
Book 43 - 1 – Mad Monk of Tianzhu

“In here?” Kou Zhong suddenly exploded, “Do you want me to reveal everything here and we all just break up and go our separate ways?”

Ke Dazhi was enraged as well, “It is you who want to break up and go your separate way, not me! You should also know, between us, there is nothing good to say anymore.”

Led by the protocol officer, Fu Junqiang had just stepped across the threshold to enter the Pavilion, immediately she felt the blazing atmosphere inside the hall; furthermore, she saw how Kou Zhong and Ke Dazhi stood against each other with glaring eyes. Just like Zong Xianghua, she mistakenly thought that the two had always been like water and fire, hence one word went wrong, conflict occurred immediately. While she was a bit unsure how to act, Han Chao’an moved from the back to the front, he whispered something in her ear. Fu Junqiang nodded slightly, and then, with Jin Zhengzong and Han Chao’an, they moved to the door’s side, taking the watching-the-fires-burning-across-the-river stance.

Seeing the deteriorating situation, Xu Ziling was afraid the two would really quarrel, he spoke in low voice, “There are guests coming! How about finding an opportunity to talk later?”

Ke Dazhi adamantly shook his head and said, “No! Now it’s my turn to make things clear.”

Kou Zhong shot Xu Ziling a ‘did you see that?’ look, and then he turned to Fu Junqiang, bowed with cupped fist from a distance, and said, “Please forgive this kid for being rude. After settling the old account with this Renxiong, I will come to beg the three’s forgiveness.” Finally, he turned to Ke Dazhi and said, “I wonder if Ke Xiong would let me speak frankly with you, so that I will be free to speak whatever I want to tell you?”

Xu Ziling sighed inwardly, knowing that in anger and with his rationale clouded, Kou Zhong already threw caution to the wind, and no longer cared about the consequences. And the reason why Kou Zhong was so angry toward Ke Dazhi was simply because both sides have regarded the other side as trustworthy comrade-in-arms toward whom they had good opinion. It was therefore in this delicate enemy-friend relationship that the situation was developing into the struggle of ideas.

Letting out a cold snort, Ke Dazhi said, “Xiaodi is listening with respectful attention.”

On the platform overlooking the lake, Shang Xiufang and the others’ attention also moved into the hall, they stopped talking. This top beauty in both appearance and skill even had her pretty eyebrows tightly knitted, because both in terms of time and place, this was not a suitable environment for a conflict, hence she looked unhappy.

The refined light in Kou Zhong’s pair of eyes was flashing brightly, he nodded and said, “Very well! You, LaoGe answer my simple question first, which is: why is it there are so many people in the world can be deceived?”

Just by looking at their expression, one would know that Fu Junqiang and the others did not understand what they were talking about, they could not fathom why this pair of old enemies could be entangled on such an issue.

Ke Dazhi’s countenance turned cold, he replied slowly, “You think I am an ignorant three-year-old kid that can fall into your evil scheme, to be duped to scold myself? Those can be deceived by others are at best pathetic idiots; but those who slander others are extremely despicable lowly persons even more.”

Laughing involuntarily, Kou Zhong raised his thumb and said, “Ke Xiong is indeed a man who is not easy to be deceived. The truth that I want to draw from this is that only those whom you trust can deceive you. In fact, we have also mistakenly trusted other people, which caused us a gnawing regret for as long as we live. Therefore, we did not wish to see Ke Xiong follow the track of an overturned cart [idiom: to repeat a disastrous policy].”

In their verbal exchange, they did not deliberately lower the volume of their voice, hence even Shang Xiufang and the others, who were standing some distance away, were able to hear everything clearly.

However, with the exception of Xu Ziling, everybody was confused, no one understood what these two were fighting for.

Xu Ziling was relieved, knowing that Kou Zhong had recovered his rationale, hence he suddenly became calm.

Yet Ke Dazhi did not feel grateful at all; the vicious light in his pair of eyes flaring greatly, his expression appeared grim even more, he spoke in heavy voice, “Shaoshuai speaking back and forth, in the end you still continue insulting me and the man that I respect; Shaoshuai ought to know that in the prairie, no one put more emphasis on reputation than Tujue people.”

Kou Zhong smiled and said, “If Ke Xiong wants to resort to force to solve this dispute, I, Kou Zhong, will definitely be honored to accompany you.”

