
Chapter 247

Chapter 247

Chapter 247

Viyan was at a loss. It was too late to say that she had made the whole story up. She had to continue with the charade. Besides, the slave had refused her. No one refuses her. He should be dead. She did feel a twinge of disappointment though. The slave had been quite handsome, but there were plenty of handsome men in the world.

Veolense called for the head of the servants, who entered the chamber. “I need you to take hold of the slave, immediately.”

Then, turning to Viyan, he said, “Don’t worry about anything and go back to your room. I’ll take care of everything.”

“Yes, father,” Viyan replied, bowing and leaving the study.

“Tell the men to beat that slave,” Veolense said.

“Yes, my lord.” The head of the servants had an idea of what caused his master’s rage.

“Tell them to beat him to death.” Veolense continued. “It seems he tried to put his hands on Viyan. I’m sure she influenced it, as she has before, but I don’t know where this could go, so I’m putting a stop to the threat right now.”

“I’ll give them the order.” The head said. This wasn’t the first time he had been requested to do something like this.

“Make sure that no word of this leaves the household. I don’t want any connection of the slave to Viyan. Understand?”

“Yes. I’ll make sure that it is done.” As the head went off to make the preparations, Veolense realized he would need to be making another donation to the temple. It was only a slave, however, so it shouldn’t cost much.


The head of the servants took two large guards and went to find Alexcent, who was washing his face at the pond.

“Take him,” the head instructed his men.

Alexcent was grabbed suddenly from behind. He had no idea why he was being dragged away. The men took him to the path the servants used to get back and forth from the mansion and their quarters. Then the beating began. It was much more intense than it had been in the past and soon Alexcent was curled on the ground in a fetal position, trying to protect any vulnerable areas of his anatomy.

“Stop! What are you doing?”

Alexcent could barely open his swollen eyes, but he could tell the owner of the voice. He knew that Amethyst was there. The head of the servants waved for his men to stop.

“Who are you?” he asked. “I haven’t seen you around here before?”

“I run a café in the city. I came to make a delivery. Why are you beating this man so much!”

The head of the servants recognized her now. This woman was popular amongst the maids and was free to enter the grounds whenever she had business. However, this was something an outsider should have never see.

“This is no concern of yours,” the head informed her. “If you’re done with your deliveries, I insist that you leave. Now.”

“But you can’t beat him this much, even if he’s a slave! It’s not right!” Amethyst cried.

“We have every right. He’s a thief.”

“A thief?” Amethyst didn’t believe it. Considering how he had been towards her, there was no way he was a thief.

“Yes. He stole a jewel from the mine.”

“Even so, he might have been framed. How can you be sure?”

“It is not up to us to judge; we are simply following orders. Now, I’ll only tell you one more time. Leave the premises immediately.”

“Not at all! I wish to speak to the master!” Amethyst demanded.

The head of the servants nodded to the guards to physically remove Amethyst. As the two large men grabbed Amethyst’s arms, Alexcent tried to stand up. The guards turned and forced him back to the ground with their clubs, beating him uncontrollably once again as Amethyst watched in horror.

“Stop! He might die!” Amethyst screamed, but the beatings didn’t cease.

Alexcent began throwing up blood, as the clubs started causing internal injuries. Amethyst tried to shake off the guards grasp as she cried in frustration. She looked to the servants and maids who had gathered, hoping they would intervene, but they just shut their eyes and tried to block out the horror. It was apparent that the servants were used to seeing this type of punishment.

Amethyst, who couldn’t bear it anymore, screamed the last option she had. “I’ll buy the slave!”

“Stop!” The guards put down their clubs at the head’s order. Alexcent lay on the ground unmoving. If he wasn’t dead, he would be shortly without medical attention. “What do you mean, you’ll buy the slave? He is under the control of the Empire. He’s not an object that can be purchased.”

“Then call the master. I’ll make my offer to him personally. I’m certain he won’t refuse.” Amethyst certainly hoped that she was right.

The head of the servants considered what she said and seemed intrigued. “Wait here.” He quickly retuned to the mansion to summon Veolense.

During the several minutes that she waited, Amethyst could see the slave’s sides inflate with breath. At least he was still alive.

A man with thick brown hair and a huge gut approached from the mansion. He was dressed in rich fabrics and jewels. Amethyst assumed that it was Veolense.

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