
Book 47 3 – Friends and Foes Difficult to Tell

Book 47 Chapter 3 – Friends and Foes Difficult to Tell

“Marching must be prepared for war, stopping must establish strong camp.”

After three days of marching, Yang Gongqing and Kou Zhong’s five-thousand-man vanguard troops finally reached Cijian. The defending general of Cijian, You You Ji Da Jiangjun [the Right Guerilla Warfare (lit. roaming strike) Great General] Guo Shancai went out to meet them in great delight.

After some discussion, they decided to build the camp leaning against the city wall, in order to strengthen the defensive power of Cijian, but also because with their back on the strong city walls, they could defend against danger. Thereupon they selected the ‘lying-supine moon camp’, which was offensive in nature; the command unit was located in the middle army position, their strength was two thousand men, and then the left and right, two wings, each had one thousand five hundred men, were positioned facing the plain. They dug trenches in front of the lying-supine moon camp, a zhang and a half deep, two zhang wide at the mouth, a zhang and a half at the bottom. Because the mouth was wide and the base narrow, the enemy’s troops and horses falling inside would suffer greater injury.

At this time the Tang Army has not begun to besiege the city, they only set up wooden stockade on the higher ground, on the hills about two li outside the city. They carried out large-scale construction in preparation before Li Shimin’s main forces besiege the city; the estimated strength was between ten to fifteen thousand men.

Yang Gongqing and Kou Zhong led their personal guards to the front line to observe the enemy. They stopped at the top of a small hill about half a li away from the enemy camp to look into the distance at the enemy’s stronghold’s situation.

The sun was setting over the western hills, the heaven and earth was hazy.

Yang Gongqing sighed and said, “Just by looking at the enemy camp’s layout, we can tell that Luo Shixin, Qin Shubao and Cheng Zhijie are talents in the art of war. It’s a pity they defected to Li Shimin’s side, otherwise, if they were willing to work for me, the odds of success would be greatly increased.”

Kou Zhong nodded his agreement. The key to the setting up the camp was to achieve the two major military objectives, namely ‘strong self’ and ‘holding the enemy at bay’. Not only it must be a military stronghold where the campsite and the command center, the supply station for army provisions and weaponry were shielded and their security was ensured, it must also occupy strategic point to control the enemy, to block the enemy’s entry.

The opponent was able to occupy the higher ground and to pick the strategic pass, building their stronghold among the four passages of Cijian and Xin’an, two cities; not only it posed a threat to Cijian, it also made them unable to advance toward Xin’an to recover their lost territory, precisely in deep agreement of ‘the method to build the camp: select the location first’ essence.

On Yang Gongqing’s other side, his number one trusted aide, the young great general Ma Chang said, “They are setting up square camp arrangement; looking at the layout, it should be able to withstand attack from any direction, moreover, within itself, it is able to provide assistance to each other, reaching the key points of a camp within the camp, a troop within the troops. If we launched offensive to them, we would fall into their trick and certainly would be extremely welcomed.”

Kou Zhong examined the enemy camp, which extended on a higher ground, continuous for nearly half a li. Inside the camp, cooking smoke sprang up everywhere. He faintly saw enemy riders galloped out of the fort’s gate, pointing at them from a distance and talked among themselves. He smiled and said, “Attacking the camp is a bit better than attacking the city. Huh? Aren’t those Qin Shubao and Cheng Yaojin?”

Yang Gongqing and Ma Chang focused their eyes and indeed they saw that surprisingly, among the riders coming out of the fort’s gate, there were Qin and Cheng, two men.

All kinds of emotion welled up in Kou Zhong’s heart, thinking secretly that if these two ‘brothers’ led their troops to attack, would he turn his head and walk away, or would he rely on his skill and saber technique to take this opportunity to kill these two fierce generals within their magnificent army with thousands of men and horses? The latter thought made him shiver all over though not of cold; how could he harden his heart to have this intention?

Ma Chang shouted in low voice, “They are coming!”

Far away at the gate of the stronghold, Qin Shubao and Cheng Yaojin stepped out of the crowd and urged their horses to gallop down the hill, they spurred the horse to full speed and rushed straight toward the small hill where they were standing, without taking even half of their attendants.

Yang Gongqing’s team of nearly a hundred personal guards immediately tensed up, their hands pressed on their sabers, swords, and bows, only waiting for their leader to issue the order.

Kou Zhong sighed inwardly; he spoke in heavy voice, “You must not make your move. They trust me, Kou Zhong; I am going to see what they have to say.”

Pressing the horse’s belly, he ran down the slope to meet them. Yang Gongqing and the others stayed behind.

