
Chapter Volume 2 4

Triumphant Return Part 4

Translator: Frostfire10

"Good morning, Archduke."

Morning. Upon seeing Ainz in the tower, Ray bowed deeply in respect and gave him his greetings. The five knights behind him adopted the same pose. Sitting on the sofa, Ainz raised his hand and returned their greetings.

"Now, General Ray, what are the plans for today? Will there be follow up attacks against the Kingdom?"

"Yes. There was a missive from the Emperor that arrived during the meeting that ordered us to continue the pursuit. Several divisions would surround their encampment and apply pressure on the Kingdom."

"Is that so. However, if done improperly, we might receive counterattacks like a cat chasing a cornered rat."

"I believe that there will be no issues. After the Archduke has performed such a display of power, counterattacking would be a fool\'s errand. Even though it is the Kingdom, they will probably not do such a thing. And the Archduke has mentioned that you would like to collect the beautiful corpses, the others need to be buried."

"That is true…."

Ainz felt like he had troubled them. The act of burying the decimated corpses would be a mentally harsh burden on those who were merely doing their jobs.

Should he call a group of undead from Nazarick to perform it instead?

Ainz considered that idea but did not speak of it. He knew that he was currently being feared. Thus it would be better to refrain from speaking out his thoughts or showing himself outside.

But yet he mumbled out his idea.

"…Undead are a good workforce…. It would be fine if they understand that…. I really need to change my perception of the world. Undead are a good workforce I said."

"….? ….Did you say something, Archduke?"

"No, it\'s nothing. And General Ray, is there anything else?"

"Yes. About this, there is a group of soldiers that have to priority to return to the capital, I would like the highest contributor to the war, the Archduke yourself to join that returning group."

"I have no objections."

Returning to the capital with the troops would take more than a week, but it would not be everyone who did so.

That thought appeared into Ainz\'s head, and he thus nodded.

"Thank you very much. I am considering casting transportation magic to increase the troops\' speed, but would it be acceptable to cast it on the Archduke\'s carriage?"

"Hmm? ….Really. Well, it is fine. I shall make my own preparations."

"Understood. We shall return without resupplying, and so we estimate we shall return to the capital in three days."

"That is fast. By saying that we are not resupplying, does it mean that we should carry as much food as possible?"

"…About that, in order to lessen the weight we have to carry, a large portion of the food will be created by magic. And I am truly apologetic to the Archduke for this, I cannot recommend the quality of the food to you."

Hearing that most of the food would be supplied by magic caused Ainz to nod.

This was precisely the gap in Ainz knowledge that he was thinking about.

What surprised Ainz the most about this world was the level of culture it had.

At first, he had thought that this world was like Europe which had recently come out of the Middle Ages. Certainly, a part of this was not mere assumption. The life of farmers was certainly about there. However, certain parts were far more advanced than their modern age counterparts.

This was the technological advancements created as a result of magic.

For example, there were magic items that could produce light without fuel and electricity. There were leather pouches that produced, although not infinite, an unnaturally large amount of water. There were hemp baskets that could easily produce plenty of feed for horses. There were also pots that could produce seemly limitless amounts of strange-tasting wheat porridge.

And due to these creations, this world had deviated greatly from Ainz\'s expectations.

Ainz once again mumbled out his thoughts.

"…As expected, I have to live with people."

"Did you say something, Archduke?"

"No, pay it no heed. General Ray…. There will be no issue with the food. Fluder. Are there any problems?"

Ainz originally did not need food. That was why he sought the confirmation of the person whom he brought that needed it.

"There are none. I have brought enough food from master\'s realm."

"Is that so…. What about the knights behind you?"

"Yes. These ones are people who have been entranced by the Archduke\'s greatness and are also my subordinates. If during the return, you have need of me, feel free to command them."

One of the knights stepped forward.

"Being able to work for the great Archduke who commands such strength brings us great joy. Please feel free to work us to the bone."

"….Understood. However, I will not work you all dead. I am kind to my loyal subordinates. Right, Fluder?"

