国自产拍 高清精品

Chapter 256

Mimi rolled her eyes at Draco flirting with her. Although those lines were kind of cheesy, they still made her giddy inside. After all, what woman in this world doesn’t like to be complimented?

To her surprise, Draco had arrived at seven o’clock on the dot for their date, no, dinner – not even a second late. A man who keeps his word, she loved that kind of personality. Most of her dates always arrive late and expect her to leave with them without even offering an apology.

Yep, most of her dates in the past were douchebags, and Mimi was not surprised by that since she always went for the pretty ones. Unfortunately, it was quite hard to find a sensible and faithful handsome boyfriend – they always had a replacement even while the relationship was ongoing.

Hence, after her last brief relationship, Mimi went on a break from dating. But that doesn’t mean it stopped her from appreciating handsome men. The only difference this time was that she could stare and flirt but no dating.

Neither could she afford a relationship when her life is this messed up. So she planned to turn Draco down after their dinner tonight if he plans to take things further. Until Arianna was free and settled down, she couldn’t have more distractions in her life.

“You never told me you were a sweet talker,” Mimi flirted back, placing her hand on his open palm as he guided her into the car.

Draco didn’t say a word, rather he helped her settle down on the front seat, helping her with the seat belt. Then he leaned towards her saying, “I am many things,” He winked and then pulled back while a smile curled Mimi’s lips. He was kind of cute and nice company. Maybe, this night wouldn’t be as boring as she thought.

Draco walked around the car to get to the driver’s side, settled down, and started the engine, the car roared to life and in no time, they were driving off to their destination.


“Where are you taking me?” Mimi asked, having no idea where they were headed and trying not to heed her inward fears currently springing on. What if this was a trap like Victor said? Well, she trusted Victor, look what she got in return.

“Relax, you’d know what we get there,” Was all he said, smiling at her assuredly.

Well, she didn’t sense any sinister intention from him nor was her instinct yelling at her to run. Moreover, Mimi was relieved by the feel of her switchblade in her purse. Her phone was in her other palm as well to call for help. In one word, she was prepared.

There was no cause for alarm because, in the next minute, Draco started a conversation with her, inquiring simple things about her like her middle name, best color, blah blah. It was just trivial questions that made the environment less scary and awkward.

It was a fifteen-minute ride before they got to the destination. Mimi knew the place, It was a newly opened high-end restaurant and she heard it can be a tough reservation to score. Wow, he went all out for their date, no, dinner, no, whatever! It seems she had a wrong impression of him.

As expected, everything about the place spelled luxury starting from the sparkling tiles to the reflective mirrors and crystal chandeliers to

their table where they were led and they both settled down.

Mimi and Draco made small talk while going through their six-course seasonal tasting menu, alongside a multi-sensory atmosphere of music, video, scents, and simulations.

In no time, they were served their

Confit duck foie Gras – she couldn’t properly pronounce – and they dug into their meal. Mimi wondered how she would go through all of these courses, but one thing was for sure, she was not missing the selection of cheeses and desserts. Those were the best parts!

Mimi and Draco didn’t talk much during mealtime and she was grateful for that because the food here was too good to be true. Gosh, Arianna should try...

Mimi’s mood suddenly depleted at the thought of Arianna. While she was having the time of her life, her friend was miserably stuck with a psychopathic Mafia don.

“What’s wrong?” Draco was quick to notice the change in her mood as usual.

“Girl’s problem,” Mimi said in a dismissive tone and Draco didn’t push much on the issue.

As much as Draco turned out to be better than she thought of him initially, she would not share that problem with him. It was personal and sensitive; neither were they close enough.

“Have you and Victor reconciled?” He suddenly asked and that made her lift her head with an arched brow.


“That day I came to your place, the both of you fought, remember?”

“Oh, right,” Mimi nodded, having remembered their conversation that day and how he thought the both of them were a couple.

She scratched her nape, how was she going to put this now, “The both of us are chill now...”

“But?” Draco sensed there was more from where that was coming from.

Mimi sighed, “You could say that we are not that close enough anymore,” She then fixed him with a serious gaze, “Hurt me once, I don’t forgive.”

He chuckled, “No no-nonsense type, huh?”

“Not really. I’m just not in the mood to waste my emotions on people who don’t deserve it anymore.”

“Is that so? But then, you gave me a second chance,” He reminded her.

“Well, we met by chance – if you hadn’t kidnapped me, I wouldn’t have known you existed. In one word, you can think of this as your one chance, you can grow it or ruin it. All left to you.”

“You are a really nice woman and I’m sorry for what I did to you,” Draco said to her and she shook her head.

“You apologized yesterday and you bought me dinner. I think that’s enough for an apology.” Mimi forgave him.

“In that case, you wouldn’t mind if I visited the restroom, right?”

“Of course! Sure, go do your thing,”

“Thank you, you’re too kind, Mimi,” Draco said and she didn’t get to see the menacing smile on his face as he turned.

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