The two sides rapidly approached each other.

From a distance, Cheng Yaojin already shouted, “Good kid! Unexpectedly you lower yourself to be the vanguard of Wang Shichong, that [email protected] You still have the face to see us?”

When the two sides got near, they reined their horses to stand facing each other.

From the horseback, Qin Shubao leaned over to grab firmly Kou Zhong’s both hands; his expression grave, he said, “Good brother, come to our side!”

Smiling wryly, Kou Zhong said, “It seems like you recognized me only today?”

Cheng Yaojin urged his ride to come to Kou Zhong’s other side, his right hand reached out to grab his left shoulder, and spoke angrily, “Believe it or not, I am going to waste you, his Niang’s! At that time you told us how to rebel against Wang Shichong, and now you stick up your butts to surrender to and work for Wang Shichong, what kind of hero or real man are you?”

Frowning, Qin Shubao said, “Old Cheng, let go of your dirty and stinky hand. We all are brothers, how could you use violence as soon as we meet? If you provoke Shaoshuai, I guarantee that later on you would go to the battlefield with only one arm, when you visit a prostitute, you wouldn’t be able to show off your fancy move like before.”

Kou Zhong blurted out in loud laughter; he said, “Don’t speak that seriously, I will definitely not hit back.”

Still angry, Cheng Yaojin pulled his big hand back, but he could not refrain from shouting another round of vulgar language.

Qin Shubao sighed and said, “It’s not that Old Cheng and I don’t understand your situation, it’s just that working with Wang Shichong, that kind of despicable lowly man, there can’t be any good outcome; we are worried for you.”

Cheng Yaojin spoke indignantly, “Relying on your insignificant several tens of thousand Shao Shuai Army, of which at least half are children who only fit to suck their mother’s breast at home, you want to shake our Great Tang Army head-on, you are practically overestimating your capabilities; if you don’t believe me, just come to our camp to take a look.”

Although Kou Zhong was constantly being chewed-on, even insulted by Cheng Yaojin, not only he was not offended, a warm friendly feeling welled up in his heart instead; smiling ruefully, he said, “Since that is the case, why didn’t you guys come to help me stirring up my Shao Shuai Army, but went to throw your lot with Li Shimin, that kid, and now you came to tell me I am in the wrong?”

Qin Shubao spoke in displeasure, “How can you blame us? At that time your Shao Shuai Army was not really an army, the situation was unfavorable, plus we respect deeply Li Jing as a good man with the high aims of saving the nation and relieving the people, a man of character who stands up in the world, who wants to do something big and powerful.”

Cheng Yaojin let out a cold snort, he continued with heavy voice, “Looking around the Central Earth, who could surpass Qin Wang as an expert at appointing people according to their abilities [idiom], open-minded and magnanimous. If you recognize the opportunity, you would roll over to come to our side; together we will smash Wang Shichong’s eggs.”

Kou Zhong spoke with serious expression, “If the Great Tang’s Taizi is Shimin instead of Li Jiancheng, Xiaodi might consider two LaoGe’s suggestion, because after all, Xiaodi has been a brother to Li kid. However, the one who really has the authority to make decision in the House of Tang currently is Li Yuan, and the legitimate heir is Li Jiancheng, that scoundrel [orig. muddled egg]. Don’t blame me for scaring people with frightening words, once your master lose his value, that will be the moment the birds are gone, the bow is put away. If you don’t believe me, set your insight far into the future, see if I am guessing incorrectly.”

Qin Shubao sighed and said, “We already know you can’t be persuaded! But I wonder if you could withdraw from this battle of Luoyang, because Wang Shichong practically has no chance. Luo Shixin and Li Jinxian already surrendered to the Tang, could it be that it still fail to give you a clear enlightenment?”

Cheng Yaojin turned around, he grabbed the bridle of Kou Zhong’s horse, panting with rage, he said, “Come! Let’s go to our place and take a look. This is not the first day that you, little Kou Zhong, mingle among the army, you should have eyes to see who has a better chance.”

Kou Zhong was shocked; pulling the rein, he said, “Old Cheng, you seem to forget that I am the enemy that your Tang Army want to behead?”

Cheng Yaojin angrily said, “Who do you think I am? Since I dare to invite you back into the camp, naturally I can guarantee your safety.”

Knitting his brows, Kou Zhong said, “You are not afraid Li kid might blame you for having secret ties with the enemy?”