"It is as you say. Master is indeed kind and generous to his loyal retainers." All of a sudden, Fluder\'s gentle tone changed and his eyes sharpened. He was, of course, looking at the knights. "But, know this. If you take his kindness for granted, my master will not have to do anything as I will reap your life in his stead."

"Of course! Fluder-dono. We will do no such thing!"

The knight made his stance clear in a panic as if death were at his heels.

"After seeing such a wondrous display of power, it would be impossible to consider imposing ourselves on the Archduke!"

Fluder turned back to look at Ainz, who nodded in response to his gaze.

"…General Ray. You have my gratitude for lending me such loyal knights."

"Thank you very much."

Ray, and his knights, all bowed their heads.

"I will, of course, respond in kind to your loyal services. As long as you are loyal, I will provide you with suitable rewards. You should begin considering what you desire…. I personally believe that money itself is boring I hope that you do not wish for that. You can still earn it without me after all."


Ray, and the knights kept silent.

Ainz raised an eyebrow at that strange sight, but still continued to speak.

"Well, take your time to think about it. As I have not yet seen any shred of loyalty from you yet."

"Umm, may I please ask a question?"

One of the knights asked Ainz. And in response, Ainz spoke in the most gentle voice that he could muster.

"What is it, speak."

"Yes. C, can the Archduke…. Revive the dead?"

The air shook as if in the middle of a thunderstorm.

The face of the knights, Ray included, showed that they thought that this would be impossible. In fact, the Empire had no one who could revive the dead. Even the ex-Head Magician, Fluder, found it impossible.

To those of the Empire, revival magic was nothing but a myth.

In response, Ainz showed a puzzled face as he turned to look at Fluder.

"I have heard it is possible in the Slane Theocracy thought?"

"Yes, master. I have heard that in the Slane Theocracy, they need to use a large ritual or have the highest class of priest to make this possible. Apart from them, priests that have reached the realm of heroes can perform it as well."

"Then I see…., allow me to respond to your question with one of my own." Still sitting on the sofa, Ainz leaned forward. "Why, do you think I am unable to perform such a meagre task?"

"T, That, that is!"

"Your thoughts are clearly written on your faces you know?"

Having hit the bullseye, the knights were at a loss for words. Ainz himself did not feel it, but after seeing the fearful look on the knights\' faces, Ainz controlled himself and took a step back.

Ray tried to rectify things in a panic.

"I apologise for my subordinates. Even though you have shown us such a display of power, he doubted the Archduke\'s power. Please allow me to apologise—"

"—It is fine."

Ainz stopped Ray\'s hasty words with his own.

"Revival is the work of priests. It is natural for you to believe that a magic caster such as myself cannot use it. It is similar to how a warrior who focused on the sword cannot perform well in the role of a thief. However—"

As he let out a light chuckle, Ainz continued.

"The resurrection of the dead. Do you truly believe that is something only priests can accomplish? ….How foolish. Learn."

Ainz spread his hand out and closed his hands into fists. The collector of souls, the reason for the loss of their chance to return to the cycle of reincarnation; The World Item [Avarice and Generousity] clattered against itself as he did so. As everyone\'s gazes fell on the glove of ebony, Ainz spoke.

"Even death cannot save you from me."

Silence fell upon the room. Ainz then shrugged his shoulders as if it were a joke.

"Although, the revival of the dead requires a large amount of energy. This is the burden that souls bear when they leave the realm of the dead. Should the soul be unable to bear that pressure, their body will turn to ash. Which means that the soul is destroyed and that resurrection is completely impossible. And even if they are revived, the burden on the soul would result in the weakening of their body…. To reduce this burden, higher tiers of magic would be necessary. Of course, I can use it."

Naturally, this was a lie.

Firstly, this great erudition of this knowledge related to resurrection was simply from him extrapolating on the results he saw in Yggdrasil. He might be completely wrong.

And for mage-related jobs, there was no revival spells counted amongst Ainz\'s repertoire. No, well there was, but it was a revival as an undead, but it was definitely not what the knights desired. He could of course not use holy magic, and thus could not cast revival spells.

However, he owned items that could, and if he returned to Nazarick, Pestonya could help him out.

Considering that, it was not a complete lie.

