
Chapter 596 - Unable to Understand Her Happiness

Chapter 596 Unable to Understand Her Happiness

“Luoyin, you can be at ease. In the future, everything in the Bai family will be yours. There won’t be anything that you cannot do and any man you cannot get. Why insist on this man who doesn’t love you?”

Bai Zhenfeng’s every word was filled with reason and facts. However, in the face of Bai Luoyin, they were of no value. She didn’t want those family assets; all she wanted was Gao Yi. Once people decided on something, nothing else in the world could really be compared to the craving and longing that they felt in their hearts.

The best things were the ones a person could not get. Perhaps, after getting them, one might not cherish them as much as before; but the problem was that she hadn’t even managed to get what she wanted.

She lifted her head to look at Bai Zhenfeng; he looked apologetic and worried. He always said that everything was for her happiness, but did he even know what she actually wanted?

At that moment, her heart only felt heavy and enraged. It was all that woman-it was all that Xia Ruoxin’s fault. Originally, their lives had always been perfect; but ever since that woman appeared, everything changed. Now the person that Gao Yi, Gao Xin, and Wei Lan liked was her. Even her father... wasn’t he tacitly consenting to the situation as well?

Then, what about her? Had they ever thought about what was going to happen to her? How was she supposed to go out and meet people in the future? How was she going to lift her head high in front of others?

She clenched her hands tightly together. She wasn’t going to give up-she definitely wasn’t. She wasn’t going to give Gao Yi to others as well. Even if she had to be unscrupulous, she still wasn’t going to hand Gao Yi to anyone.

The intermittent sound of the rain could faintly be heard from outside, and within the weather, there was a dash of dreariness.

Xia Ruoxin stood in front of the window, watching the rain outside. In fact, the rain was the same everywhere. However, the rain here seemed a little colder. Xia Ruoxin pulled her clothes tightly over herself while her fingers gently touched her lips.

With just a light touch, her lips would hurt. She didn’t know if the pain was from her body or her heart.

“Gao Yi,” she mumbled to herself. She seemingly hadn’t seen him in a long time already. Was it because he was really busy? Or was he avoiding her because of that incident? She lifted her head. The rain outside seemingly managed to wet even the inside of her eyes, making them sting slightly.

That feeling of guilt made her unable to smile at all. Had she hurt that man? Was it because she didn’t reply to his question? She stood up and placed her fingers on the ice-cold glass in front of her. Alright, if he wanted love, then she was going to love him. She was going to work hard-she was going to try her best to do it.

It was not that she had no love in her. It was just that her heart was really empty. It was practically impossible for her to find the feeling of love. She moved her fingers down and placed them on her chest. It was beating and warm as well. She really wanted to be with him; she wasn’t forcing herself, not at all.

It was only after a really long time that she finally put down her hands. However, just then, she realized that the little fella had been overly quiet today. She hadn’t come out to look for her to play even after such a long time. Could she be asleep?

She turned around, calling out her daughter’s name again. However, the surprising thing was that the little fella still didn’t come out. In the past-at times like these, her tiny legs would run faster than anyone else.

“Rainy, stop playing with Mommy. Come out quickly; otherwise, Mommy will get angry.” Her eyebrows gently knitted together. This child... recently, she had become quieter while the little fella had seemingly become livelier.

“Rainy...” She called out her daughter’s name once again and opened the door to their room, checking to see if she was really sleeping inside. Not in this room, and not in this room as well. She wasn’t in any of the rooms. Where did the little fella run off to? Xia Ruoxin searched around again. As expected-her hands gently rubbed her forehead. That little fella must have run outside to play while she was daydreaming. Look, her doll had already disappeared.

Now, Rainy brought her doll with her wherever she went. This little fella, didn’t she see the heavy rain outside? When she falls sick and has to get an injection, we’ll see whether she’ll cry then. When she gets back, she’ll have to get a beating. We’ll see if she’ll still dare to anyhow run around in the future.

She picked out a new set of clothes and hastily headed out. Gao Yi wasn’t home right now; therefore, she could only look for Rainy alone. Thankfully, she knew that with her daughter’s character; she wouldn’t have run too far away.

Rainy sat on a step at one side, and in her arms, she carried her doll. Although it was stepped on by Bai Luoyin, it didn’t get torn. Her mother had already helped her wash her doll super clean.

Wow, what a heavy rain. She swung her small legs from time to time and firmly reached out her tiny hands to let the rain drip onto her palms. Her little, tender hands had already long been drenched by the rain.

“Cold...” She quickly huddled herself. She was cold. Nevertheless, her eyes swept around before she reached out her small hand again. Although it was cold, it was very fun.

The raindrops hit onto her small hand from time to time while her other tiny hand tightly gripped the doll in her embrace, preventing it from getting drenched.

However, she didn’t know that at that moment, a woman had already stood at a distance for a very long time; and she was already heading towards her.

The moment somebody stood beside her, Rainy hastily retracted her tiny hands and stood up, coyly fidgeting her tiny feet. Oh, no, somebody caught me. If Mommy and Daddy found out that she went out alone to play with water, they would definitely scold her.

She warily lifted her head to look at the person standing in front of her. It was just that the moment she got a clear look at the person, her tiny body backed away instead. Her two small hands hugged the doll tighter in her embrace. It was that bad Auntie-it was that bad Auntie who stepped on her doll.

“You’re really afraid of me.” Bai Luoyin lowered her head and stared at the young girl who was not even at her leg’s length. This was that woman’s daughter, the child that Wei Lan loved ever so dearly. She truly had a detestable face. She was nothing but a fatherless child, and yet she still dared to challenge her? She should look back at her own identity first.

Rainy continuously backed away. She bit her dainty lips, feeling afraid as well. Just then, Bai Luoyin squatted instead. She was smiling; however, her smile was very cold. So this bastard’s child also felt fear.

“Tell Auntie, who’s your Daddy?” She tried her best to make her voice sound a little gentler. However, the falsity of that forced smile on her face only made Rainy feel afraid.

“Daddy is Daddy,” Rainy softly said.

“What an idiot.” Bai Luoyin had evidently forgotten that Rainy was just a three-year-old child. A child’s thought process just worked like that.

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