
Chapter 68 Broken Bones (2)

Thanks to that, Jake felt the grip of that guy weakening, so he quickly turned around and then made his elbow hit that guy\'s face. The second big guy hesitated since Jake had a knife, and the other was still in shock due to the stab. Somehow, Jake didn\'t hit the muscles and bones or any other vital part, but the guy was thinking that he had since some blood was leaving.

"Now you guys have really done it…" Jake said with his vicious eyes. "Do you want this? Catch it!"

Jake threw the knife upside, and then the second guy followed the knife. However, that had been a mistake because Jake dashed toward him and then landed a dropkick on the guy\'s knee, the one that wasn\'t broken yet. This time, he fell to the ground, unable to get up.

When the knife fell on the ground, the stabbed man tried to grab it, but then he saw Jake getting up and approaching him. At that point in time, Justin had already approached. Still, he was hesitating in helping since he obviously couldn\'t do more than those two bodyguards.

Even though his leg was wounded, the remaining bodyguard still had the advantage. However, Jake couldn\'t care less about it. Since they started that shit, he will go to his utmost limits to exact his self-defense rights. The bodyguard charged toward and then tried to punch his stomach, but Jake blocked the attack with his arms. That being said, the attack still hurt like hell. The bodyguard followed with a hook, but Jake lowered his posture and dashed to his chin head-butt. The bodyguard got dizzy, and Jake used that chance to kick his balls with all his might. Jake felt satisfied when he fell to his knees and then he saw that guy\'s pale face. However, he didn\'t stop there. He kicked the guy\'s face with a twist kick and knocked him down senselessly.

"You want to strangle me with this arms, right?" Jake asked with a smile on his face. "Since you failed, it seems that they need an improvement."

Jake extended the guy\'s arms, and then he dropped his knee in the elbows and only stopped when he was sure when they were completely broken. He wanted to continue, but then he heard the sound of the other bodyguard trying to leave. As for Justin, he was nowhere to be seen.

"Well, since I already made sure that his arms won\'t be usable for a few months, I should do the same with your legs," Jake said while smirking. "That is only fair, don\'t you think."

"No… no… we were just going to scare you a little bit," The bodyguard said.

"I see, then I am going to do the same, the pain will soon pass and only fear will stay with you for a while," Jake said.

The bodyguard tried to protect his face, but after a few tries, Jake managed to knock him down unconscious as well. Once that was done, Jake also dropped his knee on that guy until he heard a few cracks.

After seeing them unconscious, Jake realized that he might have gone a bit too far… they were unarmed, and he stabbed one of them. Not to mention, his wounds compared with them… any judge would wonder based on that who attacked who. Nevertheless, Jake checked their body of them and found a cellphone. After that, he called two ambulances. With that much, he should be able to avoid going to jail. Just to be sure he won\'t have to deal with them, Jake checked their documents and then found where they worked and their address. After writing that down, he put both of them in the dumpster nearby.

"Nothing like helping clean the city… ouch," Jake said, and then he started to feel his cheek throbbing now that the adrenaline had gone.

Despite the powerful punch that made him dizzy for several seconds, he didn\'t lose a single, and not a single one of them was loose either. That was good. Jake imagined that losing some of them would make it hard to eat… he didn\'t learn how to cook decently and not to be able to eat properly.

After grabbing his groceries, Jake began to walk toward his apartment, and he already could hear the siren of ambulances. Still, he paid not to mind to it. On the other hand, one of the guys who watched the entrance of the building frowned when Jake appeared, showing a half-swollen face and his clothes a little bit dirty with blood. It wasn\'t the first time he showed up looking like that, though.

"What is up?" Jake asked without stopping to listen to a reply.

His guests, on the other hand, didn\'t react in the same way when they saw him… not to mention, they could hear the sound of sirens nearby.

"What happened to you?" Lana asked, visibly shocked.

"I tripped and then hit my face on the ground," Jake replied. "Dinner will have to wait a little bit."

"… It was Justin… Am I right?" Louise asked, worried while imagining what had happened.

"Like I said, I tripped," Jake replied. "I tripped and then I met some old friends. Don\'t worry, this is nothing."

The day had been quite intense, and that last fight sure made things close on a… high note? At least that was what Jake thought since he made some assholes taste their own blood for a while. After taking a hot shower to relax, Jake put some ice on his face and then began to cook like nothing had happened. As for the girls, they were worried about the future since the fight might cause a retaliation against Jake. He was the only one who wasn\'t worried about that since he had experience. Usually, low-lives like Justin, who care about their reputation so much, will avoid getting involved with Jake again. Or so the logic goes. Jake knew that some people were so hopeless that they might do the things that would end up destroying their entire lives…

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