Thinking that in his head, he then pointed his finger towards the first knight who asked him that question. The knight flinched, but Ainz ignored that and continued.

"That is how it is. Do you understand? However, as long as you do not show me your loyalty, such things are but a mere fantasy. The catalyst needed for resurrection is quite expensive after all."

"….U, understood. I shall be your most loyal servant, g, great Archduke."

Replying in a quivering voice, he slowly bowed his head. Ainz gently nodded his head in response.

"I look forward to it. However…. I apologise for this trouble. The fact that I am able to revive the dead is confidential. I pray that you do not have loose lips. As this will be disadvantageous for both of us."


Ray and the knights bowed their head cleanly in unison.

Seeing that, Ainz gave himself a passing grade for this interaction.

Three days past.

Even though such a short time had passed, the knights had returned to the capital.

Several hours on the first day. The nervousness that the army had from passing through the Katze Plains had completely disappeared by now. Contrary to the Kindom, the path towards the Empire was quite safe and secure.

However, for a certain group, their nervousness was sky high.

A troop with a carriage at its centre was being extremely cautious of their surroundings as if they were readying themselves for battle. It felt like even if any of their fellow knights made a strange move, they too would be cut down.

However, it truly was a small portion. Most of the knights refrained from looking at the carriage and focused on their return home.

That nervousness slowly returned to the knights.

The knights located at the front spotted a group of knights at their front wearing skillfully crafted armour.

The armour they wore sparkled in the sunlight as if it were silver. Their weapons were of the same mithril and iron alloy as their armour.

They were the specially selected troops which only the most persevering could enter, one of the personal guards of the Emperor, the [Royal Earth Guard].

And the flag they held was the Imperial Flag of the Empire. The most respected flag in the Empire, reserved only for occasions where the Emperor himself was within the Imperial Army.

The knights slowed and the pace of hoofbeats lessened.

Along with their heightening sense of disbelief.

They had received prior notice that the guard would be here. However, the presence of the Emperor was the most unexpected.

The guard split into two, and the knights could finally lay eyes on their lord.

The man ruling over the Baharuth Empire.

The Emperor, Jircniv Rune Farlord El Nix.

The most important person in the Empire had personally come to welcome the troops. That was an unfathomable act, and one would be hard pressed to find such precedents in the Empire\'s records.

The man of highest authority was welcoming his subordinates.

Behind him were the Four Knights. [Heavy Explosion], [Unassailable], [Lightning Bolt] and [Fierce Gale]. From a certain viewpoint, this was the strongest combination of the guards of the Emperor.

If one thought deeply about it, they were simply here as the army had won a large victory. However, even a single knight that thought that way was nowhere to be found.

Of course. Everyone understood. He was not there to welcome the army.

The Emperor had come for just one man. He had come for the sake of that one man.

The knights turned around to look at the carriage tucked away far behind them.


At the carriage of Ainz Ooal Gown.

Armies would only move when commands were given. However, at this moment, without any commands, the army moved.

They split apart. They separated so as to provide a path for Ainz\'s carriage.

In their midst, Ainz\'s carriage moved forward towards Jircniv. Ray who was riding next to it, did the same.

Ainz descended from the carriage and faced Jircniv.

At this moment, Ainz felt a sensation that he was familiar with by now.

The pressure of the gazes of thousands of knights. It was so strong that Ainz wanted to shriek away from it all.

Below his mask, Ainz\'s expressionless face scrunched up. He felt as if the gazes falling on him were those that were mocking him.

The stronger emotions immediately repressed, but the weaker ones itched at Ainz\'s skin like embers from a flame. As a result, he wavered. Even though he knew he had to get used to this, he felt as if he never would.

However, that would not be forgiven.

Ainz\'s gaze fell on Jircniv.

His stance was regal, and he gave off the air of a king. Even his friendly smile contained a hidden pressure that matched his imperial authority.

Within Ainz\'s heart, the emotion called jealousy began to rise up.

While there was a large difference between their experiences in life, he truly felt the difference between them as rulers.

He let out an unnoticeable sigh.

