
Chapter 86 - What Are You Doing?

    "... As for your last question, your body will adapt, and grow stronger the longer you stay here. Plus, if any issues happen to arise, I am always able to help, not to mention the others who live here, who could also help."

    "Hmm, well it is not as thought I have any family to return to anyway. So why not." Qing said with a care free attitude.

    Talking for a short while, whilst walking, soon after the group make it back to the house. The group upon arriving, stops, and Yueliang says while looking at the two moons high in the sky. "The guest house is on the side, right there. Regardless, instead of staying up, I recommend we all go to sleep earlier tonight. That is if you want to make it to the auction house on time tomorrow. Also, considering we will have many guests in town, be on your guard."

    Hearing his words, the four others nod, before Qing heads to the side house, and the rest head into the main house to go to sleep.

---- About 7 Hours Later ----

    "*Yawn. Good morning." Yueliang says as he rises from his bed with two tigers, and a snow leopard sleeping around him like a big soft pillow all around. Well not quite all around, as he would need a few more large soft creatures to do that.

    "*Yawn." Each of the three animals yawn as they awaken from their slumber. The females kind of sleepy still, Shen Hu however says while looking at Yue. "You do realize we have around 5 hours until the auction begins right?"

    "Yes, however, I feel that, I should greet our foreign guests, as well as make sure we have a seat."

    "You built this place, should there not be plenty of room?" Shen Hu asks.

    "I guess you are right, .... By the way, do you smell that?" Yue asks.

    "Yes, however I do not know what it is and felt like sleeping rather than exploring. If there were a threat on the other hand I would have gotten up by now." 

    "Hmm, that is true, there is no killing intent so far." Yue says after using his divine sense to search the house, and then continues. "But why is Qing cooking? Also, how did she get so good? I mean this food smells amazing."

    Finishing his sentence, Yueliang and Shen Hu look at each other before jumping off the bed, then running out of the room for fear of what would happen to them if they stayed a moment longer.

    The moment the two left, Meiren, and Huoli feeling quite irritated at the comment just now while still feeling half asleep lay their heads back down, before Huoli speaks. "We need to get better at cooking soon, lest that \'woman\' steals our men." 

    "Well technically, Yue is not mine yet." Meiren comments sadly.

    "That is not the point, men like women who are kind, and demure. By the way, why do those two keep running every time they say something like that?" Huoli asks.

    "Probably because while they see us irritated, they think we will act on it like those mean women from Yueliangs last world." Meiren replies.

    "Why would we do that, when it just causes strife and pain in the family?" Huoli asks a rhetorical question.

    "I feel like we should tell them. If they keep thinking that way, it might stress them out." Meiren says.

    "Good idea." Huoli says, slowly getting up from the bed, with Meiren in tow as they head down stairs following the smell.

---- Meanwhile ----

    "Are you two hungry? Sorry about using the kitchen if I was not supposed to, but I did make breakfast if you want it." Qing says as she places out a few more plates with honey pancakes, cinnamon French toast, omelets, fruit, and some sweets.

    The tiger and Yueliangs\' eyes nearly pop out of their head before Yueliang asks. "You did all this yourself? It must have taken hours. Still it looks delicious."

      "Thank you for the compliment, and it only took about an hour, but I enjoy cooking, among other things. Anyways, we should wait for the other two right?" Qing replies.


    "I am pretty sure they are on their way, and heard what you said." Yueliang says, as they decide to wait a few moments for the other two to join them.

    A few moments later, after they arrive, everyone starts using chopsticks to reach in and grab what they want, putting it onto their plate. Enjoying the delicious breakfast that has been prepared, the food gradually disappeared from the table and into their stomachs with each and every passing moment.

    When the meal was finished, they all placed their dishes in the sink and Huoli went to go clean them, as it was her turn this time. While Huoli cleans, the others stay in the kitchen to keep her company. 



    Water when hitting one of the places splashes and hits Meirens\' ears. Her fur stands up on end from her surprise, before going back down, and she says. "Huoli, why?"

    Huoli quickly replies after noticing. "Sorry, it was an accident."