Xu Ziling cried ‘Bad!’ inwardly. This moment, how could Kou Zhong have either the qualifications or the capital to keep Ke Dazhi company? It would not be much different than committing a suicide. However, he also knew that Kou Zhong was forced by Ke Dazhi that he had no other choice.

He could not help casting a surreptitious glance toward Han Chao’an, and noticed that he was sizing up the position of the pit of Kou Zhong’s stomach with full attention; it seemed like he wanted to penetrate Kou Zhong’s clothes to examine in detail the real situation of his injury.

In his heart, Ke Dazhi was still having misgivings toward Shang Xiufang; he cast a glance through the window toward her first, and then said, “Is Shaoshuai teasing Xiaodi? Unless you practically did not sustain injuries.”

Kou Zhong spoke indifferently, “This is precisely the most exquisite aspect; it is called putting everything to death and then go back to live, to seek victory in the midst of defeat. It is an indispensable part of the Way of the Saber cultivation.”

Shaking his head, Ke Dazhi said, “I won’t receive your favor at all. If you want to fight, we must seek the time and the place. I’ll leave it to you to decide, since you alone know when you are going to be fully recovered. If we fight right now, the Shaoshuai Kou Zhong, whose name shook the world, would only end up nursing a grievance.”

His remark revealed a strong self-confidence, but was also brimming with martial art master’s air and style.

Kou Zhong was about to reply, suddenly a gentle, deep, elegant, extremely sweet-sounding, deep and low male voice came from outside the pavilion, “I wonder if you’ll let me, Funantuo to be an unbiased judge? If two gentlemen immediately fight a decisive life and death battle, my guess is that the conclusion would be mutual destruction. My reasoning is based on this: let’s suppose first that two gentlemen are evenly matched, but due to his injury, Shaoshuai’s power is greatly reduced, so it seems certain that he will be defeated. However, since in his heart Ke Jiangjun does not have murderous intent, also he has the fear of being ridiculed as relying on power to rise high over the injured, so at the beginning of the battle he would restraint his hands. Who would have thought that Shaoshuai’s Eight Methods of the Well attached most importance to momentum, plus at the critical juncture when facing the matter of life and death, once there is an opportunity, it will be unleashed to the greatest extent, even if the wound constantly dripping blood and bursting open, it could force Ke Jiangjun into dangerous position, only, at the death’s door it is incapable to support counterstrike to Ke Jiangjun, resulting in both sides defeated and die.”

His speech was methodical, his analysis was down to the smallest detail, plus his intonation was sonorous and pleasant to listen to, if thrown on the floor, it will make a sound [idiom: (of one’s words) powerful and resonating/to have substance], brimming with powerful inspiration, also demonstrating the insight and intelligence with which he could see through and understand the two men thoroughly, hence although the person has not arrived, his speech already had the divine effect of gaining the upper hand by a show of strength. None of the listeners, including Kou Zhong and Ke Dazhi who were being analyzed, was not emotionally moved.

Although Ke Dazhi was painted at the slightly inferior position, but because Funantuo, this senior monk from Tianzhu [reminder: Indian subcontinent (esp. in Tang or Buddhist context)] did not say that his martial art skill was not as good as Kou Zhong at all, on the contrary, to certain extent he was secretly praised for his character, he did not feel uncomfortable.

Everybody turned their eyes toward the main gate as three men appeared at the entrance.

In the middle was the grave-looking Bai Ziting. On his right was a thin, tall, withered and dark-skinned, high-nosed, deep-eyed Tianzhu man, wearing orange-apricot-colored unique oversized wide robe. In terms of bearing and imposing manner, he was definitely not inferior to the dragon-walk, tiger-pace Bai Ziting. His hair was tied in a bun, wrapped in layer upon layer of white muslin, which made the bridge of his nose appeared even more high and erect. The expression showing in his eyes was even deeper and hard to fathom. In just a glance, it was very difficult to tell whether he was handsome or ugly, or how old he really was. But he had the charm that made people esteem and admire him, that made people feel that he was not an ordinary person.

On Bai Ziting’s other side was surprisingly the big fat ‘Zang Shou’ [stolen goods hand] Ma Ji, with a smile on his face that seemed to come from his sincere heart, but anybody who knew him would know that it was just a disguise.

One after another everybody in the hall raised their hands to salute, to greet the host, so that the swords drawn and bows bent atmosphere between Kou Zhong and Ke Dazhi was diluted.

