
Chapter 50 - Yes!

Chapter 50: Yes!

Kyle listened to Lorne’s mambo jumbo intently.

However, when Lorne said that, his heart skipped a beat.

Oh no! His little secret has been discovered.

He really needs the money, and he needs it badly.

Ever since he funded the other palace, he has been grasping at straws every day.

Although he was still able to eat and drink luxuriously, the daily expenses have been burning a hole in his treasury immensely.

At the very least, Kyle had even ordered some of the places in the palace that were not commonly used to be sealed off. Moreover, most of the places in the palace that were brighter during the day now were not allowed to have candles.

Even these minor details were put to use. It could be seen that Kyle had indeed started to save money. However, after rolling his eyes, Kyle still asked in a skeptical tone, “Our empire is so rich, and the King of the Lolan Empire owns the world and has countless wealth in the world.

“Boss, don’t you think it’s a little too much to say that the current king still lacks the money to spend on things?”

Lorne snorted.

“I told you and yet you still don’t understand. Our empire is indeed rich, but the money is the palace’s money, the money that is stored in the national treasury.

“Most of the time, this money is used for disaster relief, as well as various facilities and projects across the country, plus other matters such as the expenses of officials.”

“The king has his own personal bank, called the King’s private bank. The amount of money in the king’s private bank is the real wealth that the king splurge on.”

As Kyle nodded, he secretly marveled at Lorne’s understanding of the royal family system.

However, Kyle was already used to it by now. Lorne had always been mysterious in his ways ever since the first time they met. It seemed that there was nothing that Lorne did not know about in the entire empire, he knew everything from top to bottom.

“And the entire palace is like a family, or more so like a courtyard.

“The king is the master of the courtyard, and at the same time, the supporter of the entire courtyard.

“The daily expenses of the concubines in the harem, the maintenance of the palace, the expenses of the guards and maids, as well as the rewards, candles, lanterns, and other common expenses are covered by him.

“There is even money to prevent summer heat in the hot weather, and money to avoid the cold weather in the cold weather.

“There are all kinds of expenses. Once the king needs to spend more, he would realize that what he has isn’t enough.”

When he said this, Kyle could not help but hold his forehead.

Lorne’s words directly struck a chord in his heart.

This time, even if the construction of Bidas Palace was extravagant, would the private money be enough?

Kyle could not help but say in a somewhat hurried tone, “According to what you said, the king is indeed a little tight on money. What countermeasures do you have generally to counter it then?”

Lorne shrugged and then spread his hands.

“There are only a few ways. Either increase the amount of money from the national treasury, or the king himself must earn money!

“However, the current king is a wise and smart king. He emphasizes more on being diligent and thrifty in managing his family. When he first ascended the throne, he had already clearly stipulated the amount of money the royal family could withdraw from the National Treasury every year.

“If the king were to rashly expand this number, although it can be done, it will seriously affect his image as a king.

“Therefore, I believe that the current king will absolutely not use this rule.”

Kyle pondered for a long time. There was no doubt about the analysis of his suggestion. He could not ask the national treasury for more money unless he was so poor that he could not even afford to eat.

Otherwise, he would damage the image of the king, and this matter might cause the officials and nobles in the palace to discuss this matter.

Not to mention the other officials, even with just Andrew’s straightforward temper would make him want to stop in his tracks.

Kyle had a headache at this point, so he would not cross this line easily.

“In that case, there is only one path left for self-sufficiency!”

Lorne grunted.

“If the king can have a way to earn money, then the king’s private treasury will no longer be short of money. The king can let go of this pending doom of going bankrupt and move on to other things.

“As long as the king can make money on his own, he will not need the help of the court, the Ministry of Finance, and other departments to assist him.

“He can even take the initiative to reduce the amount of money that the royal family receives from the National Treasury every year after he reaches a certain level of income.

“What’s even more ridiculous is that, if the national treasury is short of money, the king will be able to take out money from his own pocket to subsidize the court.

“Do you think such a king should be looked down upon?

“He would willingly spend money when there are disagreements, takes the initiative to subsidize the palace, and even gives money to others when it isn’t enough.

“If you were to be such a king, tell me, would you and your people be happy?”

Kyle’s eyes immediately became a little expectant. He compared his current life with the scene described by Lorne, and it was obvious which option was better.

“Lorne… It… it does sound a little fun now that you say it like that!”


Lorne immediately patted the table lightly, then stood up and said excitedly, “It’s a little fun? Let me tell you, it’s not just fun, it’s awesome!”

“You” be able to pay for everything yourself. You can build a mansion whenever you want. You can build it wherever you want.

“If you don’t have enough materials, you can just pay to buy the materials. If you don’t have enough space, you can pay to expand it. If you want to take a citizen’s land, all you need to do is pay for them to leave their homes so you can take their land.

“With this money, you’ll be able to eat whatever you want. You could even eat all the delicacies till you puke.

“The standards for the concubines in the harem would even be raised by several levels if the king was this rich. They could even wear luxurious clothes.

“Every one of them would have ice cubes in summer, and every one of their houses would have a heater.

“Those Counts and Dukes, and even that Andrew, would not have a single word of dissatisfaction about this at all.

“Because the king paid his own money and did not use a single cent of the national treasury. He did not plunder a single cent of the people.

“Everyone in the palace would look at him in a different light. The civil and military officials would respect him as if he were a god. Everyone in the world would praise him, and the history books would record his great achievements.

“Tell me, is this just what you call a little cool?”

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