
Chapter 96 Broken Shoe

Chapter 96 Broken Shoe

Li Yuyan had fallen down onto the dance floor, and. . . the back of her dress had ripped apart.

The broken heel of her shoe laid a few feet away from her, and she hissed in pain. It took a few seconds before she felt the bareness from her back, and she turned her head around.

"Ah!" Li Yuyan hurriedly used both of her hands to try and pull the dress back together, but the zipper had completely ripped apart.

The dress was originally very tight on her already, and the fall had put too much pressure on the fabric, causing it to rip apart.

The rip went all the way down, just stopping a little bit above her bottom because she was sitting on that part of the dress.

Everyone was too shocked to react. . . everyone except He Xinyan, who just stared at Li Yuyan calmly. Gu Yechen didn\'t even bother to look at Li Yuyan, as his eyes were still glued onto his angel.

Suddenly, there was a short chuckle, and Qin Ruolin quickly used her hands to cover her mouth.

Because the room was dead silent, Li Yuyan heard the laugh clearly, and her cheeks turned red from embarrassment. She wobbled back on her feet and tried to keep the dress from falling as she limped to the door and out of the lobby.

Li Huiran broke out of her shock and she quickly ran to the door to go find her daughter. As she passed He Xinyan, she turned to glare at her with both confusion and anger in her eyes.

He Xinyan just smiled at her, slightly raising one eyebrow with amusement.

--- A few hours ago

After throwing the pair of broken shoes away, He Xinyan stood up and walked out of her room.

At the top of the stairs, she slowly walked down a few steps so she could get a glimpse of the living room.

"Don\'t worry, it will." She heard Li Huiran speak and then the room was silent.

He Xinyan walked down a few more steps and saw that Li Huiran was talking on the phone.

She licked her lips satisfactorily before silently walking back up to the second floor. Like she had guessed, Li Yuyan was probably in her house with Su Zhiming right now, preparing for the birthday party already.

On the second floor, He Xinyan didn\'t return to her room. Instead, she made a right turn and walked down a hallway to Li Yuyan\'s bedroom.

The door wasn\'t locked and she walked in, gently locking the door behind her.

If He Xinyan remembered correctly, after they finished shopping, Li Yuyan had brought the dress to this house.

He Xinyan walked into the closet and saw a black box on the large table in the middle of the closet. She recognized that box to be the one from the shop they visited.

However, that wasn\'t what she was looking for.

Next to the large box, there was another smaller box. At the shop, Li Yuyan had also bought a matching pair of shoes for the dress because she said that she didn\'t have a pair of shoes in the color of the dress.

He Xinyan opened the small box and lifted up one shoe.

With a smile, she pulled out a tube of glue from her pocket and placed it onto the table.

A few minutes later, He Xinyan cautiously stepped out from Li Yuyan\'s bedroom and quickly walked back to her room.

As she was about to enter her room, she heard footsteps coming up the stairs.

"I\'m here to get my dress. I forgot it when I left yesterday!" He Xinyan heard Li Yuyan\'s voice speak.

\'Perfect timing!\' He Xinyan thought. She walked into her room and gently closed the door, locking it behind her.

--- Present

Li Huiran ran out of the lobby, which only made Bai Jiawei\'s face turn even more red.

The music finally came to a stop, but no one was dancing anymore. Gu Yechen lifted his hand up once more, and He Xinyan smiled at him as she placed her hand onto his.

Together, they walked back to the front of the room calmly as if nothing happened.

Bai Jiawei cleared his throat awkwardly and laughed to try to get rid of the embarrassment. He whispered something to the worker standing next to him and a few seconds later, several tables with trays of food on them were pushed into the room.

"Let\'s eat first! Eat! We will cut the cake at 7:30!"

The guests slowly got up from their seats one by one and moved over to the tables to get their food. He Xinyan also walked off the stage to go get food, although she was still partly full from the "snack" they ate earlier.

At 7:23, the door opened again and Li Huiran walked into the room. Behind her, Li Yuyan also walked in with her head down.

She had changed into a different dress, and it was a little too big on her.

Looking at the floor the entire way, Li Yuyan walked to the front of the lobby and sat down on her chair, biting her lip to prevent herself from crying.

At the corner of the room, He Xinyan watched this with a smile as she ate her cake.

"I\'m guessing that this is your doing," Gu Yechen said.

He Xinyan took a bite of the cake on her plate and nodded her head. When Gu Yechen didn\'t reply, she turned around and looked up at him cautiously.

"Do you think I\'m really mean and evil?" She dropped her fork onto the plate and turned her body around so she was facing him.

Gu Yechen raised one eyebrow as he looked down into her serious expression.

He licked his lips and smiled before lifting one hand to wipe the whipped cream on the edge of her lips.

"Do you think you\'re mean and evil?"

He Xinyan didn\'t expect him to ask her back, and she hesitantly nodded her head, "I. . . I wasn\'t like this before. . ."

Her voice trailed off as she looked down at her plate.

"Well then. . . I do think you are evil too. But I like evil."

He Xinyan looked up confusedly, "You like evil?"

"Well. . . to be honest, I like you. So whatever you are, I like."

He Xinyan smiled, "Did you just eat cake too? Your mouth is so sweet."

She finished the slice of cake on her plate and they walked back onto the dance floor to dance again.


The party ended earlier than expected as guests slowly began to leave one by one, and the six of them were on their way home by 10 o\'clock.

Gu Yechen and He Xinyan were the first to arrive, as Gu Yechen parked his car in front of his house and they parted ways.

Next was Bai Jiawei and Li Huiran. Once the car came to a stop, Bai Jiawei stomped out of the car and didn\'t even wait for Li Huiran before marching into the house, slamming the door shut behind him.

Finally, Su Zhiming and Li Yuyan\'s car arrived. Li Yuyan\'s eyes were red and swollen from the crying during the car ride back, and Su Zhiming didn\'t wait for her as he walked into the house by himself.

Li Yuyan couldn\'t stand that she had made a joke of herself in front of so many people. . . and also Qin Ruolin! And Qin Ruolin laughed at her!

She bit her lip as she locked the door before walking into the house.

Bai Jiawei was pacing inside the living room, and he stomped his foot onto the ground when he saw Li Yuyan, "Li Yuyan! What happened back there?!"

"I. . . My shoe broke!" Li Yuyan said as she glanced at He Xinyan, who was sitting on the couch.

"Are you stupid?! Why would you wear broken shoes to my birthday party?!" Bai Jiawei\'s face was red with rage, and he could almost hear what those guests would be gossiping about right now.

"I didn\'t!" Li Yuyan glared at He Xinyan, but she couldn\'t say anything. "I don\'t know why the shoe broke."

"You - Look at you!" Bai Jiawei took quick breaths as he pointed one shaky finger at Li Yuyan, "You are such a disgrace! You just had to pick my birthday to make such an embarrassment of yourself!"

Li Yuyan couldn\'t hold her tears in as she started sobbing, "It\'s - it\'s not me! He - He Xinyan!"

"You dare mention your sister?! Even your sister is much better than you in gatherings like this!"

He Xinyan grinned lightly, "Dad, you shouldn\'t say that. After all, Yuyan isn\'t actually the daughter of the He family, so it is natural that she isn\'t used to things like this."

Hearing this, both Li Yuyan and Li Huiran glared at He Xinyan, as that was something they both didn\'t like to hear.

Bai Jiawei also knit his eyebrows together when he heard what He Xinyan said, and he turned around to look at Li Huiran.

"You too! Why did you run out after your stupid daughter made a fool of herself!"

"I -"

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