国自产拍 高清精品

Chapter 482

Arianna and Marcel slept off on the couch last night in the name of watching movies and judging from how comfortable she felt, she knew that Marcel had borne the brunt of her weight. Yeah, his arm must be dead from where she snuggled into all night and he was still asleep.

She got out of his arms seeing that it was morning and it was the day Mimi and Winters were supposed to go work for the Spencers. In one word, he should be awake already.

“Marcel...” Arianna shook him, but Marcel made no effort to wake up. She shook him again, still, yet, there was

no result and Arianna rubbed her temple, wondering how he was able to live this long when he slept like a log of wood.

If Arianna was an enemy, she would have taken him by surprise and ended his life already. But then, she knew Marcel won’t be too comfortable with her if she was an enemy. He might be in love with her, but he was not stupid.

Damn it, there was no way on earth she was pulling him up to his feet. Marcel weighed like an elephant and it wasn’t as romantic as people thought, not when she was buckling under his weight.

However, Arianna knew that Marcel rarely slept this deeply and for him to sleep this long was a luxury. It was either that he was away on a job or he was woken up from a bad dream and wasn’t able to go back to sleep.

Honestly, the best time Arianna saw Marcel sleep well was whenever they were together – especially when they had sex. It was as if she was his special sleeping drug. The thought made her lips curl up and her heart beat faster just as she came up with a brilliant plan to wake him.


Arianna knelt on the sofa, careful not to touch his dead arm, and then leaned into him so she buried her nose into the crook of his neck and inhaled his scent that made her feel heady. Arianna could not believe that there would come a time when she would get addicted to a man like this. It was a short time, but while what she had shared with Elijah was sweet, with Marcel, It was as if she was alive after being dead for so many years. She loved.... him deeply. Yeah, she loved him, Arianna finally realized it. The realization exhilarated and scared her at the same time.

What if Marcel broke her heart in the future? What if his feelings were a show and this was merely an act of revenge against Elijah? No, Arianna pushed those negative doubts to the back of her head. The signs were there, she would not allow her insecurities to destroy this beautiful thing she had with Marcel.

Arianna began to kiss his neck, sucking and nipping his flesh that his eyes flew open in no time and it brought a little, victorious smile to her lips. It seems like she just found the most effective way to wake Marcel up. But to her surprise, he tilted his head to the side giving her more access, and dug his hand into her hair, urging her face further into his neck.

Arianna pretended that she was a vampire, taking his soft skin in between her teeth and biting him hard, before kissing the skin to ease the pain. She trailed fiery kisses up and down his neck, along his jaw, and beneath his chin, feeling the faint stubbles on his face and when Marcel chuckled because it felt ticklish, she felt the deep vibration down to her core. Arianna didn’t even realize that she was playing with fire until she felt Marcel grab her ass and knead it.

She squealed, trying to jump out of his arms but Arianna landed in Marcel’s trap already and there was no escaping him. Last night, before they settled down for the movies in his home movie room – she didn’t even know that he had one – the both of them changed out of their formal clothes.

Marcel liked sleeping naked on most nights, claiming it was the most comfortable way of sleeping or something, she had not exactly been listening to that night because she was busy threatening him to get clothes on.

Thankfully, he had the decency of putting on a sweatpant yesterday leaving his chest bare while she wore shorts and a singlet. Arianna was not worried about catching a cold because Marcel’s body always seems to run hot, hence when she snuggled into his arms, she was all warm and cozy.

But not anymore.

Right now, Marcel looked nothing but like a big bad wolf about to eat her whole. Oh no, she wasn’t going to let that happen. She hadn’t even brushed her teeth. Hence Arianna had to summon a great deal of self-control to stop his advances.


“Mmm?” He murmured, kissing her neck while his large palms squeezed and kneaded her ass. Arianna bit back a moan, it was very tempting to take up this offer especially now her core was arching, Marcel has turned her into a sex addict because Arianna could not believe that she had a high libido. However, this was not the time and he must know that as well.

“Mimi and Winters leave for Spencer’s place today, you need to get prepared,” Arianna was close to moaning and taking him up on this offer.

“Okay,” Marcel said, yet made no effort to move. Just when Arianna opened her mouth to say something, he said instead, “Let’s bathe together, I promise to be quick.”

Arianna knew what Marcel was offering her and God damn it because it was really tempting, alluring. However, she knew Marcel, or rather understood the bond between the both of them, and the language, ‘quick’ was not in their dictionary. There was just no time, so she reminded him.

So she clasped his cheek, “Sorry, but Chloe can’t wait,” and that seemed to jolt Marcel from his lust-induced state and she knew the moment he gained his rationality.

“Alright then.” His eyes were clear now.

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