国自产拍 高清精品

Chapter 325

Mimi tore her gaze away from her cell phone. She was probably sexting Victor and Arianna didn’t mind – as far as she doesn’t know the details.

“What do you think, Arianna?” Mimi sighed, as if she was tired of the questions, “I’ve already told you the truth, or do you want me to tell me what you would love to hear?” She offered her the truth.

“I just want you to console me,” Arianna sulked, throwing herself on the bed and bringing her down with her. Arianna fake cried – although she really wanted to for real, she can’t be seen as a crybaby – and Mimi comically made the gesture of coaxing her.

“Don’t cry sweetheart, the best part is that you won’t die from giving him a lap dance. If anything, the both of you might kick things off after the sweaty whining of hips and grinding,” She insinuated at them having sex afterward.

Arianna hardly recovered from that shocker when Mimi added immediately, “By the way, quick question, in case you lose, which I’m not praying you do....” She clarified when she saw the look of disbelief on Arianna’s face,

“But when it’s time for the lap dance of a thing, can you make it public, or even if you decide to go private, can I record it secretly? I mean, your love interest is an insanely, sexy cold-blooded motherfucker and you’re a twenty-three-year virgin and a damn good dancer, the scene would be awkward, good for comical relief, yet hot as sin. It would be like watching good-looking men while sucking down mojitos on a sunny day on the beach and I swear, it would break records on the internet. Your last video was quite a sensation, ” She reminded her while laughing, hopefully.

However, by the time Mimi was done babbling, Arianna looked at her as if she had finally lost her mind, before her expression morphed into a murderous one. So Mimi laughed it off.

“Haha, joking!” She signaled to Arianna to make her face look less serious, “I was just pulling your leg, although if you could still reconsider -”


“Mimi!” Arianna cautioned her, “That’s not helpful at all.” She was a bit under tension. It was not enough that everyone was interested in this match, her best friend was not helping matters.

After the fight with Marcel yesterday, his men finally accepted her and stopped giving her the judgmental look. Arianna thought that it was a good sign and was actually happy until she heard that every one of them would be around for today’s match – well except those on watch duty. But Arianna was sure every single one of the event would be recorded on their phones. It would be embarrassing to watch her ass handed down to her but that was not the end of it.

They made bets too. Yeah, you heard that right. They betted upon this match and each of them placed their money on Marcel. Not even a single fan. Yep, none of them had faith that she would win. Well, except Victor.

Yeah, Victor placed a bet on her not because he thought she was going to win but because she was his girlfriend’s best friend and he thought it was quite romantic to support Mimi’s relationship and it made him boyfriend material. The both of them were driving her crazy.

“I could give you something useful though,” Mimi probably said without thinking about it.

“Don’t give me ideas, Mimi. There’s barely an hour to the fight and my confidence has completely gone down the drain. There’s not even as much as little to lit a matchstick.” she complained.

But Mimi frowned down at her, “I’ve never been more serious in my entire life than now.”

Knowing her friend, Arianna sensed the sincerity in her tone and begrudgingly propped her head on her arm, giving her the attention, “Fine, I’m listening. what is it?”

Mimi propped her head as well and stared at her, saying, “The hard truth is that Marcel is going to defeat you.”

Arianna sighed, thanks for the motivational speech, bestie.

“However, that is only because this is his specialty. In one word, he’s in his element and all you can do is try to identify the crack and manipulate it to your favor.” Mimi said.

“And how do I exactly see the crack before even manipulating it?”

“Oh God,” Mimi sighed, the way a teacher would upon helping out a hopeless student, “We, the female, are the perfect crack in the dominated manhoodsy world.”

“Eww,” Arianna said, “And that is not even a word,” She referred to Mimi saying, “manhoodsy”

“No, it is not,” Mimi admitted, “However, I’m afraid that you, sister Virgin Mary would be burned by it so I preferred to use the less profane form of it, borrowed from my dictionary,” She taunted her.

“Haha, funny.” Arianna coughed.

“The only reason Marcel whacked your ass yesterday is that you faced him head-on like a man which you are not. Sadly, you’re a chick, and chicks fights with style,” She said.

“And your solution is?” Arianna still didn’t get the point. If anything, she had a feeling that whatever idea Mimi had in her head would land her in trouble.

“God, you are so hopeless,” Mimi huffed, then gestured for her to come closer.

As soon as Arianna was within hearing shot, she whispered an idea into her ears that made her go crimson red in the face.

“That is outrageous!” Arianna couldn’t even believe she would suggest that.

“What about this then,” Mimi gave her another idea and this time she actually found it interesting and was worth the chance.

Mimi proudly told her, “If there’s anything I know about men like the Luciano’s, it’s the fact that their pride is so huge that they should be touching the roof of heaven by now. He wouldn’t even see that coming.” She joked and Arianna couldn’t help but laugh.

She only prayed that this effort is worth it else it’s lap dancing the Mafia Lord who kidnapped her.

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