
Chapter 61 - What Happened?

I was holding Yasurouka\'s hand to stop her from interfering with them. She was cursing the hell out of me, but letting me go right now will only mean that she will get caught in their crossfire.

Kizhashi was staring at Uyeno, who was now walking towards her slowly. I could see a strange smile on the faces of the two other girls who were with Uyeno. They were looking at Kizhashi and then at Uyeno and were talking among themselves. It wasn\'t something out of the blue since, in high school fights, many people watch and make comments.

But in this case, I think I know what is going to happen. I looked around to see if Gaisen was there or not but he was nowhere to be found.

Uyeno stepped in front of Kizhashi and raised the index finger of her right arm and pointed at her face with a cocky smile on her face.

"You think you\'re pretty and all that\'s why every boy will want you?"

"I never said that, and lower your finger from my face."

"I won\'t. What are you going to do about it?"

"I don\'t know why you are having this misunderstanding…" Kizhashi was trying her best to talk her way out of whatever she has done, or hasn\'t. I\'m not sure myself.

"It\'s not a misunderstanding, Koi-chan. We all know what you were thinking at that time." Isobe passed a comment. She was adding fuel to the burning fire.

"Why are you talking in the middle?" Yasurouka protested as Isobe cut Kizhashi mid sentence.

"Oi, what has Kizhashi done? What misunderstanding is she talking about?" I asked Yasurouka.

"It\'s a long story, I\'ll tell you later." She was getting restless, but I was still holding her arm. 

As I turned to look at them, I noticed Uyeno raising her left in such a position that she was going to slap Kizhashi. In that instant, I looked at Kizhashi\'s shocked face as she was flinching, closing her eyes and facing away from her slap.

Yasurouka got loose from my grip and rushed to get in between them but even if she tried her best, she can\'t stop them. Isobe and Sakuma had a cynical smile on their face.

Just as her hand was about to connect with Kizhashi\'s cheek, I noticed a hand reaching towards Uyeno\'s hand and grabbing it by her wrist. I heard the crowd around me gasp in surprise. 

It was a guy with light brown hair, and his dark coloured eyes were piercing into Uyeno\'s. He was probably the same height as me, if not a bit taller than me.

"What are you doing?" He asked in his hoarse voice. The cocky smirk faded away from Uyeno\'s face and her distress was clear in her face. Uyeno\'s hand was slowly retreating.

"Um, I was… I…" It seemed like Uyeno was at a loss for words. I looked over towards the other two girlsl and their faces also showed that they messed up.

"Ah, it\'s great that you\'re finally her." Yasurouka said in a relieved voice. "You\'re there right? Please help her sort out this misunderstanding." She added while looking at him.

The boy in return gave her a confused look and tilted his head. "I was where? What is going on?"

Well if I was in his place, I would also be confused. Imagine going to stop a fight and suddenly some girl asks you if you were somewhere or not? And then pleads you to clear some misunderstanding you are not even aware of.

"Listen, I wasn\'t doing anything wrong, Ok!?" Uyeno snatched her hand from the guy\'s grip and averted her eyes from her.

"Yes you were, you all were wrong…" Yasurouka was cut off in the middle by Sakuma as she walked towards them. 

"Shut up, this isn\'t your place to speak." Even though her tone was polite, there was some latency of authority in the way she said that.

"Of course this is my place! She is my friend and…" Yasurouka was again interrupted.

"So just because she is your friend, you\'re going to support her even if she is wrong?" She asked.

I could see the determination in her eyes to defend her friend, but her body language was contradicting it. It looked like even she wasn\'t sure whether or not Kizhashi was guilty of whatever they were talking about. She opened her mouth to say something, but Kizhashi put a hand on her shoulder as a gesture for her to stop.

Yasurouka\'s eyes shifted towards her in hesitation. "Wh… why are you stopping me? They were accusing you of something you didn\'t even do."

"It\'s okay, you don\'t have to worry."

"Umm, can anyone tell me what\'s happening?" The confused boy asked after seeing them talk in front of him.

"Nishimiya-kun, your girlfriend thinks that I was getting on you that day." Kizhashi said in a bitter tone while giving a side glance at Uyeno, who was standing still with an irritated look on her face.

"Bitch! You did get on him, you thought I wouldn\'t know, huh!?" Uyeno yelled. 

Doesn\'t she feel weird screaming in front of so many people? If I was her, I would probably die of embarrassment.

"Last weekend?" He asked Kizhashi, completely ignoring his girlfriend who was pissed off at that moment. To his question, Kizhashi nodded. Nishimiya turned towards Uyeno with a disappointed look on his face.

"Why didn\'t you ask me about this first? I could\'ve told you everything." He sighed.

"I know, but…"

"But…? Do you still not trust me?" He asked.

"It\'s not like Haru-kun, I trust." I don\'t know if she was genuinely feeling bad or putting on an act in front of her beloved lover.

"She wasn\'t hitting on me. And why would she?" Nishimiya said, as he knew about Kizhashi dating Gaisen. This was the guy who was in opposition to Gaisen during the selection of captain for their team.

"Exactly, I said the same too but she ignored me." Yasurouka commented. She was feeling a bit stronger since she got someone\'s support in this argument.

"I know… I didn\'t mean it that way…"

"Then why did…"

"It\'s alright, now that everything is clear. It\'s all good. Let\'s call it a day." Kizhashi interrupted in an attempt to stop the matter from escalating any further.

"Koi you are just going to let her humiliate you like this?" Yasurouka asked.

"It\'s not her fault, if I was in her place, I would\'ve done the same thing." Kizhashi said with a plain face. Isobe and Sakuma were still giving her disgusting looks.

I doubt if she would\'ve reacted in the same way or not. Because the way she handled this  matter maturely, it was completely unexpected from her. She wasn\'t the one to be submissive during these types of things. I was even surprised.

"Well, everything\'s settled then, right?" Nishimiya asked with a smile.

"Well if she is okay with this, I don\'t have much to say." Yasurouka mumbled.

"It\'s alright, there, there" Kizhashi patted her head with a smile on her face. Her usual smile back on her face.

"Come with me, we have to talk." Nishimiya grabbed Uyeno\'s hand and dragged her along with him as he made his way out of the dispersing crowd.

"Don\'t worry, we will get back to you on this." Isobe said with a smile before following Uyeno. As she said that, Kizhashi\'s shoulders became tense for a moment and her face became horrified. She kept staring at the walking figure of Isobe and Sakuma.

"Hey! Are you here?" Yasurouka called her out and it seemed to break her out of whatever phase she was in.

"Ye...Yeah, let\'s get back." She said walked in the classroom with her.

At last, I couldn\'t even know what actually happened that caused this huge drama. Disappointed by this development of events, I also headed inside the classroom.

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