tea with none other then Terumi…

"Old Master… You should call me Lord." Terumi said while getting up.

"No need for formalities. Terumi, Han has send a message." The old master said.

"Really now?" Terumi asked.

"Yes. He semmed to be coming here to talk about the plan that he had devised." The old master said.

"Hmm…" the third elder mumbled.

"Your orders?" Terumi asked.

"Apprehend him. But first I need to hear what he has to say for himself."

"Of course my lord." Terumi said with a smile on her face.

Terumi was a very smart woman. After she started having doubts about Han\'s true intention, she started using this as a opportunity to badmouth him. She told the old master about the runes and convinced him that the old Han have betrayed them all. He wants to take the gear and the bomb to Arcane city. And there he wants to take revenge for his son that was killed by Alman all these years ago.

Looking at the evidence and hearing the reasoning of Terumi old master became convinced that Han has betrayed them. So he ordered an kill on sight order for Han. And he also ordered that they should bring back the bomb that they hid in Josh\'s house. Little did the old master knew that Terumi never send that bomb. She kept it with herself.

With that the old master, Terumi and the third elder decied that they would all go the Terumi\'s office and wait for him there. In route to Terumi\'s office the third elder made some preparation to seal all the routes of the tunnel. If Han does come back he would not have a chance to leave again. With that thought, third elder and Terumi made all the necessary preparations. After that they all started heading towards Terumi\'s office.

When they reached Terumi\'s office, they all became shocked. Insider her office, Han was sitting and sipping wine…

"You finally came. You know how long I have been waiting here?" Han said while sipping wine. Terumi was shocked seeing this. The old master who was with them at the time came forward to confront Han himself. As he came forward, Han got up from his seat to greet the old master….

"My Lord. I am sorry I didn\'t see you there." Han said.

"Its ok my friend." The old master said. With that Terumi went and served everyone present in the room with wine. Then they all set on the sofa and started the discussion…

"First of all, my lord I have to apologise to you. It seems that due to some unseen circumstances I have to abort my mission." Han said.

"Hmm… What happened?" the old master asked.

"My Lord, I fought an indivisual who uses an ax as its main weapon. And the most interesting thing about that indivisual is that when he raise his hand, the ax comes back flying in its hand." Han said.

"What do you mean?" the third elder asked.

"I think I encountered Lopt, while I was away. I know that my mission was Cross family and its denizens but when I saw that man, I started tailing him." Han said.

"How sure are you that this man was Lopt?" Terumi asked.

"Not 100%. But after fighting him, he dropped something. It looked like that it was a potion of some sort. I don\'t what that potion was or what it do, but I took all of the information that I have got and gave it to the delegates from the Aurora tribe." Han said.

"WHAT? When did you did that?" Terumi asked

"Last night. I talked with the leader of their group about my findings. But then I thought that I should inform old master about it. So I sneaked into Phyllis\'s house." Han said.

"What about the message that you that said that you would pain the sky red?" the old master asked.

"Oh that… I thought that I have told you about this already. You see my lord we would plant the mana stone bomb in the Cross\'s family estated and blow it to bits. I have already set up everything for this plan. I just need those mana stones bombs and then we will be good to go." Han said.

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