
Chapter 101 - Embodiment Of Knowledge

    "You are right Yueliang, and thank you in advance for helping." She replies.

---- An Hour Later ----

  "Well, see you later." Yueliang waves, as he leaves, whilst thinking to himself. \'What else should I do today? Hmm, I had Yang clean her place instantly, and then we talked for an hour. What to do?\'

    The others having already left before him, to do other things, he is now alone walking the streets of the town that he built. Admiring the scenery, he thinks to himself. \'It will be time soon, I just hope that everyone is ready.\'

    "King Yueliang!" Someone exclaims from across the street. 

    Looking over, Yue sees a short figure running towards him. \'Hmm?\'

---- A Few Seconds Later ----

    "Thank you for waiting, there are a few people outside the gates waiting for you." Kiisser says.

    Hearing this, Yue quickly replies. "Let me guess, they come from the royal families rights? So are they here for me, just do they just want to meet someone in charge?"

    Kiisser looks a little confused, while asking. "You knew? Also, what is the difference?"

    Looking at the little goblin disguised as a human, Yue leans against a fence post. A few seconds later, the goblin, climbs up, and sits on another while waiting for an answer.

    Yue then answers saying. "You see, I showed them all something in order to make sure they would fall in line. This was to make sure that while I am gone, they will still follow those who remain here. Of course, should those who remain abuse this opportunity I left they will be punished..."

    "...Anyways back to the point, from my decision to do this, it would seem fairly obvious that would want to please, and show fealty to the new power in the world, as they know they cannot defeat it. Also, the difference is that, whilst I may be at the top, Rei would be akin to the second in command, of course there are a few others at a similar level. But you see we do not hold the power over each other, as what is the point when we can be friends." Yue explains to Kiisser.

    Understanding Kiisser replies. "You are very different from goblins. We have hierarchy, and follow it strictly. No clicks or friends as you would call it."

    Seeing an opportunity, Yue teases with a sad look on his face. "That is too bad, and here I thought we friends, or at the very least getting there."

    Kiisser looks at him and says seriously. "Although friends sound nice, you are our savior, and king. To us that means much more than some trivial relationship that can be broken at the drop of a hat."

    "Hmm, that means a lot, thank you. And you have a point, I did not think about that. Also, I regret not spending more time with you all."

    "My king, please do not say such words. We are not worthy. Also, where as we have to take care of ourselves, you are taking care of an entire town. It is obvious that one must work much more, seeing that you work to ensure the survival of us all. You my king, have a difficult duty, which is something that many cannot achieve, yet instead, decide to abuse their power." Kiisser praises Yue.

    Hearing Kiissers\' words, Yue felt a little terrible. For while he has been doing much for them, there where times he did things for himself. However seeing Yues\' face and reading it like a book Kiisser continues. "You know that this duty you have is difficult, but you see, if you do not take breaks for yourself at times, what good does it do your people?"

    Yue looks at him with eyes full of curiosity. "I have heard similar things before, but what do you mean?" Feeling like this little goblin is the embodiment of knowledge and wisdom, and desiring to learn more, he asks him.

    "You see, it is like this, if you take too much honey, you get sick right? It is the same with many things, too much of something can be detrimental, thus it is best to take some time for yourself to relax. For instance as a ruler, there is much to do, however as you have learned, putting Rei in charge of many things, has eased your burden a lot. But I am not saying to hand off your work, just to get ahead, then take some breaks, now and then. So do not feel bad about what you have done." Kiisser tries to explain, before continuing. "You see, you cannot change the past. However if you do every make mistakes, use the present to make up for it, that in the future, you will change for the better."

    Listening intently, Yue asks. "You seem so wise and knowledgeable, were you a sage, king, or kings advisor in the past?"

    Kiisser laughs a little upon hearing this. "Kekeke, no, I was not. However my lineage is a different story, as I have all three for one uncle, a sage, one cousin a kings advisor, and one grandpa as king, as well as an aunt who married one of the kings. In my family, we pass down our knowledge, that that the next generation will be more skilled and knowledgeable than the last."

    "Wow, you are quite fortunate." Yue comments.

    "I agree. Getting to receive such knowledge allows us to grow in the future, and while it is tough learning, I am more grateful than I could have imagined in my childhood." Kiisser says while watching the birds fly overhead.

  Yueliang nods before saying. "Yes, I am glad I received what I learned as well. However, if only it could have been the same for my old world, imagine where we could have been now. Although, as you said, the past cannot be changed, thus we must learn and grow from it, bettering ourselves now, for the betterment of our future."

    Kiisser continues. "Yes, well we should get going, unless you do not intend to meet them. If that is the case, who do you want to address them?"

    "I would say Rei, because we need someone who will be here a year or so from now." Yue answers before continuing. "You see, while I can teleport back, there may come a time when I cannot. Thus they should be able to take care of themselves. Plus while I did summon them for help, hearing their stories, I wanted to give them a home, and now I have."

    "They are truly fortunate, my king, to have such fortune in their lives. It must have taken the luck of 7 lifetimes." Kiisser said seriously, while jumping off the fencepost.

    Pushing himself off the fencepost, Yue follows Kiisser saying. "You do realize this can be your home as well? That is if you would rather stay, I do not mind, as I desire the happiness of all my subordinates."

    Quickly answering. "I know, however, in your world, there was a saying, that I feel suits this situation fairly well. \'Home is where the heart is.\' Now, you see, you are our hope for a better future, but at the same time, someone we care about, and are eternally grateful too. Thus we follow you, because you are like family, and you are our king."

    Very touched by what was said, Yue just follows in silence after saying. "Thank you." They walk around the town quite quickly looking for Rei.

---- About 1 Incense Stick Later ----

    Seeing Rei, Kiisser rushes up, explaining the situation to him. Rei looks at Yue for confirmation, only to get a nod in response. Thus he quickly runs off to meet those waiting at the gates for someone to let them in.

    That being said, Yue then walks up too Kiisser saying. "I have a few matters to deal with, in the meantime, would you mind making sure everybody is ready. The day after tomorrow is the big day after all."

    Kiisser nods, and replies. "I will get it done immediately. Take care my king." Having finished what he had to say Kiisser runs off once more. 

    Seeing him run off, Yue thinks to himself. \'Yang, you know what I want, shall we begin?\'

    "It will be done, however if you keep spending so fast, you are going to have to do more of your quests soon. Either way, I will ask once again today, are you going to skip your training, or spend your years in compensation?" Yang warns.

    Walking towards the town square, Yue replies. \'I will wait, I am quite interested in getting my punishment. Well more specifically what it is, as I am not masochistic. Anyways, so far it is looking good, the placement is turning out perfectly. Good work Yang, it looks even better than I imagined.\'

    Yang adds. "Well, often times that tends to be the case. Either way, I hope you do not regret your choice later. In the mean time, I will hold the food in your inventory so that it does not go bad waiting until the event. Although seriously, going all out making such an extravagant event, certainly everyone is going to love this."


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