This moment, from the platform Shang Xiufang returned to the hall. With her tender and chirpy voice she paid her respect and greeted the three. This was the first time that she came across Ma Ji, Han Chao’an, Funantuo, and the others, hence Bai Ziting introduced everybody one by one.

Just like Kou Zhong, Xu Ziling, and Ke Dazhi, three men, Liexia also paid particular attention to Funantuo’s each and every move. But it was as if Funantuo had turned into a stone statue standing respectfully by Bai Ziting’s side, only when he was being introduced that he nodded and smiled in response, giving up the impression that he was enigmatic.

After some polite greetings, Bai Ziting turned to Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling, saying, “I wonder if two gentlemen could stay over at the Palace for two days, to let this king act as the host a little bit?”

The crowd sang to a string accompaniment, they knew the meaning behind this invitation, they understood that Bai Ziting wanted to provide a safe place for the two boys to recover. Once these words were spoken, it was impossible for the battle between Kou Zhong and Ke Dazhi to proceed immediately even more.

Kou Zhong smiled and said, “I wonder if Da Wang wanted to let people casually write my name backward?”

When he saw Bai Ziting this afternoon, he had made heroic speech that if he could not behead the assassins who made him sustain injuries tonight, he would let people write the name Kou Zhong, two characters, backward.

Bai Ziting laughed aloud and said, “Shaoshuai is indeed heroic. But if this king’s insight is not lacking, Shaoshuai’s scheme of using your body to lure the enemy will not succeed but you will die trying. I hope Shaoshuai will think thrice, to carefully consider this king’s proposal.”

At this time, while still speaking, both the host and the guests were gathered near the door by the banquet table inside the hall.

Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling exchanged a glance; both were cursing inwardly. Although on the surface Bai Ziting appeared to show extreme consideration to them, to look after them in every possible way, the fact was that he was divulging the seriousness of Kou Zhong’s injury, telling the assassins not to miss the opportunity while Kou Zhong was still injured. Afterwards, Bai Ziting could push the blame neat and clean, by blaming Kou Zhong for being eager to win and showing off.

Bai Ziting, Funantuo, and Ma Ji, three men coming late, it was most likely due to they were holding an emergency meeting because of Tuli and Xieli’s reconciliation, which explained why as Bai Ziting was stepping over the threshold and entering the hall, his countenance was so grave, he appeared to have his heart filled with worry.

Ma Ji swept Fu Junqiang, three persons with his gaze, he laughed without his skin and flesh moving, and said, “What was the reason Shaoshuai is having a dispute against Ke Jiangjun? Is it possible to let Ma Ji overestimating his capabilities to become to mediator?”

Shrugging his shoulders, Ke Dazhi replied, “Ma Xiansheng need not expend a great deal of effort and work with your brains for this reason. The matter between Shaoshuai and I intertwined since Guanzhong’s Chang’an to here; it could only be described in four characters ‘hard to explain in a few words’ [yi yan nan jin].”

Kou Zhong laughed and said, “Ke Xiong’s description is very fitting.”

The strange light in Ke Dazhi’s pair of eyes flaring dramatically, he spoke in heavy voice, “I wonder if Shaoshuai can step aside to talk?”

Immediately everybody’s eyebrows were deeply knitted; evidently Ke Dazhi did not respect Bai Ziting at all, he still wanted to make agreement on the date and the place for the decisive battle with Kou Zhong in private. It was indeed a bit excessive.

Shang Xiufang spoke in displeasure, “Ke Jiangjun ...”

Ke Dazhi respectfully said, “Xiufang Dajia, please don’t worry. Both Shaoshuai’s and my anger are gone, we won’t do anything that will make Xiufang Dajia get angry! Isn’t that right, Shaoshuai?”

Smiling wryly, Kou Zhong said, “The two of us knew we were wrong! Xiufang Dajia, please be magnanimous, forgive our offense.”

Liexia roared in laughter and said, “In the world, I am afraid only Xiufang Dajia can make Ke Xiong and Shaoshuai admit an error and apologize to each other. It has indeed touched this ignorant person’s heart.”

Kou Zhong noticed Ke Dazhi was looking down; he knew that he was afraid Shang Xiufang would be able to see the murderous aura in his eyes toward Liexia. Smiling, he said, “Ke Xiong! Let’s go outside to enjoy the hot spring atmosphere under the moonlight.”

He also apologized to Bai Ziting for the offense, and then with calm demeanor he led the way toward the platform.

Upright and unafraid, Ke Dazhi followed him with his hands behind his back.

