
Chapter 117 - Just A Theory

Bishop pulled one of his books and opened it on a bookmarked spot, then turned it to us to see. There, a woman whose only resemblance to Goddess of Wizards was the magic book in her hands and her gender was descending in the rays of blue light towards a hunched old man.

"The historical accounts say that Goddess of Wizards berated Willorio for trying to touch knowledge that shouldn\'t be touched by mortals, and when he tried to attack her with the magic he learnt, killed him with a word. A tragic fate… such brilliant mind destroyed with so little care." Bishop put the illustration down and shook his head. "But the goddess didn\'t destroy Willorio\'s research—not all the copies, at least. There\'s a lot written in his books about the nature of magic, and in his research journals he writes about all the ways he tried to achieve eternal youth. One of them was moving directly into Heaven or even Hell, bypassing Heavenly Judgement and keeping his power and memory."

"So much for the Archmage. Why was he even called that way, if he spent his entire life on research alone?" I asked. Really, the ending of this story was so… anticlimactic.

Bishop pursed his lips, which was the most unhappy he was with something I\'ve said or done since we\'ve met for the first time.. "Glory that adventurers sow might be easy to achieve, unlike that of a researcher, but researchers do much more for the future generations than adventurers. This is what Willorio was appreciated by historians, this and his unique magic talent."

I hummed thoughtfully. This was below the point where I cared, but Bishop\'s reaction to my words was amusing enough for me to note it for the future. "So, why you told us Willorio\'s full biography, after all?"

"My lord, after reading through it and Willorio\'s books, I came to think that the magic power that he wielded couldn\'t have come from Willorio himself. You see, in his books, he states clearly that the reason why only adventurers possess the ability to use spells is that we don\'t have abilities that would allow us to feel and manipulate the flow of the world\'s magic essence. That it\'s just not something humans were born with, and neither do gods give it. But Willorio described this magic essence with the level of detail that showed that he must\'ve had these abilities."

"So what? Couldn\'t he have gained these abilities somehow?" But despite my question, I felt like I had an idea already.

"There are many strange things in the world, my lord, but there had been no major incidents depicted in Willorio\'s life besides the one that killed the rest of his family. But this is where his interest in magic began, as well as his temporary habit of talking to himself… My lord, I think, that Willorio was in contact with some unknown supernatural being which gave him the power of magic. And I think that while Willorio is long dead, this being might still be alive! After all, its powers are a great unknown, as well as whether it was present for Willorio\'s last moments or not."

"Yes, that would\'ve been nice, wouldn\'t it?" I said sourly. "But, Bishop, I think you are very wrong on this account. I have a thought of what could\'ve given Willorio the powers, and if I\'m right—and I think I\'m right—then this creature died with Willorio…" I paused and then grinned as another possibility hit me. "Or someone out there carries an interesting passenger they don\'t know about…"

Could a bitch who calls herself a goddess really don\'t notice a thing? Could she?.. Oh, but the irony! If that was true… Then my enemy had a weakness they knew nothing about.

"My lord, what do you mean?" Bishop looked at me in confusion.

"I think Willorio caught a draining curse." And if that was true, and if the wizards\' bitch didn\'t notice it when she killed him… If she was that arrogant and/or stupid… Then there was a slight chance that the curse sat in her even now, waiting for its hour.

Just a slight possibility, but if it was true… Oh, the laughs I will get from it!

"A draining curse? Yeah, that would make him sick, but since when draining curses gave you power?" Yvenna asked. "If that was true, then adventurers wouldn\'t have to spend fortunes on getting rid of them!"

"They totally can give you power, they just don\'t because they are assholes, and because they are afraid to get detected. My own magic comes from a draining curse… I caught him by accident, but then decided to enslave him instead of exorcising him. That\'s much cheaper, and he\'s quite useful. He still has to drain me to have any power to give, but I get more EXP from the creatures I eat than he takes."

Yvenna looked at me with huge eyes. "Wow, really? So all that magic you can do, Devourer, is his? Even the webs?"

"Magic, Yvenna! Do you understand what it is? Webs are mine! Pest just does a little this and that." I shrugged with one shoulder. "So, Bishop, we won\'t chat with Willorio\'s curse."

"This is… groundbreaking." Bishop blinked quickly several times, then rubbed his forehead. "So you say, draining curses aren\'t a curse, per se, but actually living creatures? This is a discovery that could make someone world-famous… Oh, forgive me, my lord, I grew too distracted. We still have Willorio\'s books, and as I said, he writes about travelling to Heaven, too."

"Alright. I will read the books and decide on how well you did in my absence after that, Bishop…" I chuckled as I thought again about the idea of the Bitch Wizard having a draining curse. "But after what you told me already, I have to say, good job. Now tell me, Yvenna, was your time just as productive? How\'s Rosha and Risha doing, by the way, do you two know?"

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