Qin Shubao laughed aloud and said, “If Li Shimin were that kind of failing-to-see-the-larger-issue [idiom] muddled-egg, we would not have swallowed and accept wholeheartedly [orig. submitting on the mouth and in the heart] and threw our lives in for him. His Niang’s! You, Kou Shaoshuai obstinately persist in going about things the wrong way, we’ll settle this matter on the battlefield then! But brothers are brothers, at least we must drink and eat our fill of yellow soup first before staking it all in you die, I live battle.”

Kou Zhong’s heroic spirit rushed forth violently, he said, “Very well! But let me go back first to speak to Old Yang, and then I’ll come with you to see whether everybody in the Great Tang Army actually has three heads and six arms, and impervious to sword and spear. Ha!”

※ ※ ※

The earth gradually darkened.

Xu Ziling sat on the southern bank of a section of the Yellow River on the Guanzhong plain, staring blankly at the sun disappearing below the horizon, his heart was filled with his thoughts and feelings.

He could still see the faint shadow of the sails of the three big ships that have gone far, one of the fleets bringing the army provisions and other resources, unendingly delivering them out of the Pass to supply the huge army.

No matter how abundant the Li Clan’s state treasury was, how full to overflowing their granary, in a war that would last over many years, with the most recent being the battle of Baibi – it would definitely consume most of the Li Clan’s grain storage.

The House of Tang’s military system was recruitment of able-bodied men in time of war, which removed their armor and returned to the farm in peacetime, to engage in productive activities. Other than personal guards of various aristocracy and great generals who were in active service throughout their life, other people served in rotation. For example, this time they dispatched more than a hundred thousand men on military expedition outside the Pass, that means in term of production capability, they also lost more than hundred thousand able-bodied men; naturally there would be a great impact to farming and harvesting. Moreover, if these soldiers, who would be too busy to support production, had to support years of war, the impact on people’s livelihood would be too extreme. Even though Guanzhong was rich, its people would inevitably had to pass tight days where they had to save on food and clothing, and in those areas far from Guanzhong, people’s livelihood would wither even more, on top of that, there would also be loss of life, destruction from the fire of war, and the defeat and dispersion of law and order. Indeed the damage of war made people not daring to think too deeply.

When would all these things stop?

Xu Ziling suddenly had an intense feeling of wanting to see Shi Qingxuan. Shi Zhixuan wanted to kill him, it was in order to unify the demonic school, but would he be heartless enough to kill his own only daughter? On this, he was no longer certain.

One after another touching scenes of his first encounter with this beautiful woman, the time when he first made friends with her – emerged in the ocean of his mind; her beautiful rear figure at the ancient temple, their dialogue over the screen partition at the desolate mountain hut, the breathtaking lanterns along the long street during the Mid-autumn festival in Chengdu, her Xiao playing near the window at Duzun Fort. He really wished he could just discard everything and rush to You Lin Xiao Gu to protect her, to nicely guard her standing-aloof-from-worldly-affairs heaven and earth, and no longer pay any attention to the continuous ugly killing and fighting in this secular world.

But right now he simply could not spare his time for a separate task.

There were simply too many matters before his eyes that urgently needed to be settled. Fortunately, Shi Zhixuan’s serious injury had not healed; moreover, he had to deal with the demonic school’s affairs, so he, Xu Ziling, still had some time. After all these things were settled, he would immediately rush to the You Lin Xiao Gu.

But would he really be able to resolve all kinds of implicating, extensive, tangled and complicated difficult problems that entangled him?

※ ※ ※

Looking from the outside, it was already a solemn and deep ambience, the appearance of an army at its peak; entering the stronghold’s gate, the strong defensive power of a solid army camp could be felt even more. They used wooden fence as partition, higher elevation as natural barrier, trench and moat opened up on the outside, ramparts were set up in the inside, equipped with caltrop [Tribulus terrestris], weeds [Chenopodium album] and bamboo sticks, deeply grown deer horn, reinforced by powerful crossbow. As long as there was no shortage of food and water, even if Wang Shichong exhausted his main forces to attack this army camp, he would still have to spend a great deal of time and effort, as well as to pay a very heavy price.

The Tang Army inside the camp found out that their commander-in-chief invited the Shaoshuai Kou Zhong, whose name shook the world, back into their camp, immediately the entire camp was in an uproar, but due to the extremely strict discipline of the Tang Army, no one dared to leave their post or the work at hand; they only could not help looking at him from afar, both in awe and with strong hostility.

Merely this situation has made Kou Zhong feel apprehensive; compared to this, his former Shao Shuai Army was only like a sheet of loose sand. Without any better option, he hoped that under continuous training from Xuan Yong, Bai Wenyuan, and the other high-ranking military officers proficient in the art of war, they would now look more like it.

