
Chapter 552: Worthless

"You did do it because of that Magic Conductor?"

"Yes." Lucifer Serage nodded, "If I wanted to kill you, it would have been too easy. I don’t even need to do it personally."

"Demon Sword God?"


"Maybe I’m able to survive under the sword of Demon Sword God."

"You are conceited. It is ok to be haughty, but it is wrong to be dumb. You killed Asmodeus Spike, and this is troublesome." Lucifer Serage continued, "But there is a way to deal with Demon Sword God’s anger."

"A top-tier sword?"

"And the persuasion of the Crown Prince." Lucifer Serage said. "You should know that I’m not as dumb as the rumors said to be."

"All the smart demons know you aren’t stupid."

"Great." Lucifer Serage stood up, dusted off the dirt on his robe, walked to Qian Jin, and sat down casually beside him.

Zence Matten who was sitting on the roof of another building saw this and frowned. "This demon Crown Prince is harder to deal with than I thought. Although his actions are casual, he would make others feel intimate and close because of his status," he thought.

[A real emperor doesn’t need to oppress others using his majesty. The personal charisma is the key to a great emperor.]

[If you don’t have that personal charisma, then use the majesty of the emperor and the balancing techniques to rule the empire. The three Ultimate Bloodline Families aren’t as friendly towards each other as it seems, and they need a balancing point. They could never allow other two families become the Royal Family, so... my Zence descendants, you will be secure on your throne as long as you are not stupid.]

Zence Matten recalled what Zence Dragon told his sons before he passed away. It seemed like this Lucifer Serage was trying to go the first route where he was trying to showcase his personal charisma.

"You heard of the Heart of Lucifer?"

"Of course." Qian Jin turned around and smiled at Lucifer Serage, "Otherwise, I won’t talk to you in private."

"Darn..." Lucifer Serage propped his arms behind him and looked up at the sky, "I thought so... I didn’t think I had enough charisma to charm you."

"All the same. If I’m not good at runes, maybe I would be dead by now." Qian Jin replied.

"Not maybe." Lucifer Serage corrected seriously, "You would be. You don’t think I’m so trash that I can’t defeat you, right?"

Qian Jin only laughed as he shrugged his shoulder. As soon as he met this Crown Prince, he sensed a dangerous aura just like the powerful Demon Beasts in Endless World.

"I’m curious just to how strong are you?" Qian Jin looked at Lucifer Serage and said, "Box Po said that the three young genius of the Mamen Clan couldn’t even defeat that warrior called Qian Wushan. What about you?"

"Me? We can only know about that after I battle him." With confidence on his face, he said, "But I know that I can defeat the three of them just like Qian Wushan."

Qian Jin nodded at this reply. Although this Crown Prince didn’t answer him directly, there was the confidence that was not inferior to Qian Wushan.

"You want to check out the Heart of Lucifer?" Lucifer Serage changed the topic.

Qian Jin laughed, "You don’t want me to?"

Lucifer Serage stared at Qian Jin for a while and nodded as he replied, "Interesting. If you are a female demon, doesn’t matter how ugly you are, I would make you my empress."

Qian Jin was surprised by what this Crown Prince said was too shocking.

"There are too many beautiful female demons." Lucifer Serage pointed at the sky and said, "Just like the stars in the sky. However, there are too few intelligent female demons."

"Sorry, I’m a male."

"Too bad." Lucifer Serage shrugged his shoulder and continued, "I’m sure Po told you that I need to undergo a ritual."

Qian Jin didn’t say anything, he knew that the Crown Prince would explain everything so there was no need to ask.

"Ok, here it is."

Lucifer Serage picked up a stick and start to draw on the ground. He drew several strange patterns on the ground and only people and demons who understood runes could understand what this Crown Prince was doing.

Huges and complicated magic arrays were being connected together. If a normal rune artist saw this, he would be confused.

Qian Jin, on the other hand, was very engaged as if he completely understood what this Crown Prince was trying to do.

Lucifer Serage nodded as he peeked at Qian Jin. All the high-level Rune Masters who he had encountered all asked him to slow down the drawing speed so they could think, but this young demon in front of him didn’t ask him to do that at all.

"Good!" Lucifer Serage thought, "The sooner he stops me, the worse he is! Let’s see how good he is!"

Ten minutes, half an hour... one hour... three hours...

Lucifer Serage had to stop repeatedly to make sure that he was drawing correctly, but Qian Jin was still calm.

"Is he even looking? If not, how is he still able to keep up?" Lucifer Serage thought.

Soon, he had to stop again and think. Suddenly, Qian Jin who was silent for the last while stood up and drew a magic array on the part where Lucifer Serage was a bit stuck using a tong.

"Huh?" Lucifer Serage was surprised. "You have seen the design of arrays that is meant for extracting the essence stored in the Heart of Lucifer?"

"No." Qian Jin threw the tong onto the ground and said, "But I can tell that the idiot who designed this would use this stupid method again here."

"What? He knows what the connecting array should be by just looking at the design without knowing which material the arrays are actually engraved on? He called this design stupid?" Lucifer Serage thought as he felt like he was insulted.

Ever since he knew about the existence of the Heart of Lucifer when he was young, he tried to learn about runes and visited a lot of masters to get their help.

Although the Demon King told him many times that it was useless and all the Demon Kings in history including himself who were intelligent tried it and all failed, Lucifer Serage didn’t give up.

Rather, he wanted to extract the essence from the Heart of Lucifer, even more, to prove to his father that the Lucifer Clan will reach a new height under him.

He wanted to prove to the Demon King that he was able to accomplish what the Demon King himself failed to do during his youthful years.

After these years of hard work, Lucifer Serage was confident that he was going succeed after this Magic Conductor was refined and completely constructed.

He thought Jiliu Feijing would be able to help him speed up the process, but he was called an idiot...

"You don’t think this is stupid?" Qian Jin asked as he squatted down and adjusted the second magic array that the Crown Prince drew a long time ago. "Your design is worthless! I believe that if your father also tried to attempt to extract the essence, he must have a very similar design as well. If you don’t believe me, you can go and ask him." Qian Jin said to Lucifer Serage who was angrily initially but now in shock.


After years old hard work and playing dumb, he was deemed useless by another demon. He was the royal demon who spend a lot of years trying to master the art of runes and was praised by many Rune Master, he had the potential of becoming a Rune Grandmaster.

Lucifer Serage felt depressed for only a second. Afterward, he sneered. As the Crown Prince, he had seen a lot of demons who tried to use all kinds of ways to increase their importance, there were the ones who would make outrageous claims just to draw more attention.

"This demon... He must be good at tunes, otherwise, he couldn’t continue where I left off. However, my design shouldn’t be worthless as he claimed" Lucifer Serage thought to himself.

"Young mixed-blood. I know that you are trying to demonstrate your knowledge and your authority in the area. But..." Lucifer Serage waved the index finger on his right hand and said, "You can’t just make any claim. Although you will get my attention, I won’t value you as much if you fail to prove your claim."

Lucifer Serage looked at Qian Jin and laughed confidently, "Now, I will give you another chance. Express your real opinion. It is ok to praise it, being able to see why it is good would also prove your knowledge."

"It is worthless! I won’t even trade one copper coin for it." With confidence and haughtiness, Qian Jin said, "It won’t become good just because it is yours. Its existence can only prove that you are like what the rumors have stated – a demon who can’t do nothing but to play with female demons."

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