
Chapter Volume 15 2.6

He Di disagreed withRong Hu’s words. “This brother has obviously never crossed paths with thepirates before. They are experts when it comes to sneak attacks. In theboundless sea, any direction you head towards could be a part of their trap.War is a merciless and cruel thing. If Duke Ming’s fleet cannot withstand asneak attack here on the river, then you will not fare well on the sea either.I cannot state any more clearly how beneficial this drill is for you. If thisprince did not come and expose your Xiao Family to a simulated naval battle,then who knows how you would hold up against true pirates. If a fight actuallystarted between you and them, there is no turning back. The things I say are toyour own benefit and should make you contemplate your current abilities.”

His words causedeveryone to become speechless.

Of course, no onethere was actually touched by his “good intentions.”

However, some aspectsof his argument made them reconsider their actions and response to an attack.

If they are already insuch bad conditions fighting on the Aman river, then the chances of survival onthe open sea is incredibly low.

Are the pirates of Dan Lin really that formidable?

Feng Ming’s naturaldisposition is not one of a brave and ruthless person. He merely was mimickinghow Rong Tian and the Xiao men would act. He had no choice but to keep up anappearance of superiority. He definitely could not allow the enemy to look downon him.

Therefore, afterhearing He Di’s argument, Feng Ming sneered and pointed out the loopholes inhis words. “On the sea, do they really have any need for a strategy such asreleasing a bunch of wood downstream? Isn’t it same as your highness implyingthat a river and the sea have similar water currents? If your highness reallywanted to help us practice, why did you prepare lethal weapons that caused my XiaoFamily fleet to nearly sink?”

He Di did not expectFeng Ming to ask such questions.

This Feng Ming truly is…

Suddenly, he threwhis head back and laughed heartily. His appearance was extremely arrogant.

Coldly, Luo Yun spokeup, “Can’t answer? You think we’ll let this matter pass if you just laugh?” Hisvoice reached a freezing point as he talked.

He Di ceased hislaughter as he looked at them with a cold smile. “Certainly, the sea does nothave an upstream nor a downstream, however it does have undercurrents andhidden reefs. Compared to mere wood scraps, they are much worse. Pirates arealso more prone to engage their enemies with powerful attacks. First, they willlure their prey into an area with undercurrents or reefs. Then they will attackwith incredible force. Duke Ming, do you dare to compare yourself with thosepirates who are familiar with the waters of Dan Lin? The Strait of Dan Lin isquite the devilish territory, you know? Ships are known to get destroyed oftenin the area.”

Feng Ming once againbecame speechless.

An ear-piercing soundcould be heard coming from behind. Turning around, the sails of the ship couldbe seen gradually leaning down as it made cracking noises. The fire had alreadybeen extinguished, however the ship was seriously damaged and appeared as if itwould sink anytime soon.

They were allextremely tired. Most of them had been hit by the anaesthetic arrows and wereleaning on their swords to maintain their balance. Their combat abilities havedecreased by 80%, but were still willing to fight if they had to.

But the main culpritof their problems was unexpectedly standing in front of them and spoutingnonsense about showing his “good intentions.”

He stood therearguing with their young lord, which only seemed to raise their ire.

As for Feng Ming, hehad the responsibility to protect the lives of the survivors and the reputationof both Xi Lei and the Xiao Family.

Even if it were RongTian, he would not be able to become as resolute as Feng Ming hearts right now.

He’s not wary of the bluff at all. I’m afraid that… I should look for amore graceful way of backing out of this embarrassing situation.

“Your highness’speech is reasonable.” Feng Ming lightly sighed.

All those behind him,seeing him severely criticize He Di in the beginning, had believed he wouldcontinue to strongly oppose the man. To their surprise, he suddenly conceded totheir enemy’s words.

“Based on tonight’sbattle, my previous opinion on Dan Lin’s pirates has completely been changed.Even though your drill has caused our Xiao Family to sustain heavy losses,compared to the benefits we have received from your good intentions, it isnothing. For us to receive your favour, Feng Ming is grateful.” He cupped hishands together and gave He Di a slight bow as a show of gratitude.

His actions put theothers in a daze, but Feng Ming had already continued on with his words. “Sinceyour highness has come with good will, please pardon my request. During thebattle, some of our men had been captured by your side; I implore you torelease them. As for the unfortunate subordinates of yours that we killed, FengMing is willing to compensate for them with our treasures as an expression ofmy guilt.”

When they releasedthe small boats to retaliate, 10 of them had flipped over, throwing off the menon board. However, they did not die in the waters or get hit by the woodscraps. Instead, all of them had been captured. Feng Ming, who witnessed this, felttroubled, but did not have the power to help them at the time. Their main shiphad almost fallen in the hands of the enemy, and they were busy defending.

In order to requestfor their return, he had to find the right timing.

His behaviororiginally caused the admiration Luo Yun, Luo Deng, and the Xiao Family’s menhad felt for him to plummet, but once they heard the request, they once againviewed their young lord in a new light.

He Di unexpectedlyagreed to his request without hesitation. “Of course. We were only trying tosave them, not capture them.”

“Kong Liu, go releasethem.”

Kong Liu waved hishands towards those behind him and commanded, “Let them go!”

Shadows began movingon the deck. Several small boats quickly appeared from He Di’s ship, paddlingtowards the Xiao Family’s ship.

Most of the people inthe boats arriving were Luo Deng’s subordinates. As long time comrades, theyall felt some form of affection for one another. It was a miracle seeing thesubordinates whom they thought had died. Even the serious and stoic captain,Luo Deng, appeared excited seeing them. Turning to Feng Ming, he quicklyrequested, “Young Lord, let me personally check their identities.”

Feng Ming nodded. LuoDeng immediately brought a few men with him towards the boats nearing the backrailings of the ship. They waited impatiently for the captured men to arrive.

Of course, they werestill wary of any tricks the enemy might have. Their hands remained aroundtheir weapons. If any unfamiliar faces popped up among those on the boats, theywould immediately kill them without consideration.

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