While there was a disparity in the number of their subordinates, Ainz was indeed the ruler of the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick which he had constructed with his friends. And because his friends were not present, he became Nazarick\'s representative and had to bear its responsibility. And thus he could not embarrass himself. If he did so, his friends, his past guild members, would frown upon him.

Ainz stood up straight, and walked with all the swagger he could muster.

Behind him walked Fluder and Ray.

"Your Majesty."

Ainz walked before Jircniv and bowed. He felt his compatriots behind him do the same.

"You have returned safely, my Archduke."

Jircniv came over to Ainz and helped him up.

"Thank you very much."

"There is no need to be so formal, my friend, Ainz. I have heard about the exploits of your strength. You are truly the strongest in the Empire. Being able to call you my friend brings me a pleasure like no other."

"Thank you very much."

Once again, Jircniv enthusiastically requested him not to be so formal, and then turned his attention to Fluder.

"And Ji—" He made a small cough. "Fluder. How are you? Is the research of magic under my friend Ainz progressing?"

"Unfortunately, your Majesty. My master\'s teachers are profound, to the point where all of my life\'s knowledge is nothing more than embers. It is impossible for me to state that it is progressing."

"Is that so…. Would it be possible for him to teach at the Institute of Magic as a teacher?"

"It would be impossible. When I was there, there was no one who would be able to understand his teachings. Too much knowledge would only break them."

"Is that so…. How unfortunate."

Jircniv finally turned to Ray, but he immediately lost interest and continued onwards.

"Now, Ainz. Shall we head to the parade celebrating your return?"


"Ah yes. I would like you to show yourself to the citizens who are celebrating the Empire\'s victory."

"….I see. Understood…. Jircniv."

Jircniv smiled at Ainz\'s words and spread his arms out in welcome.

"It is the return of the most accomplished member of the war. Let us celebrate it grandly. Have we already informed the citizens?"

"Yes, your Majesty. We have already informed them."

One of the Four Knights standing behind Jircniv replied.

"Have the knights\' equipment been prepared?"

"Yes, your Majesty. They are in perfect condition."

"Then put Ainz\'s horse in the stables. Prepare the Archduke with a suitable steed."

Unable to ignore the words spoken in front of him, Ainz found himself at a loss for his own.

The reason.

It shall be stated clearly.

Ainz had no confidence in being able to ride a horse.

The [Riding] skill in Yggdrasil was for riding flying type monsters such as dragons and wyverns. No skills were needed to ride simple horses.

However, while he called it riding, it was firstly a game, and the controls were simple. It was completely different from actually riding a horse.

If Ainz were able to break a cold sweat, a waterfall would be running down his back. He could not say something as embarrassing like he could not ride a horse, and even if he rode it, what would he do if the horse tried to buck him off. Especially if it succeeded.

In front of this many people.

What would they think of him? There was a chance that the personage he had crafted would all come tumbling down.

Ainz knew to a certain extent that being able to ride a horse was considered natural in this world. He had gleaned it through his conversations with Fluder.

In this world, saying that one could not ride a horse was as rare as a grown man saying that he could not ride a bicycle. As he had previously thought to confirm whether or not he could ride one, his head was filled with anger directed at himself.

"….Jircniv. Rather than a horse, allow me to summon a different one and ride that. A horse is…."

"….Please refrain from doing so, Ainz. Many citizens have gathered to celebrate your victory. I would like to avoid any incidents from occurring."

"I, I see."

After being told that, he could say nothing in response. While a good commotion was fine, since it was a celebration, a scary commotion would not be desirable.

Ainz felt as his he were standing at the edge of a cliff, and his face under his mask shrinked back.

"Of course, I do understand what you want to say. For a power caster of such power like yourself, you would be dissatisfied with riding anything but the strongest magic beasts. And thus, while not perfect, I have prepared a suitable steed for you."

At Jircniv\'s words, a single horse was lead towards Ainz.

It was an eight-legged horse. With a coat of pure white, an equally beautiful saddle was affixed to its back. It had a find build, and it felt as if it could run to the ends of the earth.

As the horse was brought out, the surroundings began to get noisy, as if they could not believe this sight.

Once could immediately tell what was going on.