All along Xu Ziling kept his attention on Fu Junqiang; he saw how she had her eyes fixed on Kou Zhong’s back, the expression in the pupil of her eyes was a bit peculiar, unlike her usual gaze when she looked at Kou Zhong, loathing, with a bit of disdain. Instead, there was a bit of something in there, a different thing.

Ma Ji suddenly approached Bai Ziting. The latter understood that he had something to say in private; excusing himself, he and Ma Ji went outside the door.

Han Chao’an knew Funantuo very well, hence he took Fu Junqiang and Jin Zhengzong over to chat with Funantuo.

And thus only four persons left: Xu Ziling, Shang Xiufang, Zong Xianghua and Liexia. The atmosphere among this peculiar gathering of two men and two women suddenly felt weird.

Shang Xiufang looked at Xu Ziling, who was averting her gaze; her expression looked intense, the mystical brilliance inside the pupil of her eyes was rippling. It was extremely moving. Watching this, naturally Liexia was dumbstruck. As the other female in the room Zong Xianghua also received his interest, hence his attention moved from Xu Ziling to her pretty face, which was capable of causing the downfall of a city or state.

On the contrary, Xu Ziling seemed to be completely oblivious; his eyes were following Kou and Ke, two men, who had reached the long railings at the edge of the platform. It was not until they came to a stand that he turned his head around, and just happened to meet Shang Xiufang’s gaze head-on. Even with his level of cultivation, he still could not help being shaken.

Shang Xiufang acted as if she already knew that Xu Ziling would have such a reaction; smiling sweetly, she said, “Although Xiufang has had several predestined affinities to meet Xu Gongzi several times, this is the first time we have the opportunity to chat. Xu Gongzi’s injury is not as serious as Shaoshuai’s, is it?”

Xu Ziling mused that he has spoken with her face to face, only because at that time he was in his Yue Shan disguise that she did not know.

He was about to answer, Liexia said, “Xu Xiong’s right hand does not look as natural as before, I wonder if your flank received an injury?”

Xu Ziling shivered inwardly; Liexia appeared to be concerned over him, but actually he was showing off his brilliant eyesight. Also, the reason why he was ‘rambling’ like this and thus provoking Xu Ziling’s alertness was simply because Shang Xiufang showing interest to Xu Ziling had aroused his jealousy. This was perhaps Liexia’s weak point.

Xu Ziling smiled calmly. Trying to raise his hand, he said, “Lie Xiong’s eyesight is very accurate; slightly rising my hand like this is already very painful.”

Zong Xianghua cast her gaze to Xu Ziling. Within her polite look, she still maintained her usual cold, indifferent attitude; she said, “We have a very good physician in the Palace, he could apply medicine for Xu Gongzi to treat your injury.”

After tactfully declined, Xu Ziling casually changed the subject by saying, “Lie Xiong’s mysterious gift, are you still going to keep it a secret?”

Laughing tenderly, Shang Xiufang said, “Turns out Lie Gongzi is acting mysterious. Is it the Tianzhu Xiao [Chinese flute], an exquisite product of Gaochang’s skilled artisan? I wonder if I could ask Xu Gongzi to accomplish Xiufang’s cherished desire?”

Xu Ziling watched as Shang Xiufang pulled out the long brocade case that Liexia presented to her from her wide sleeve. Astonished, he said, “Xiufang Dajia has something to do, please feel free to bestow your instruction.”

Both Liexia and Zong Xianghua revealed a curious expression; they were wondering what cherished desire Shang Xiufang wanted Xu Ziling to accomplish for her.

Staring fixedly at the steam rising in spiral from the hot spring lake, Ke Dazhi spoke in heavy voice, “I hope Shaoshuai will agree on one request of mine.”

Surprised, Kou Zhong said, “What makes you, LaoGe to suddenly lower your voice and suppress your anger to make a request to me? I am afraid it will be something that is difficult for Xiaodi to accept.”

Ke Dazhi turned his gaze toward him, inside his sharp eyes, there was not the slightest bit of hostility anymore. He sighed and said, “Supposing Du Dage is really as Shaoshuai said, I hope Shaoshuai can look at my face and let him go.”

Greatly astonished, Kou Zhong said, “This is not like Ke Xiong’s usual style at all. You adamantly stood on your Du Dage’s side, so much so that you turned your spearhead around to deal with us.”