Stepping over the fort gate and into the main troops-and-horses road leading directly to the central command tent in the middle of the camp, Qin Shubao spoke in low voice, “A month ago Old Cheng and I already sneaked here to survey the terrain and make advance preparation for our Great Tang’s Army. Qin Wang entrusted the two of us the heavy responsibility; one, because we are familiar with the Wang Army, two, because we have friendly relations with Luo Shixin, but more importantly, because Qin Wang has absolute trust toward us. Such a bright ruler is worthy for us to repay by offering our life in sacrifice.”

Inwardly Kou Zhong was grateful. Without trying to avoid suspicion at all, these two invited him into the camp to look around, it was because they wanted to make a last effort in persuading him to surrender to the Tang. But each family has its own family’s problem, he had no choice but to steel himself to reject their good intention.

Tonight, everybody was still a brother, but tomorrow they would be enemies who wanted to put the other side to death by all means.

On the other side, Cheng Yaojin said, “Merely selecting this location we had to go through deliberations over and over again. It must not be too far away from Cijian, but too close would be vulnerable. The so-called chosen location to station the troops cannot seek benefit while avoiding harm, a place to drive away ten thousand crowd while throwing oneself to death, not a place where disaster would pass over naturally. This is not the first day that Shaoshuai came out to mingle and roam, looking at our hands and feet [i.e. subordinates], none is not a carefully selected outstanding warrior. As for Wang Shichong’s subordinates, no need for me to say it, everybody knows what kind of trash they are.”

Qin Shubao continued, “In the punitive expedition to the east this time, Qin Wang personally supervise the selection process. The troops selected by Qin Wang have a set of criteria. First, they must have a spirit of courage, second, must have physical strength and speed. Those who are intelligent without guts, when facing the enemy would seek their own benefit. Those with skill without guts, when facing the enemy would forget their skill. Those with strength without guts, when facing the enemy would be timid, and those men will lead the way to defeat.”

The three were talking and walking at the same time, wherever they went, none of the Tang army in the camp did not cast sidelong glances.

Cheng Yaojin said with a sneer, “All of Wang Shichong’s soldiers are conscripted and surrendering troops, their hearts are on their separated family, they only look after their own interest. Our Great Tang adopts governmental military system, everybody has a family and a job, their household register is clear-cut, they fight for the protection of their homeland. Not only they will fight bravely, they will also obey military discipline. Laodi [ol’ younger brother] is proficient in the art of war, naturally you know soldiers, it’s a pity that you are standing by the side of Wang Shichong, that idiot who does not know soldiers.”

Smiling wryly, Kou Zhong said, “Wang Shichong couldn’t be that bad, could he?”

The three came to the open space in front of the main tent. The guards shouted their salute together, in a neat and uniform manner.

Qin Shubao stood still and spoke with a cold snort, “How can Wang Shichong be considered someone who knows soldiers? Sun Tzu’s Art of War has sayings: use soldiers to achieve victory, use control to achieve victory. And it must govern powerful and vigorous army. Knowing soldiers, one must understands how to use people. There are a total of six writings: who talks about assigning virtuous person and not the chief among the troops? Among the talents in the world, there are enough people to be useful in one generation. No one does not suffer in life, and suffering does not know people; not suffering means does not know people, yet suffering and knowing people are useless. Knowing but not put it to good use is akin to having none at all. This way one can throw himself in the right direction, just like the hand is using the fingers. If Wang Shichong really knows people and put them in good use, Old Cheng and I might stay by his side and fight side-by-side with you, Luo Shixin also would never offer the city and surrender. His granny’s, how much more do you, this kid, want us to talk before you wake up from your dream?”

Kou Zhong noticed that all the Tang Army that he encountered, everyone’s morale was high, their fighting spirit flourishing, inwardly he was already apprehensive, plus the more the two men talked, the more they were speaking bluntly. However, he knew that all good medicine tastes bitter, each sentence was the truth. Sighing, he said, “Governmental military system is really not without any weak points. At least for Qin Wang, there is one extremely unfavorable point, which is the generals are not specialized soldiers. Once the war is over, generals and commanders go back to the imperial court, governmental soldiers go back to the government. Governmental soldiers can’t possibly serve under a fix commander-in-chief’s command, it is even more difficult to vow loyalty and devotion to a certain person, so they can only take responsibility for the country. Therefore, it does not matter how unrivalled your bright ruler Qin Wang’s military service is, how unequal he is on the battlefield, once he is no longer a general, it will be difficult to resist Li Yuan. If Li Jiancheng cast his net to obtain martial art masters from the inside and outside, he will be slaughtered regardless. I wonder if two LaoGe have ever thought about this aspect?”