Even Ainz who had no knowledge of horses could tell what was happening. This horse was extremely expensive.

"Now, receive it Ainz. This is my small gift to you."

With a joyful face matching this act of granting his friend a gift he was proud of, Jircniv pointed the horse towards Ainz.

"A, ah. M, my gratitude, Jircniv. G, gifting me such a wonderful horse."

"You do not have to be so moved Ainz. Pay it no heed. I have considered it deeply, but there is nothing more suitable for you than this horse. A white horse that is one amongst hundreds even within the Slepnirs…. I am happy to see that you have taken a liking to it."

Ainz suppressed his desire to curse at Jircniv\'s smiling face.

He felt that Jircniv was making fun of the fact that he could not ride horses.

He could charm it, but unfortunately, Ainz could not cast it on anything except humans. He had scrolls, but pulling one out to cast magic in front of everyone would be strange.

Ainz looked towards Fluder in hope of being saved.

"Master, pay me no heed. I shall borrow a horse myself."

"I, I see…."

"Ah, Ainz. There is no need to worry, I have prepared a horse for Fluder as well. Although it is not as beautiful as yours."

"Your Imperial Majesty. Seeing my master being granted such a wonderful horse, as his disciple, I am grateful."

"Pay it no mind. He is my friend. This much should be expected. Well, it is a celebratory gift as well."

With the smile still plastered on his face, Jircniv winked at Ainz.

Jircniv\'s friendly gesture would normally mean nothing to Ainz. At most he would think [He is a man, but he can still pull it off with that face]. However, with Ainz\'s current mental state, it made him even unhappier.

"Now, Ainz. Let us ride to the parade."

There were only enemies.

For the first time, Ainz recognised that this was the enemy stronghold. There would be no miraculous reinforcements from Nazarick, and Fluder would not save him. And no plan to switch steeds or to escape crossed his mind.

Then, he just had to steel himself.

Ainz frantically tried to convince himself that he could do it, gulped, and moved closer to the Slepnir.

And then—

The Slepnir suddenly moved— And it\'s hoove exploded towards Ainz\'s face.

Dead silence.

This was the best term that could be used to describe the situation.

The head of the Archduke Ainz Ooal Gown was broken apart.

Everyone who could see him believed in this.

Slepnirs were magical beasts, and were stronger than normal horses. And thus a kick from its hooves were powerful, and a lethal blow. Should one kick a head, it would be definite that the person\'s head would split apart.

And if one wore a helmet instead, the helmet would be smashed and one\'s head would be turned into a flat meat pie.

Slepnir were not as timid as horses, but their strong bodies could buck their riders off with enough of a force to kill them. And so they underwent strict training.

Despite that, this Slepnir had rampaged. No rather than calling it a rampage, it was a complete rejection of Ainz.

But it was not for this reason that the knights and guards were at a loss for words.

Despite facing reality head one, there was no one present who did not doubt their eyes.

Even though he had taken a lethal blow— At the place where a corpse was suppose to be, a man was standing there calmly.

He did not dodge, he did not block it. Although he had taken a direct hit, he was standing there calmly.

This was an impossible scene, and even those who saw this from beginning to end did not believe it.

According to logic, this was weird. However, fact was fact, and this contradiction stopped their thought process from working.

However, considering the human who had taken this blow, this seemingly phantasmal scene could only be taken as normal.

Yes— If it was the Archduke Ainz Ooal Gown who massacred an army with one spell, wouldn\'t this be possible?

There was no way he would die from something like a Slepnir\'s hooves.

However, the Emperor\'s guards who had seen this for the first time were different.

Their eyes underneath their helms were open in shock.

"Kill this Slepnir!"

Piercing through the deafening silence, Jircniv yelled in rage.

"We do not need a horse that has attempted to hurt my friend! Kill it quickly!"

The guards heard his shout, causing their loyalty towards him to overpower their shock. The one who reacted first was Nimble. In his hand was a drawn sword.

Not only that. Fluder was readying his magic. Should anything occur, he would fire it off at that Slepnir.

The Slepnir sensed the killing intent in the air and quivered, but it showed no signs of resistance. It still believed in the humans that had raised it up until now.