Ke Dazhi shook his head and said, “Because not only you are the enemy that I respect, you are also the friend that I admire. Perhaps there will come a day where we will fight for life and death, but it definitely will not happen inside the city of Longquan. Ay! Just now, at the beginning I was really angry, hence I spoke some offensive words. Afterwards my anger dissipated and I came to my senses, thereupon I seized the opportunity to put on an act for Bai Ziting and the others to see.”

Blurted out laughing, Kou Zhong said, “Good guy!” And then he frowned and said, “Are you a little skeptical about Du Xing too?”

Ke Dazhi spoke heavily, “Du Dage went to see Xu Kaishan just like that, it indeed raised my suspicion, but I still don’t believe that he will betray me. Right now my heart is in chaos; Shaoshuai, tell me what should I do?”

Kou Zhong spoke resolutely, “Looking at your, LaoGe’s face, there is no harm in us letting Du Xing off; the problem is that currently the one occupying the upper hand is them and not us at all. You should know better than us how formidable Du Xing really is. Something goes wrong, Ling Shao and I are going to lose our lives; how could we have the qualifications to talk about who’s going to let whom off?”

“Do you trust me?” Ke Dazhi asked.

Without the slightest hesitation, Kou Zhong nodded and said, “Absolute trust!”

Ke Dazhi’s pair of eyes brightened, he nodded and said, “Good! I, Ke Dazhi use my reputation as a guarantee that I will definitely not fail to live up to Kou Xiong’s trust. On how to meet a contingency tonight, Kou Xiong, please bestow instructions.”

Kou Zhong’s heart was moved. Previously, in Chang’an, the impression that Ke Dazhi gave him was tyrannical and overbearing. But after coming in contact with him these past few days, he was beginning to see his passionate, attaching-importance-to-friendship side.

Slightly muttering to himself irresolutely, he said, “Our vision of the enemy is like this: Han Chao’an, Shen Mohuan and Huyan Jin are one party, your Du Dage and Xu Kaishan are another party; these two groups of people do not have contact with each other, but they have identical goal, which is, before our injuries are healed, they want to get rid of us, Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling. Just now, at the last leg of the journey, Liexia deliberately accompanied us into the Palace, it was precisely to guarantee that the assassination operation will only happen after we leave the Palace. And your Du Dage knew our action plan like the back of his hand, hence he could easily draw benefit from it.”

As if he had been sentenced by the judge, Ke Dazhi said, “I really wish you had guessed wrong. But if you are right, Du Dage might pretend to lead you to Shen Mohuan’s nest, when in fact it will be the death trap that Du Dage and Xu Kaishan laid out. Ay! I really am afraid to face this possibility, because I will most likely be unable to control myself and personally take Du Dage’s life. What I hate the most is being cheated and betrayed by a friend.”

Stunned, Kou Zhong said, “Did you not just plead with me to let him go?”

Ke Dazhi dejectedly said, “How would I know that I would uncover the answer to this riddle so soon? I thought that it would take at least a year or a half, so much so that I will never find the truth.”

Kou Zhong sympathetically said, “Let me think, perhaps I can come up with a way to satisfy rival demands, both to kill Shen Mohuan, but also temporarily avoid direct confrontation with Old Du.”

The lightning light inside Ke Dazhi’s pair of eyes flashing brightly, he recovered his calm and confident manner. “There is only one way,” he spoke coldly, “We’ll decide on another set of contact methods. I am sure that Shen Mohuan will shoot the arrow using his Flying Cloud Bow. I can guarantee that Shen Mohuan will not see tomorrow’s sunrise.”

Kou Zhong laughed to his heart’s content; he said, “With your, this kid’s cooperation, I really save a lot of lips and tongue strength. We also have another helper, the same person who found out that your Du Dage was having a big quarrel with Xu Kaishan. He is known as ‘Die Gongzi’ Yin Xianhe, an outstanding swordsman of Central Earth’s northeast region, quite an exceptional figure.”

Astonished, Ke Dazhi said, “Where have I heard this strange name?”

Trying to help him, Kou Zhong said, “Did you hear it from Du Xing?”

Ke Dazhi shook his head. But immediately his pair of eyes emitted a strange look, he said, “I remember now! Once, Zong Xianghua mentioned this name to Xiufang Dajia.”

Kou Zhong could not help casting his gaze toward the brightly lit hall; his eyes fell onto Zong Xianghua’s slender, graceful, healthy back, while in the lake of his heart emerged the shadow of Yin Xianhe, the proud and aloof, rising-above-the-flock swordsman.

What was his relationship with Zong Xianghua?

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