After a short pause, he went on, “It’s not that I want to be Wang Shichong’s hunting dog, but I want to borrow him to let my Shao Shuai Army buy some more time. How many times you want me to tell you so that you will understand my difficulties.”

Scolded by him, Qin Shubao and Cheng Yaojin looked at each other with bitter smile, they shook their heads helplessly.

There was the sound of a team of men and horses galloping over from the other side of the camp. The leader was a well-built high-ranking military officer, his countenance handsome and grand, brimming with self-confidence. Still some distance away, he laughed aloud and said, “Shixin is coming to see Shaoshuai, I have the honor to meet you at last.”

Finished speaking, he, along with the various general coming with him, leaped off their horses and came over toward the three.

Cupping his fist, Kou Zhong said with a laugh, “Turns out the great famous Luo Shixin Jiangjun; Xiaodi has already heard your distinguished name.”

Noticing that Kou Zhong did not say anything about him rebelling against the Zheng and realigning his allegiance to the Tang, good impression grew in Luo Shixin’s heart. Rushing over, he grabbed Kou Zhong’s hands and spoke in sincerity, “Working together with Wang Shichong is like scheming with the tiger for its skin, plus Shaoshuai is the man Qin Wang holds in the highest regards, if you could change your mind to help us, certainly you would receive deferential treatment; Shaoshuai, please think thrice.”

Smiling wryly, Kou Zhong said, “Your good intention is much appreciated. It’s a pity that Xiaodi has different way of thinking. As for the details, you could inquire of these two brothers of mine, whom up to this point are still my brothers.”

Luo Shixin let go off his hands in disappointment. He looked at Qin Shubao and Cheng Yaojin, but the two could only respond with helpless, bitter smile.

Frowning, Luo Shixin said, “Please forgive me for speaking frankly; war is two sides’ military power pitting oneself against the other, city defenders against the troops assaulting a fortified position, approaching the front line to kill each other, everything depends on the morale of the commander-in-chief. Now Wang Shichong appoints member of his own clique, only putting the high-ranking military officers of the same family name in important positions, the soldiers have no fighting spirit, Kou Shaoshuai is a smart man, how could you throw away your life together with him?”

Qin Shubao spoke indignantly, “Those who don’t get along well with the country must not send troops; those who don’t get along well with the troops must not send troops disposition; those who don’t get along well with the troops disposition must not go to war repeatedly; and those who don’t get along well with the war must not fight decisive battle. How much more lips and tongue Shaoshuai wants us to spend?”

Cheng Yaojin spoke heavily, “Wang Shichong is not fair, there’s no integrity that can be said. Without integrity, there can’t be harmony with the people, ultimately he will only end up nursing a grievance.”

Smiling wryly, Kou Zhong said, “Are you actually inviting me to drink wine, or to mock me and chide me?”

From among the generals coming with Luo Shixin, a man stepped forward; he came behind Luo Shixin, pressed his hand on his sword, and shouted, “No more good words to speak about, Shaoshuai still shows no understanding of the times, let Xiao Jiang [little general] ask advice of your brilliance, to see if Shaoshuai’s fame is the same as the reality.”

Everybody, Luo Shixin included, was stunned by this man’s recklessness.

With angry look on his face, Qin Shubao scolded him, “Ruan Qing, get the hell out of here, roll away as far as possible. I am not defending my own brother, but I want to protect our Great Tang Army’s morale; I don’t want to give Shaoshuai the opportunity to perform for no purpose at all, and thus throw our army’s heart into disorder. Get lost!”

Ruan Qing was greatly startled; he looked at his chief, Luo Shixin, his face alternated between red and white, extremely awkward.

All eyes were focused on Luo Shixin, they wanted to see how he was going to handle this situation.

Luo Shixin spoke indifferently, “Qin Jiangjun’s order is the same as my order. I don’t want to see you again.”

The blood on Ruan Qing’s face was drained completely; ashamed with no place to set his foot, he saluted, turned around and went away.

Luo Shixin acted as if he had done an insignificant thing; unconcerned, he said, “Disrespecting one’s superiors, not knowing one’s own capability, any one of these is already violating the law of heaven. This kind of person does not need to be minded.”

Kou Zhong had no choice but to revise his estimate toward this future enemy.

Cheng Yaojin reached out to put his hand on Kou Zhong’s shoulder, he said, “The sky’s falling is tomorrow’s problem, tonight we drink until his Niang’s delight. The most ideal will be to get you so drunk that you lie down on the couch and miss the battle of Luoyang. Ha!”

Happy and excited, they all went into the tent.

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