Nimble charged in, sword pointed towards the Slepnir. And at the last moment—

"Well, could you please hold on?"

—He was stopped by Ainz\'s voice.

Readjusting his mask, Ainz\'s gait showed no signs of abnormality.

This was proof that Ainz had received no harm. The proof that despite having his face kicked by a Slepnir, he remained completely unharmed. By this point, Nimble truly believed that nothing he did could ever shock him again, and the knights were already made numb by the constant surprises.

One could say that they were used to it.

The guards, though, were different. They were surprised— No, shocked. It was ridiculously terrifying— It was as if they were pitiful creatures standing in front of a god.

And they fully understood why, just for the sake of one noble, their master was willing to come out all this way.

And this reason was— That this man was not only the level of a mere noble.

In front of such an audience, Ainz maintained his calm and peaceful tone. This was normal as nothing that would change it had occurred. To Ainz, that "incident" was nothing— Nothing but a light breeze. He would be unhappy, similar to how one would dislike getting dust in their eye, but it was nothing to get angry about.

"Jircniv. This horse was something you gave to me. Is there really a need to kill it?"

Slepnirs were not of a high enough level to overcome Ainz\'s defense. And so while he was kicked, he only felt something similar to being pushed strongly. And thus there was no sliver of dissatisfaction in his voice.

In fact, he thought that this incident was an opportunity to make his escape.

"However, Ainz. Leaving this Slepnir who attacked you alone is…"

"It is fine. It is my body. I understand that this horse is merely scared. I shall let him get used to me slowly."

As he said that, he wiped his mask with his hands. Fortunately it did not seem to be dirty. Another reason for him to not get mad.

"Is that so? If you are fine with it I do not mind…. But if given time, I can prepare a different one for you."

Panicking in his heart, Ainz frantically tried to come up with a refusal.

He would be given a different horse. And if he were asked to ride it, his perfect plan would fall apart.

Yes. Ainz needed something that would allow him to not ride a horse.

"….It is fine. The feisty ones are…. More fun to break in."

At Ainz\'s words, there was a slight change in Jircniv\'s eyes.

It was as if he were expressing his frustration at his enemy using his plans against him.

It was extremely well hidden, where any half-hearted attempt to detect it would be thwarted. In fact, Ainz himself did not notice it.

"….I see…. Well, if Ainz says it is fine, then it is."

"You have my gratitude, Jircniv. Then I shall send this horse to Nazarick. It would be impossible for me to ride a horse that is not used to me."

"Certainly. Then allow me to provide—"

"—No, that will not do! Please excuse me from being kicked again. And it would be rude of me to use a horse other than the one you have provided me yes? Then if possible, I would like to ride on a carriage!"

"I see…. I understand."

Jircniv nodded, and Ainz followed suit. This mishap had turned out to benefit both of them.

"And there are no issues in using a carriage. However, although you are hiding your face, I will be troubled if you were to ride again in a carriage that hides you. Would you give me some time to prepare one for you?"

"No, there is no need. Allow me to prepare a carriage myself."

"Is that so…. I have truly troubled you this day. I am truly apologetic. This incident was indeed unexpected. Please forgive me."

Jircniv bowed his head slightly as he spoke. While he bowed, it was nothing much. It was almost imperceptible.

However, this had a large effect on the surroundings. Their Emperor, the head of the Baharuth Empire, lowered his head to his subordinate.

This made one thing clear.

Jircniv Rune Farlord El Nix viewed the Archduke Ainz Ooal Gown with great importance.

"No no, it is fine. I am a man unloved by animals after all."

The Archduke accept his master\'s apology calmly.

To everyone, it was clear the type of relationship they had.

"….By the way Ainz. Is there truly no pain from being kicked by a Slepnir? If you require healing we can cast it immediately."

"Now, what do you think? Jircniv."

"I cannot imagine it. From how you are acting, it seems you are unharmed…. Did you block it with magic?"

In response, Ainz spread out his hands in a shrug, and redirected the question.

"It is a secret. And my apologies for this, but could you please give me some time. I need to make preparations."


The subtitle is I was kicked by a horse tueeeee!!…. I am sorry.

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