    Meanwhile, while those two were talking, Yueliang closes his eyes and focuses on something. Absorbing and guiding the chi around his body trying something a little different. A few moments later, steam starts rising from the ground and midair while moving in beautiful patterns. Creating visual and physical effects one would never expect to see naturally in the real world. It starts moving all around everyones\' bodies pulsing in and out, cleaning them, while also making them feel happy.


    A few seconds later, while the steam rises and moves, it starts raining inside over everyone. They all look up to see what is going on except for Yueliang. Once they see this, they start looking around to see who is causing this, before eventually looking back to Yueliang who was seemingly very focus.

    "Why are you making it rain?" Meiren asks while shaking her body trying to get the water off of her to no avail. 

    "You mean Yueliang is causing this?" Qing asks.

    "Well, while magic is fairly simple, it cannot produce these interesting effects. However with cultivation, producing such things are pretty easy. Either way, seeing how focused he is, he clearly has something else planned." Meiren explains.

    Yueliang still completely focused did not hear what she asked, or what they were talking about, and continues to do whatever he is working on. Then an instant later, the rain stops in midair, spreading thinner, it instantly freezes and creates snow. However instead of falling downward, it starts swirling around everyone as if dancing in circles, looking quite playful.

    "What exactly is he doing?" The group started mumbling to themselves while, Meiren starts jumping around after noticing something. 

    "Now what are you doing?" Shen Hu asks curiously. 

    Meiren stops, and looks at him before answering. "Have you tasted it? Each snowflake looks differently, and tastes according to their different shapes. They are delicious!" She then continues chasing after them again, and this time Shen Hu joins in, even changing to is tiger form.

    "Seriously. hahaha." Huoli could not help but laugh, not just at the sight of them playing, but also at the fact that the water she is using to clean is turning into snow flakes the moment it comes out of the faucet. 

    Qing then joins in as well as Huoli, once they taste a snowflake that fell on their tongues when they opened their mouths to speak. 

    A few moments later, as if the snow were alive, it starts duplicating in mid air, until eventually three more people could be seen in the room. Upon seeing this, everyone except Yueliang jumps back and Yue opens his eyes.

    "Why are you all so worried? You are acting as if you have never seen an elemental before." Yueliang asks.

    Shen Hu quickly answers in a surprised voice. "It is not that we have not seen them, but seeing them made is a whole other story. Normally people summon them, and they are born in nature. What you did is completely different, not to mention that I have never even heard of snow elementals. There are water, ice, fire, rock, sand, lightning, and so many others, but never have I heard of a snow one."

    "Is it really that amazing? All I did was bring together enough snow, while teaching some spiritual intelligences. While these three are like little children, and cannot talk yet, they are alive." Yueliang asks while watching the three starting to play in the snow.

    "You ... You actually made it permanent, not just a temporary connection! I am done, time to take a nap." Shen Hu exclaims, as there is too much shock for now.

    "What did you even make them for?" Huoli asks, as Shen Hu wanders into the living room to sleep.

    "Well, for one, I wanted to see if I could. Then I wanted to have a snowball fight, and figured they could help out around the house. Also lastly I figured you and Shen Hu could use these as a trial run for raising your cub, not that I know much about raising anything non human. Heheh." 

      "So basically, you want us to take care of them while you are out and about?" Huoli asks.

      "Not really, I just figured if you wanted a practice run then there you go. If not, I am sure they can take care of themselves, or if I am wrong, I can just turn them back." Yue answers.

      "*Sigh." Huoli sighs before saying. "You still do not understand do you. Once you create a living being, just like any other, its soul has to go somewhere. It either goes to Heaven, or to well you know. Anyways, now that it is created, someone has to raise it, and teach it. Normally someone would not even be able to create a living being unless they hit a certain realm. Which begs the question how did you?" 

      "It seemed pretty easy to me as I was thinking about it." Yueliang said feeling a bad premonition coming on.

      "You do realize because you are not at the proper realm, more than likely you did not connect them properly. Thus while you did create life, it will not be as fully functioning as it should be. Not to mention, you probably were not capable of reproduction." Huoli explains.

      "That is true, I could not. So then, what should I do?"

      "One of two things, let them roam free somewhere and die on their own, or take care of them until you can fix the mess you made."

      In a down trodden voice, Yueliang answers. "I see, I will take care of them. Hahhh." Yueliang then recalls. "Wait, the auction we have to get going!" 

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