
Chapter 179 - A Weakness

Chapter 179 – A Weakness

Cecily froze in place as she heard the familiar voice. A clear and confident voice covered with a layer of darkness, spilling the cruelty behind it. The spells rained on the dark beings, looking like fireworks as they exploded.

"I hate lies, Cecily Rainmaker," a hand reached out and grabbed her neck, making her unable to move. "You will die if you don\'t answer me truthfully."

"I understand," she replied with almost eagerness. "I am not an enemy," she tried to make him understand.

"Everyone is an enemy," he cut her off, not willing to hear her peace-seeking words. "I want to know how you found me."

"The notebook," she replied right away. "I can tell where it is. However, I couldn\'t feel anything for the past few days. Then, a day or so ago, it reappeared before disappearing."

"There is no way I missed any mana or spiritual energy," announced the dark being his decree. "You are lying, and death is the punishment."

Cecily could feel the darkness crawl over her skin, seeking to devour her. The darkness covered her face in an instant, almost entering her mouth. However, she managed to save her life using two words.

"Heavenly Strings," she said, and the darkness stopped moving. Then, it retracted, and the hand let go of her neck. Cecily was barely breathing, but she survived.

"That seems to be the truth. The second question is this: why are you following me?" the dark being was no longer threatening her, seeming to have trusted her.

Cecily told him a hypothesis that she had. She was no fighter, so the heavenly strings manifested in what she did best, documenting. It was a lame ability to track down her notebook, but it was her most treasured possession.

"I need the notebook back, please," she said with desperation. There was no answer. "My mother gave me the notebook, and it has everything I created. I am nothing without it."

"I cannot care less," came the reply, cold and apathetic. "I will return the notebook as long as you do something in return. There is a spy in the guild you are with, and I need to know who it is."

"They already know that I lied about guiding them. So they do not trust me anymore," she pleaded.

"I will make sure that they trust you. I will guide you, and you can pretend to scare the monsters away. Trust me and walk toward the dark beings if you want your notebook back," said the voice before disappearing.

Cecily was shaking, but not only from fear but also excitement. This being was intelligent. Furthermore, she can now reach her destination using his help.

However, there was still the issue of finding the spy he mentioned. Cecily could not understand why a dark being was interested in the internal affairs of Vangir Guild, but she had no choice but to obey.

"You are all helpless," she said while walking forward. The guildsmen were confused as they turned, the dark beings still attacking them. "I will take care of these weak monsters. I wanted to see your strength, but it is honestly disappointing."

Cecily walked forward under the enraged glares of the group. This was the first time in her life that she tried to bluff her way through an obstacle. First, however, she needed them to trust her to get close to them.

"You crazy brat, stay back!" shouted one of the guildsmen.

"Do not disrespect her. She is still a Rainmaker!" shouted their leader. "Miss Cecily, please retreat. This is not the time for games."

"My name is Cecily Rainmaker, and I will show you what I can do," she walked past them toward the dark beings. Her body was shaking, but she fought to hide it.

The countless monsters in front of her looked at her as if she was their new food. However, she was confident that they should run away at any minute.

\'Wait, why did I believe him?\' she realized as her steps led her to possible death. \'This can be a trap to get me killed, and it would be no different than suicide. There will be nothing to investigate. The daughter of the Rainmaker family killed herself.\'

Her doubt led her to stop walking, and it was still a few meters away from the monsters. Then, finally, Cecily realized that it made sense. The dark being wanted to get rid of her because she could find the notebook he had.

"You are doubting me only now?" a voice said as her vision started to get blurry. "I cannot believe that the Rainmakers raised such a naive daughter. The most important business rule is to trust no one, naive girl."

The voice was dragging her down the abyss of doubts. Cecily could feel her heart hammering her chest, wanting to burst out. A giant reptile monster slithered toward her, dark scales covering its body.

"Retreat at once!" shouted the woman knight, but Cecily could not move. There was no one to save her because they were all protecting themselves against the monsters.

\'I trusted a dark being,\' she blinked as sweat rolled down her face. \'I cannot be more foolish than this. I spent my life thinking I was the smartest, but this journey only proved how naive I am.\'

Cecily had no time for this self-hatred, but she had no other choice. The dark being, which looked like a giant earth dragon, slithered toward her.

"I can give you one more chance. Walk forward, and you will be saved. This is your leap of faith."

"I cannot trust you!" she shouted, and the voice started laughing. Then, the giant dark being jumped toward her and ripped her body apart. Cecily screamed her voice out as the pain of being eaten was all she could feel.

Then, she snapped her eyes open. The dark beings were gone, and all that was left was the holy light from the lanterns. Her face was pale as the feeling of being torn apart was still coursing through her body.

"You scared the dark beings away," muttered one of the guildsmen from behind. Cecily gulped down as she realized that it must have been an illusion. "How did you do it?"

"You have no use knowing that," she said while turning. "I believe you are the same person who said that I used you for protection. So tell me, who is protecting who?"

The man closed his mouth as his face turned red. The rest of the guildsmen snickered as the man, who seemed to be the leader, walked forward.

"You have my gratitude and admiration, Miss Cecily. I apologize because we doubted your abilities. Please, help us through this darkness."

"That is a more befitting attitude," she said with a smile. "I am only helping your guild because I admire everyone\'s strength. So, you can follow me," she said before she led the group.

Cecily could not stop her heart from beating loudly in her chest, wanting to burst. The dark being created the dream of being eaten alive, she realized. However, why did he have to make her go through that?

"I do not want you to trust me," the dark being said. "I want you to be useful and tell me what I want to know. However, you can trust this: failure means death."

Cecily gulped down her fear as she led the group. The Heavenly Strings guided her toward Abani Ruins, in a path where no danger lay. However, at the end of the road, she might die.


Nikolai was frustrated by the level of incompetence this girl showed. She was supposed to be one of the greatest minds, but her naivety made him sick.

It might be a bit sadistic to show her a fate that would have awaited her if Nikolai did not need her, but it brought him a lot of satisfaction.

However, he also learned about a vital weakness that he had from Cecily. Nikolai was the same as in his past life. He could not feel heavenly strings.

This made him weak until the last moment, unable to advance like the rest of the generals. Nikolai had to use his wits, guns, and stats to survive and reach the rank of a general in Lilith\'s domain.

"This is so annoying," spat Nikolai as his teeth gnashed against each other. "I need to be careful while fighting other users of Heavenly Strings. However, it seems my darkness cripples the strings."

The daughter of the Rainmaker Family told him that it was only a moment that she could feel the Heavenly Strings. That moment must be when Nikolai threw the notebook away after learning what happened to Lucas.

This darkness was the most precious thing he had, and it proved useful once again. The strings he had to suffer against in his past life could not stand against him.

The Ghoul took giant strides ahead of the group while his skeleton carried the notebook behind Nikolai. They were leading the guild toward Abani Ruins.. Then, after knowing who the traitor is, Nikolai will get rid of Cecily Rainmaker forever.

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